Title data
Haag, Isabell ; Kassam, Karim-Aly ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Ökologische Kalender im Pamir : Anpassung an den Klimawandel auf dem Dach der Welt.
In: Geographische Rundschau.
Vol. 71
Issue 12
- pp. 26-31.
ISSN 0016-7460
Project information
Project title: |
Project's official title Project's id Ecological Calendars and Climate Adaptation in the Pamirs, ECCAP SA 775/12-1 |
Project financing: |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
Abstract in another language
Das Klima im Pamir hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark verändert. Steigende Temperaturen und veränderte Niederschlagsmuster stellen Landwirte vor große Herausforderungen. Ackerbau und Viehhaltung sind oft die einzige Lebensgrundlage in den abgeschiedenen Bergregionen. Was also tun, wenn sich Umwelt und Klima verändern und dadurch Ernteausfälle und Viehsterben die Existenz bedrohen? Die Wiederbelebung traditioneller ökologischer Kalender bietet eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit für die lokale Bevölkerung, mit den bevorstehenden Folgen der globalen Klimaveränderung umzugehen.
Abstract in another language
Anticipate seasonal change and the timing of livelihood, food production, and cultural activities. Using a combination of climatological, phenological and stellar signs such as the arrival of a migratory bird, changes in snow cover or movement of the stars, societies have timed their agropastoral activities to secure their livelihood and food systems. Based on ethnographic and archival research in the Pamir mountains of Central Asia, these calendars have been in use for over 600 years by diverse ethnic communities across a wide geographic region. Colonisation, industrialisation and war resulted in these calendars falling into disuse. Today they provide a potentially effective adaptation strategy to anticipate seasonal variation resulting from anthropogenic climate change, because they are grounded in the local ecology and cultures of local peoples. Using innovative transdisciplinary research methods by biophysical and social scientists as well as local indigenous knowledge holders, we are working to revitalise these calendars for use in response to climate change. In partnership with mountain communities, the objective of this research is to co-generate new knowledge to document and develop revitalised ecological calendars in order to secure local livelihood and food systems in conditions of climate change.