Institutionen der Universität Bayreuth Lehrstuhl Bodenökologie - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 111. A
Amelung, Wulf ; Tang, Ni ; Siebers, Nina ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Eusterhues, Karin ; Felde, Vincent J. M. N. L. ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Kaiser, Klaus ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Klumpp, Erwin ; Knief, Claudia ; Kruse, Jens ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Mikutta, Robert ; Peth, Stephan ; Ray, Nadja ; Prechtel, Alexander ; Ritschel, Thomas ; Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Woche, Susanne K. ; Wu, Bei ; Totsche, Kai U.:
Architecture of soil microaggregates : Advanced methodologies to explore properties and functions.
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.
Bd. 187
Heft 1
- S. 17-50.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202300149
Amelung, Wulf ; Meyer, Nele ; Rodionov, Andrei ; Knief, Claudia ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Bauke, Sara L. ; Biesgen, Danh ; Dultz, Stefan ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Jaber, Maguy ; Klumpp, Erwin ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Nischwitz, Volker ; Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Wu, Bei ; Totsche, Kai U. ; Lehndorff, Eva:
Process sequence of soil aggregate formation disentangled through multi-isotope labelling.
In: Geoderma.
Bd. 429
- 116226.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116226
Bauke, Sara L. ; Amelung, Wulf ; Bol, Roland ; Brandt, Luise ; Brüggemann, Nicolas ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Meyer, Nele ; Or, Dani ; Schnepf, Andrea ; Schloter, Michael ; Schulz, Stefanie ; Siebers, Nina ; von Sperber, Christian ; Vereecken, Harry:
Soil water status shapes nutrient cycling in agroecosystems from micrometer to landscape scales.
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.
Bd. 185
Heft 6
- S. 773-792.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202200357
Bernhard, Nadine ; Moskwa, Lisa-Marie ; Schmidt, Karsten ; Oeser, Ralf A. ; Aburto, Felipe ; Bader, Maaike Y. ; Baumann, Karen ; von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm ; Boy, Jens ; van den Brink, Liesbeth ; Brucker, Emanuel ; Büdel, Burkhard ; Canessa, Rafaella ; Dippold, Michaela A. ; Ehlers, Todd A. ; Fuentes, Juan P. ; Godoy, Roberto ; Jung, Patrick ; Karsten, Ulf ; Köster, Moritz ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Leinweber, Peter ; Neidhardt, Harald ; Matus, Francisco J. ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Oelmann, Yvonne ; Oses, Rómulo ; Osses, Pablo ; Paulino, Leandro ; Samolov, Elena ; Schaller, Mirjam ; Schmid, Manuel ; Spielvogel, Sandra ; Spohn, Marie ; Stock, Svenja ; Stroncik, Nicole ; Tielbörger, Katja ; Übernickel, Kirstin ; Scholten, Thomas ; Seguel, Oscar ; Wagner, Dirk ; Kühn, Peter:
Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography : New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile.
In: Catena.
Bd. 170
- S. 335-355.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.018
Edelmann, Pascal ; Weisser, Wolfgang ; Ambarlı, Didem ; Bässler, Claus ; Buscot, François ; Hofrichter, Martin ; Hoppe, Björn ; Kellner, Harald ; Minnich, Cynthia ; Moll, Julia ; Peršoh, Derek ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Seilwinder, Claudia ; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef ; Wöllauer, Stephan ; Borken, Werner:
Regional variation in deadwood decay of 13 tree species : Effects of climate, soil and forest structure.
In: Forest Ecology and Management.
Bd. 541
- 121094.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121094
Gavrichkova, Olga ; Liberati, Dario ; de Dato, Giovanbattista ; Jaoudé, Renée A. ; Brugnoli, Enrico ; De Angelis, Paolo ; Guidolotti, Gabriele ; Pausch, Johanna ; Spohn, Marie ; Tian, Jing ; Kuzyakov, Yakov:
Effects of rain shortage on carbon allocation, pools and fluxes in a mediterranean shrub ecosystem : A¹³C labeling field study.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Bd. 627
- S. 1242-1252.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.311
Heinzle, Jakob ; Liu, Xiaofei ; Tian, Ye ; Kwatcho Kengdo, Steve ; Heinze, Berthold ; Nirschi, Annika ; Borken, Werner ; Inselsbacher, Erich ; Wanek, Wolfgang ; Schindlbacher, Andreas:
Increase in fine root biomass enhances root exudation by long-term soil warming in a temperate forest.
