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Deconstructing Postcolonial Scopic Regimes : The Subversion of Power Imaginaries in the Novels of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o and Sony Labou Tansi (Trans. from English by Viktoria Vinokurova)

Title data

Ndi, Gilbert Shang:
Deconstructing Postcolonial Scopic Regimes : The Subversion of Power Imaginaries in the Novels of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o and Sony Labou Tansi (Trans. from English by Viktoria Vinokurova).
In: In your own Words. (2021) Issue 2 . - pp. 75-95.

Official URL: Volltext

Abstract in another language

This paper examines the relationship between visuality, knowledge
and power in the postcolonial African novel. Against the background
of hegemonic regimes based surveillance of the subject, Ngugi
wa Thiong’o and Labou Tansi build their texts on visual tactics and
practices that subvert the capacity of the state apparatus to see,
hence to know the subject. Bordering on humour, parody, graffiti,
bricolage and surrealist representation, the two authors “play” with
the state Panopticon, creating avenues for countervailing meanings
that elude the dominant regimes of vision, knowledge and power.

Abstract in another language

В статье исследуется взаимосвязь между визуальностью, знани
ем и властью в постколониальном африканском романе. На фоне
гегемоний, непрерывно наблюдающих за подданными, Нгуги Ва
Тхионго и Сони Лабу Танси строят свои тексты на визуальных прак
тиках, подрывающих способность государства видеть, а следова
тельно, знать своих подданных. Сочетая юмор, пародию, граффити
и сюрреалистические образы, два автора «играют» с государствен
ным паноптикумом, уравновешивая смыслы, ускользающие от до
минирующих режимов видения, знания и власти.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: No
Keywords: Panopticon; visuality; subversion; bricolage
Subject classification: Literature/Cultural Studies
Institutions of the University: Profile Fields > Advanced Fields > African Studies
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 800 Literature > 890 Other literatures
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2024 11:34
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2024 11:34