Gleißner, Michael ; Häring, Johannes ; Wondrak, Wolfgang ; Bakran, Mark-M.:
Analytical computation of normal and fault-tolerant active short circuit
operation of anisotropic synchronous double star machines.
2020 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe). -
Piscataway, NJ
ISBN 978-9-0758-1536-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23919/EPE20ECCEEurope43536.2020.9215753
The analytical computation of anisotropic synchronous machines enables a fast and simple assessment of
the speed-torque operation range depending on the machine parameters. A known analytical approach
considering stator resistance and mutual inductance for three-phase machines is extended to double star
machines for normal and fault-tolerant mode. The decisive parameters for a successful degraded operation
with an active short-circuit of one of the two winding systems are evaluated, which reduces the number of
disconnection elements for short-on failures of switches and windings.