In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.
Bd. 6
- 1152142.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2023.1152142
Kipping, Lydia ; Jehmlich, Nico ; Moll, Julia ; Noll, Matthias ; Gossner, Martin M. ; Van Den Bossche, Tim ; Edelmann, Pascal ; Borken, Werner ; Hofrichter, Martin ; Kellner, Harald:
Enzymatic machinery of wood-inhabiting fungi that degrade temperate tree species.
In: The ISME Journal.
Bd. 18
Heft 1
- wrae050.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ismejo/wrae050
Kölbl, Angelika ; Schad, Peter ; Jahn, Reinhold ; Amelung, Wulf ; Bannert, Andrea ; Cao, Zhi-Hong ; Fiedler, Sabine ; Kalbitz, Karsten ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Mueller-Niggemann, Cornelia ; Schloter, Michael ; Schwark, Lorenz ; Vogelsang, Vanessa ; Wissing, Livia ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid:
Accelerated soil formation due to paddy management on marshlands (Zhejiang Province, China).
In: Geoderma.
Bd. 228-229
- S. 67-89.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.09.005
Liu, Xiaofei ; Tian, Ye ; Heinzle, Jakob ; Salas, Erika ; Kwatcho- Kengdo, Steve ; Borken, Werner ; Schindlbacher, Andreas ; Wanek, Wolfgang:
Long- term soil warming decreases soil microbial necromass carbon by adversely affecting its production and decomposition.
Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Center of Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
In: Global Change Biology.
Bd. 30
Heft 6
- e17379.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17379
Liu, Xiaofei ; Heinzle, Jakob ; Tian, Ye ; Salas, Erika ; Kwatcho Kengdo, Steve ; Borken, Werner ; Schindlbacher, Andreas ; Wanek, Wolfgang:
Long‐term soil warming changes the profile of primary metabolites in fine roots of Norway spruce in a temperate montane forest.
Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, Center of Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, Division of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
In: Plant, Cell & Environment.
Bd. 47
Heft 11
- S. 4212-4226.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.15019
Lippold, Eva ; Schlüter, Steffen ; Müller, Carsten W. ; Höschen, Carmen ; Harrington, Gertraud ; Kilian, Rüdiger ; Gocke, Martina I. ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Mikutta, Robert ; Vetterlein, Doris:
Correlative Imaging of the Rhizosphere : A Multimethod Workflow for Targeted Mapping of Chemical Gradients.
In: Environmental Science & Technology.
Bd. 57
Heft 3
- S. 1538-1549.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c07340
Lehndorff, Eva ; Houtermans, Miriam ; Winkler, Pauline ; Kaiser, Klaus ; Kölbl, Angelika ; Romani, Marco ; Said-Pullicino, Daniel ; Utami, Sri Rahayu ; Zhang, Gang-Lin ; Cao, Zhi-Hong ; Mikutta, Robert ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Amelung, Wulf:
Black carbon and black nitrogen storage under long-term paddy and non-paddy management in major reference soil groups.
In: Geoderma.
Bd. 284
- S. 214-225.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.08.026
Meyer, Nele ; Xu, Yi ; Karjalainen, Katri ; Adamczyk, Sylwia ; Biasi, Christina ; van Delden, Lona ; Martin, Angela ; Mganga, Kevin ; Myller, Kristiina ; Sietiö, Outi-Maaria ; Suominen, Otso ; Karhu, Kristiina:
Living, dead, and absent trees : How do moth outbreaks shape small-scale patterns of soil organic matter stocks and dynamics at the Subarctic mountain birch treeline?
In: Global Change Biology.
Bd. 28
Heft 2
- S. 441-462.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006122
Oeser, Ralf A. ; Stroncik, Nicole ; Moskwa, Lisa-Marie ; Bernhard, Nadine ; Schaller, Mirjam ; Canessa, Rafaella ; van den Brink, Liesbeth ; Köster, Moritz ; Brucker, Emanuel ; Stock, Svenja ; Fuentes, Juan Pablo ; Godoy, Roberto ; Matus, Francisco J. ; Pedraza, Rómulo Oses ; McIntyre, Pablo Osses ; Paulino, Leandro ; Seguel, Oscar ; Bader, Maaike Y. ; Boy, Jens ; Dippold, Michaela A. ; Ehlers, Todd A. ; Kühn, Peter ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Leinweber, Peter ; Scholten, Thomas ; Spielvogel, Sandra ; Spohn, Marie ; Übernickel, Kirstin ; Tielbörger, Katja ; Wagner, Dirk ; von Blanckenburg, Friedhelm:
Chemistry and microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera.
