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Manipulating deformable linear objects : Contact states and point contacts


Henrich, Dominik ; Ogasawara, Tsukasa ; Wörn, Heinz:
Manipulating deformable linear objects : Contact states and point contacts.
In: Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning. - Porto, Portugal , 1999 . - S. 198-204

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The task of handling non-rigid one-dimensional objects by a robot manipulation system is investigated. To distinguish between different non-rigid object behaviors, five classes of deformable objects from a robotic point of view are proposed. Additionally, an enumeration of all possible contact states of one-dimensional objects with polyhedral obstacles is provided. Finally, the qualitative motion behavior of linear objects is analyzed for stable point contacts. Experiments with different materials validate the analytical results.

Weitere Angaben

Publikationsform: Aufsatz in einem Buch
Begutachteter Beitrag: Ja
Institutionen der Universität: Fakultäten > Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik > Institut für Informatik > Lehrstuhl Angewandte Informatik III > Lehrstuhl Angewandte Informatik III - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Henrich
Titel an der UBT entstanden: Nein
Themengebiete aus DDC: 000 Informatik,Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke > 004 Informatik
Eingestellt am: 11 Mär 2025 09:27
Letzte Änderung: 11 Mär 2025 09:27