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User Guidance and Automatic Completion for Generating Planar B-Rep Models


Rohner, Dorian ; Sand, Maximilian ; Henrich, Dominik:
User Guidance and Automatic Completion for Generating Planar B-Rep Models.
In: Schüppstuhl, Thorsten ; Tracht, Kirsten ; Henrich, Dominik (Hrsg.): Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics. - Berlin : Springer Vieweg , 2020 . - S. 33-43
ISBN 978-3-662-61755-7

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A representation of the world as a 3D model is a common necessity in robotics and automation. In previous work, we developed a concept to generate boundary representation (B-Rep) models from multiple point clouds using a hand-held depth-camera and to register them without a prior known pose. During the online reconstruction, properties of the sensor and the system (like noise) lead to small holes in the B-Rep. To prevent tedious post-processing, holes should be closed during the reconstruction. Our goal is to automatically close identified holes. However, not every hole can be closed automatically, as it may be unreasonable. For this case we develop a visual indication for the user, so he can close the hole by recording another depth image. In an experimental validation, we conclude the usefulness of the addition to the system.

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Publikationsform: Aufsatz in einem Buch
Begutachteter Beitrag: Ja
Keywords: Reconstruction; Volumetric models; Visualization; CAD
Institutionen der Universität: Fakultäten > Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik > Institut für Informatik > Lehrstuhl Angewandte Informatik III > Lehrstuhl Angewandte Informatik III - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Henrich
Titel an der UBT entstanden: Ja
Themengebiete aus DDC: 000 Informatik,Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke > 004 Informatik
Eingestellt am: 14 Feb 2025 14:53
Letzte Änderung: 14 Feb 2025 14:53