Schmidt-Kessel, Martin:
Civil Sales Law, Commercial Sales Law, Consumer Sales Directive, CISG, CESL - Enough is Enough?
In: Lehmann, Matthias
Common European sales law meets reality. -
: De Gruyter
. - S. 171-182
. - (Schriften zum Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht
ISBN 978-3-86653-994-5
Angaben zu Projekten
Projekttitel: |
Offizieller Projekttitel Projekt-ID Stiftungslehrstuhl Verbraucherrecht Ohne Angabe |
Projektfinanzierung: |
With the Regulation for a Common European Sales Law (CESL) already appearing on the horizon, it is time to consider the practical impact the instrument will have. What are the specific challenges from the point of view of politics, society, the judiciary, and academia? For instance, does a European sales pose a threat to Member States' codifications of civil law as symbols of national sovereignty? What are the potential benefits of a further sales regime, in addition to national law and the CISG? How can national courts keep track of it? Do the contracting parties really have a choice, as the "blue button"-concept suggests? How can a further sales regime be integrated into the academic curriculum? The book "COMMON EUROPEAN SALES LAW MEETS REALITY" tries to answer these important questions. It is addressed to legal practitioners, teachers, researchers and students alike.