Title data
Fremerey, Peter ; Rauch, Dieter ; Moos, Ralf ; Jess, Andreas:
Detection of coke loading on fixed bed catalyst by a contactless microwave-based method.
Event: 15th International Congress on Catalysis 2012
, 01.-06.07.2012
, München, Deutschland.
(Conference item: Conference
Abstract in another language
The aim of this work is to investigate a novel contactless in-operando microwave-based measurement technique for the detection of coke deposits in industrial fixed-bed catalysts. Their steel reactors serve as cavity resonators for microwaves. Due to coke loading, the electrical conductivity of the catalyst pellets increases strongly. This leads to changes in the resonance behavior that are mirrored by the scattering parameters. The regeneration of the coked catalyst by coke burn-off is examined as well.