Title data
Reiß, Sebastian ; Wedemann, Marion ; Spörl, Matthias ; Fischerauer, Gerhard ; Moos, Ralf:
Effects of H₂O, CO₂, CO, and flow rates on the RF-based monitoring of three-way catalysts.
In: Sensor Letters.
Vol. 9
Issue 1
- pp. 316-320.
ISSN 1546-198X
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1166/sl.2011.1472
Project information
Project title: |
Project's official title Project's id No information MO 1060/6-1 No information FI 956/3-1 |
Project financing: |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
Abstract in another language
At the moment, the operating conditions for best conversion of limited emissions of gasoline engines are controlled by lambda probes upstream and downstream of the three-way catalyst. Their signals are the basis for complex oxygen loading models of the catalyst. A novel approach is to directly determine the catalyst state without lambda probes via a contactless monitoring system based on the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the catalyst. We could show previously that the resonance frequencies of the catalyst-filled housing are strongly correlated with the oxygen loading of the catalyst. In this study, it is shown that cross-effects of water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and gas flow rate can be neglected.