Mironchenko, Andrii:
Input-to-State Stability of Distributed Parameter Systems.
. - 285 S.
, Universität Passau, Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2302.00535
Rez.: |
Nonlinear distributed parameter systems with both distributed and boundary inputs are used to model a broad range of phenomena, including chemical reactors, fluid and gas dynamics, traffic networks, multi-body systems (e.g., robotic arms, flexible elements), adaptive optics, fluid-structure interactions (e.g., dynamics of aircraft wings), etc. For many classes of such systems, it is known that small disturbances coming from actuator and observation errors, hidden dynamics, and external disturbances can dramatically reduce the performance, alter the stability, or even destabilize the control system. Counteracting to these challenges requires the development of methods for the design of robust controllers and observers for nonlinear distributed parameter systems that ensure the reliability and efficiency of closed-loop systems. This objective has to be achieved despite the fact that usually infinite-dimensional systems have to be controlled using finitely many (and usually very few) actuators and sensors that can be accessed possibly only at some discrete moments of time and which can frequently be placed merely at the boundary of the spatial domain.
A systematic framework that solves the counterparts of these problems for finite-dimensional nonlinear systems was developed around the notion of input-to-state stability (ISS), introduced by E. Sontag at the dawn of the 1990s. ISS combines two different types of stability behavior: stability in the sense of Lyapunov and input-output stability. The unified treatment of external and internal stability has made ISS a central tool in robust stability analysis. ISS plays a vital role in many fields of nonlinear control, including robust stabilization of nonlinear systems, stabilization via controllers with saturation, design of robust nonlinear observers, nonlinear detectability, ISS feedback redesign, stability of nonlinear networked control systems, supervisory adaptive control, and others.
In this work, we develop an input-to-state stability theory for a broad class of infinite-dimensional systems encompassing partial differential equations (PDEs), time-delay systems, ordinary differential equations (ODEs), ensembles, as well as interconnections of heterogeneous systems consisting of an arbitrary number of finite- and infinite-dimensional components, with both in-domain and boundary couplings. On the one hand, this provides a solid basis to treat the questions in robust control and observation of infinite-dimensional systems summarized above. On the other hand, the interest in such a general theory is driven by the desire to create an overarching framework that provides a unifying view of ISS theories for various classes of systems.
Weitere Angaben
Publikationsform: | Habilitation |
Zusätzliche Informationen: | Contents:
Acknowledgements Acronyms Glossary Preface 1 Introduction 1.1 General class of systems 1.2 Forward completeness and BRS 1.3 Input-to-state stability 1.4 Density argument 1.5 ISS Lyapunov functions 1.6 Examples 1.7 Concluding remarks 2 Evolution equations: Well-posedness 2.1 Linear systems 2.2 Semilinear evolution equations with unbounded input operators 2.3 Boundary control systems 2.4 Semilinear analytic systems 2.5 Concluding remarks 3 ISS superposition theorems 3.1 Stability properties 3.2 ISS superposition theorem 3.3 Integral characterization of ISS 3.3.1 Remark on input-to-state practical stability 3.4 Strong input-to-state stability 3.5 Counterexamples 3.6 Systems without inputs 3.7 Concluding remarks 4 Lyapunov criteria 4.1 Non-coercive ISS Lyapunov functions 4.2 Alternative definitions of ISS Lyapunov functions 4.3 Characterization of local input-to-state stability 4.4 Converse ISS Lyapunov theorems for semilinear systems 4.5 Lyapunov characterization for ISS of linear systems with bounded input operators 4.6 ISS Lyapunov functions for linear systems 4.7 ISS superposition theorems for Lipschitz continuous systems 4.8 Concluding remarks 5 Integral input-to-state stability 5.1 Basic properties of iISS systems 5.2 Bilinear systems 5.3 Examples 5.4 Integral ISS of linear systems 5.5 Diagonal systems 5.6 Concluding remarks 6 Infinite interconnections: Non-Lyapunov methods 179 6.1 Infinite interconnections 6.2 Stability of discrete-time systems 6.3 Small-gain theorems 6.4 Small-gain conditions 6.5 Exponential ISS of homogeneous subadditive systems 6.6 Systems with linear gains 6.7 Systems, governed by a max-form gain operator 6.8 Concluding remarks 7 Lyapunov-based small-gain theorems 209 7.1 Interconnections of ISS systems 7.2 Lyapunov-based small-gain theorems 7.3 Interconnections of integral ISS systems 7.4 Concluding remarks Conclusion Appendices A Compendium of finite-dimensional ISS theory B Comparison functions B.1 Comparison functions B.2 Marginal functions B.3 Dini derivatives B.4 Comparison principles B.5 Concluding remarks C Ordered Banach spaces and positive operators C.1 Ordered Banach spaces C.2 Systematics of cones C.3 Banach lattices C.4 The distance to the cone C.5 Positive operators C.6 Duality of ordered Banach spaces C.7 Complexifications C.8 Monotone control systems C.9 Linear monotone discrete-time systems D Sobolev spaces and inequalities D.1 Spaces of integrable functions D.2 Elementary inequalities D.3 Weak derivatives D.4 Hölder spaces D.5 Sobolev spaces D.6 Integral inequalities for 1-dimensional domains D.7 An inequality for the Kuramoto-Sivashinskiy equation D.8 Concluding remarks Bibliography |
Keywords: | input-to-state stability (ISS); input-output stability; Lyapunov stability; infinite-dimensional control systems; in-domain and boundary couplings |
Institutionen der Universität: | Fakultäten > Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik > Mathematisches Institut > Lehrstuhl Mathematik V (Angewandte Mathematik) Profilfelder > Advanced Fields > Nichtlineare Dynamik |
Titel an der UBT entstanden: | Nein |
Themengebiete aus DDC: | 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 510 Mathematik |
Eingestellt am: | 10 Mär 2025 07:44 |
Letzte Änderung: | 10 Mär 2025 07:44 |
URI: | https://eref.uni-bayreuth.de/id/eprint/92672 |