Ernst, Wolf-Dieter ; Hutta, Jan Simon:
Enacting Speculation : The Paradoxical Epistemology of Performance as Research.
In: Cortiel, Jeanne ; Hanke, Christine ; Hutta, Jan Simon ; Milburn, Colin
Practices of Speculation : Modeling, Embodiment, Figuration. -
: transcript
. - S. 167-188
. - (Edition Kulturwissenschaft
; 202
ISBN 978-3-8376-4751-8
Angaben zu Projekten
Projekttitel: |
Offizieller Projekttitel Projekt-ID Emerging Field "Kulturbegegnungen und transkulturelle Prozesse", Profillinie "Körper" Ohne Angabe |
The article is a hands-on reflection of speculation and embodied knowledge. Drawing on the 2016 interdisciplinary seminar “Mapping Bayreuth” conducted in collaboration with Matt Adams from the arts collective Blast Theory, the authors flag out the potential of performance as research for affirmative speculation.
Those interested in teaching and collaborative learning/research might benefit from the interdisciplinary report to foster more kinds of speculative practice on
which learning as well as research depends.