Guggenberger, Tobias ; Neubauer, Lena ; Stramm, Jan ; Völter, Fabiane ; Zwede, Till:
Accept Me as I Am or See Me Go : A Qualitative Analysis of User Acceptance of Self-Sovereign Identity Applications.
Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). -
Honolulu, HI
. - S. 6560-6569
ISBN 978-0-9981331-6-4
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Offizieller Projekttitel Projekt-ID Projektgruppe WI BLockchain-Labor Ohne Angabe |
Self-sovereign identity represents a novel phenomenon aiming to innovate how entities interact with, manage, and prove identity-related information. As with any emerging phenomenon, user acceptance represents a major challenge for the adoption of Self-sovereign identity. Since previous initiatives for digital identity management solutions have not been successfully adopted while at the same time their benefits arelargely driven by network effects,user acceptance research is of particular importance for Self-sovereign identity. Therefore, we investigate the user acceptance of Self-sovereign identitybyconducting a qualitative interview study. We contribute novel variables to existing theory and offer guidelines for building Self-sovereign identity systems.