Title data
Balke, Tina ; Novais, Paulo ; Andrade, Francisco ; Eymann, Torsten:
From Real-World Regulations to Concrete Norms for Software Agents : A Case-Based Reasoning Approach.
Poblet, Marta ; Schild, Uri ; Zeleznikow, John (Hrsg.): Legal and Negotiation Support Systems 2009. -
. - pp. 14-27
. - (CEUR Workshop Proceedings
; 482
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Abstract in another language
When trying to use software agents (SAs) for real-world business and thereby putting them in a situation to operate under real-world laws, the abstractness of human regulations often poses severe problems. Thus, human regulations are written in a very abstract way, making them open to a wide range of interpretations and applicable for several scenarios as well as stable over a longer period of time. However, in order to be applicable for SAs, regulations need to be precise and unambiguous. This paper presents a case-based reasoning approach in order to bridge the gap between abstract human regulations and the concrete regulations needed for SAs, by developing and using a knowledge base that can be used for drawing analogies and thereby serves as reference for ``translating'' abstract terms in human regulations.