In: Catena.
Bd. 170
- S. 183-203.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.002
Roy, Friederike ; Ibayev, Orkhan ; Arnstadt, Tobias ; Bässler, Claus ; Borken, Werner ; Groß, Christina ; Hoppe, Björn ; Hossen, Shakhawat ; Kahl, Tiemo ; Moll, Julia ; Noll, Matthias ; Purahong, Witoon ; Schreiber, Jasper ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Hofrichter, Martin ; Kellner, Harald:
Nitrogen addition increases mass loss of gymnosperm but not of angiosperm deadwood without changing microbial communities.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Bd. 900
- 165868.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165868
Roth, Philipp J. ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Cao, Zhi-Hong ; Zhuang, Shunyao ; Bannert, Andrea ; Wissing, Livia ; Schloter, Michael ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Amelung, Wulf:
Accumulation of nitrogen and microbial residues during 2000 years of rice paddy and non-paddy soil development in the Yangtze River Delta, China.
In: Global Change Biology.
Bd. 17
Heft 11
- S. 3405-3417.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02500.x
Strobel, Paul ; Henning, Theresa ; Bliedtner, Marcel ; Mosher, Stella G. ; Rahimova, Humay ; Haberzettl, Torsten ; Kirsten, Kelly L. ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Power, Mitchell J. ; Zech, Michael ; Zech, Roland:
Holocene fire dynamics and their climatic controls on the southern Cape coast of South Africa : A 7.2 ka multi-proxy record from the peatland Vankervelsvlei.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews.
Bd. 325
- 108464.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108464
Scherer, Sascha ; Höpfer, Benjamin ; Deckers, Katleen ; Fuchs, Markus ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Lomax, Johanna ; Marhan, Sven ; Poll, Christian ; Wroth, Kristen ; Knopf, Thomas ; Scholten, Thomas ; Kühn, Peter:
Archaeopedological reconstruction of Middle Bronze Age subsistence farming in SW-Germany from sedimentary archives in the Western Allgäu.
In: Geoderma Regional.
Bd. 35
- e00715.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00715
Shi, Chupei ; Urbina Malo, Carolina ; Tian, Ye ; Heinzle, Jakob ; Kwatcho Kengdo, Steve ; Inselsbacher, Erich ; Borken, Werner ; Schindlbacher, Andreas ; Wanek, Wolfgang:
Does long-term soil warming affect microbial element limitation? A test by short-term assays of microbial growth responses to labile C, N and P additions.
In: Global Change Biology.
Bd. 29
Heft 8
- S. 2188-2202.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16591
Sim, Thomas G. ; Swindles, Graeme T. ; Morris, Paul J. ; Baird, Andy J. ; Gallego-Sala, Angela V. ; Wang, Yuwan ; Blaauw, Maarten ; Camill, Philip ; Garneau, Michelle ; Hardiman, Mark ; Loisel, Julie ; Vӓliranta, Minna ; Anderson, Lysanna ; Apolinarska, Karina ; Augustijns, Femke ; Aunina, Liene ; Beaulne, Joannie ; Bobek, Přemysl ; Borken, Werner ; Broothaerts, Nils ; Cui, Qiao-Yu ; Davies, Marissa A. ; Ejarque, Ana ; Farrell, Michelle ; Feeser, Ingo ; Feurdean, Angelica ; Fewster, Richard E. ; Finkelstein, Sarah A. ; Gaillard, Marie-José ; Gałka, Mariusz ; Heffernan, Liam ; Hoevers, Renske ; Jones, Miriam ; Juselius-Rajamäki, Teemu ; Karofeld, Edgar ; Knorr, Klaus-Holger ; Korhola, Atte ; Kupriyanov, Dmitri ; Kylander, Malin E. ; Lacourse, Terri ; Lamentowicz, Mariusz ; Lavoie, Martin ; Lemdahl, Geoffrey ; Łuców, Dominika ; Magnan, Gabriel ; Maksims, Alekss ; Mansilla, Claudia A. ; Marcisz, Katarzyna ; Marinova, Elena ; Mathijssen, Paul J. H. ; Mauquoy, Dmitri ; Mazei, Yuri