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Making Thin and Dense Ceramic Membranes at Room Temperature using Powder Aerosol Deposition

Title data

Nazarenus, Tobias ; Kita, Jaroslaw ; Moos, Ralf ; Exner, Jörg:
Making Thin and Dense Ceramic Membranes at Room Temperature using Powder Aerosol Deposition.
Event: Solid State Proton Conductors (SSPC-20) , 27.9.-1.10.2021 , Bad Aibling (online).
(Conference item: Conference , Speech )

Abstract in another language

Ceramic compounds based on the perovskite material classes of barium zirconate (BaZrO3) and barium cerate (BaCeO3) are potential candidates to improve solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) by lowering their operation temperature and raising performance levels. This is achieved by transporting proton as charge carriers instead of oxide ions like found in conventional zirconia based SOFCs. However, a major drawback still limits the use of proton conducting solid electrolytes: very high sintering temperatures of up to 1800 °C are currently necessary to produce the dense and therefore gastight membranes. The challenge to fabricate a dense yet thin membrane may be resolved by a novel ceramic spray coating technique called Powder Aerosol Deposition (abbreviated PAD or AD). This method enables to build ceramics films that meet the requirements of a very small porosity and high performance, however without the necessity of conventional sintering! Here, ceramic films are processed completely at room temperature by just spraying a dry, micrometer-sized powder. Directly after deposition, films already feature typical ceramic characteristics like a high hardness and a high wear resistance. These properties are the result of the dense, nanocrystalline film morphology that is obtained through the underlying deposition mechanism of PAD, usually described as Room Temperature Impact Consolidation (RTIC). Films with thicknesses between 1 µm and 100 µm can easily be formed on almost all kinds of substrates, even with a porous structure. As-deposited PAD films typically exhibit a lowered electrical conductivity, but a moderate thermal annealing (way below sintering temperatures) enables to regain near-bulk-like values. In this contribution, we survey the PAD method and demonstrate its potential for SOFC membranes.

Further data

Item Type: Conference item (Speech)
Refereed: Yes
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculties > Faculty of Engineering Science > Chair Functional Materials > Chair Functional Materials - Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Moos
Profile Fields > Advanced Fields > Advanced Materials
Research Institutions > Research Centres > Bayreuth Center for Material Science and Engineering - BayMAT
Faculties > Faculty of Engineering Science > Chair Functional Materials
Profile Fields
Profile Fields > Advanced Fields
Research Institutions
Research Institutions > Research Centres
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2021 06:11
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2021 06:11