Walther, Sebastian ; Eymann, Torsten:
The Role of Confirmation on IS Continuance Intention in the Context of On-Demand Enterprise Systems in the Post-Acceptance Phase.
AMCIS 2012 Proceedings, Paper 2. -
The research project examines expectations as well as organizational and technological cognitive beliefs influencing a company's intention to continue using on-demand enterprise systems in the post-acceptance phase. Expectation-confirmation theory from behavior literature is integrated with Delone & McLean's model of IS success to theorize a model of IS continuance on company level. The decision making process to continue using an information system in small and middle enterprises as main target customer group of cloud-based enterprise systems is modeled by re-introducing the attitude construct from adoption literature. Additionally, post-purchase expectations are included as influence factor of attitude and intention in the continuance context. To prevent cloud-washing, attention is drawn to the substantive differences between service and application quality of on-demand enterprise systems.