A. ; Mazei, Natalia ; McCarroll, Julia ; McCulloch, Robert D. ; Milner, Alice M. ; Miras, Yannick ; Mitchell, Fraser J. G. ; Novenko, Elena ; Pelletier, Nicolas ; Peros, Matthew C. ; Piilo, Sanna R. ; Pilote, Louis-Martin ; Primeau, Guillaume ; Rius, Damien ; Robin, Vincent ; Robitaille, Mylène ; Roland, Thomas P. ; Ryberg, Eleonor ; Sannel, A. Britta K. ; Schittek, Karsten ; Servera-Vives, Gabriel ; Shotyk, William ; Słowinski, Michał ; Stivrins, Normunds ; Swinnen, Ward ; Thompson, Gareth ; Tiunov, Alexei ; Tsyganov, Andrey N. ; Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina ; Verstraeten, Gert ; Wallenius, Tuomo ; Webb, Julia ; Willard, Debra ; Yu, Zicheng ; Zaccone, Claudio ; Zhang, Hui:
Regional variability in peatland burning at mid-to high-latitudes during the Holocene.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews.
Bd. 305
- 108020.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108020
Scherer, S. ; Deckers, K. ; Dietel, J. ; Fuchs, M. ; Henkner, J. ; Höpfer, B. ; Junge, A. ; Kandeler, E. ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Leinweber, P. ; Lomax, J. ; Miera, J. ; Poll, C. ; Toffolo, M. B. ; Knopf, T. ; Scholten, T. ; Kühn, P.:
What's in a colluvial deposit? Perspectives from archaeopedology.
In: Catena.
Bd. 198
- 105040.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.105040
Tian, Ye ; Shi, Chupei ; Urbina Malo, Carolina ; Kwatcho Kengdo, Steve ; Heinzle, Jakob ; Inselsbacher, Erich ; Ottner, Franz ; Borken, Werner ; Michel, Kerstin ; Schindlbacher, Andreas ; Wanek, Wolfgang:
Long-term soil warming decreases microbial phosphorus utilization by increasing abiotic phosphorus sorption and phosphorus losses.
In: Nature Communications.
Bd. 14
- 864.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36527-8
Totsche, Kai Uwe ; Amelung, Wulf ; Gerzabek, Martin H. ; Guggenberger, Georg ; Klumpp, Erwin ; Knief, Claudia ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Mikutta, Robert ; Peth, Stephan ; Prechtel, Annette ; Ray, Nadja ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid:
Microaggregates in soils.
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.
Bd. 181
Heft 1
- S. 104-136.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.201600451
Widdig, Meike ; Schleuss, Per-Marten ; Weig, Alfons ; Guhr, Alexander ; Biederman, Lori A. ; Borer, Elizabeth T. ; Crawley, Michael J. ; Kirkman, Kevin P. ; Seabloom, Eric W. ; Wagg, Peter D. ; Spohn, Marie:
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions Alter the Abundance of Phosphorus-Solubilizing Bacteria and Phosphatase Activity in Grassland Soils.
In: Frontiers in Environmental Science.
Bd. 7
- 185.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00185
Winkler, Pauline ; Kaiser, K. ; Kölbl, A. ; Kühn, T. ; Schad, Peter ; Urbanski, L. ; Fiedler, S. ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Kalbitz, Karsten ; Utami, S.R. ; Cao, Z. ; Zhang, G. ; Jahn, Reinhold ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid:
Response of Vertisols, Andosols, and Alisols to paddy management.
In: Geoderma.
Bd. 261
- S. 23-35.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.06.017
Zou, Jia-Yun ; Cadotte, Marc W. ; Bässler, Claus ; Brandl, Roland ; Baldrian, Petr ; Borken, Werner ; Stengel, Elisa ; Luo, Ya-Huang ; Müller, Jörg ; Seibold, Sebastian:
Wood decomposition is increased by insect diversity, selection effects, and interactions between insects and microbes.
In: Ecology.
Bd. 104
Heft 12
- e4184.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4184
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