Hennig, Janosch ; Hennig, Klaus D. M. ; Sunnerhagen, Maria:
MTMDAT : Automated analysis and visualization of mass spectrometry data for tertiary and quaternary structure probing of proteins.
In: Bioinformatics.
Bd. 24
Heft 10
- S. 1310-1312.
ISSN 1367-4803
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btn116
In structural biology and -genomics, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and crystallography are the methods of choice, but sample requirements can be hard to fulfil. Valuable structural information can also be obtained by using a combination of limited proteolysis and mass spectrometry, providing not only knowledge of how to improve sample conditions for crystallization trials or NMR spectrosopy by gaining insight into subdomain identities but also probing tertiary and quaternary structure, folding and stability, ligand binding, protein interactions and the location of post-translational modifications. For high-throughput studies and larger proteins, however, this experimentally fast and easy approach produces considerable amounts of data, which until now has made the evaluation exceedingly laborious if at all manually possible. MTMDAT, equipped with a browser-like graphical user interface, accelerates this evaluation manifold by automated peak picking, assignment, data processing and visualization.