Walther, Sebastian ; Eymann, Torsten ; Otto, Boris ; Buck, Christoph ; Phadke, Gaurang:
The Influence of Prior On-Premise Use on the Confirmation and Perception of Infrastructure-Specific System Quality : An Empirical Study.
Kundisch, Dennis ; Suhl, Leena ; Beckmann, Lars (Hrsg.): MKWI 2014 - Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik : Tagungsband. -
. - S. 22-33
ISBN 978-3-00-045311-3
The paper examines the role of prior on-premise enterprise systems use on the confirmation and perception of the infrastructure-specific system quality of cloud enterprise systems. The research model is built on expectation-confirmation theory conceptualizing and interlinking the different elements of system quality which differ strongly between on-premise and cloud solutions. To answer the research question, an empirical study using survey-methodology was conducted. The data was analysed using SmartPLS. Results show that most of the confirmation can be explained through SaaS-specific system quality. In addition, we identified a significant relationship between past experience with on-premise and confirmation.