Azmat, Ghazala ; Kaufmann, Katja ; Özdemir, Yasemin:
Fragile Boys (and Girls)? Determinants and Long-term Consequences of
Socioemotional Development.
Bonn ; Mannheim
- (Discussion Paper Series - CRC TR 224
; 299
We analyze the determinants and consequences of socioemotional development (SED) during adolescence. We causally estimate the impact of a large macro shock, the reunification of Germany, on the SED of East German youths, finding substantial negative effects in the short run. These effects are similar for male and female youths. However, linking changes in SED to behavior, we see stark differences by gender - observing important changes in externalizing behavior and behavioral control problems among boys only and changes in internalizing behavior among girls only. Ultimately, however, the effects on longer-run outcomes (subjective health, wellbeing, and educational attainment) are grave and similar for both genders.