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Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 538.


Nagengast, Niko ; Usma-Mansfield, Clara ; Fuss, Franz Konstantin:
An explorative study on sustainable surfboard technology: from state-of-the-art literature to interdisciplinary integration.
Veranstaltung: ISEA 2024: The Engineering of Sport 15 , 8-11 July 2024 , Loughborough UK.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung , Vortrag )

Nagengast, Niko ; Tapprich, Lara ; Fuss, Franz Konstantin:
A product-driven sustainability guideline – methodological conception and implementation based on a lifestyle sports shoe.
Veranstaltung: ISEA 2024: The Engineering of Sport 15 , 8-11 July 2024 , Loughborough UK.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung , Vortrag )

Bogenreuther, Jakob ; Kastner, Thomas ; Schneider, Felicitas ; Koellner, Thomas:
Biodiversity impact of food waste : Quantification for supply chain stages and products in Germany.
In: Journal of Industrial Ecology. Bd. 28 (2024) Heft 2 . - S. 355-367.

Schulze, Ernst Detlef ; Weber, Uli ; Gebauer, Gerhard:
Botanischer Artenschutz : Die Bedeutung des Waldes zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt der Gefäßpflanzen in Deutschland.
In: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung. Bd. 56 (2024) Heft 3 . - S. 34-38.

Tscholl, Simon ; Candiago, Sebastian ; Marsoner, Thomas ; Fraga, Helder ; Giupponi, Carlo ; Egarter Vigl, Lukas:
Climate resilience of European wine regions.
In: Nature Communications. Bd. 15 (2024) . - 6254.

Arabi, Behnaz ; Moradi, Masoud ; Zandler, Harald ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Verhoef, Wouter:
Developing a novel index for detection of optically shallow waters using multispectral satellite imagery and radiative transfer modelling.
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. Bd. 45 (2024) Heft 14 . - S. 4788-4819.

Mangold, Max ; Schwietering, Arne ; Zink, Julia ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Heurich, Marco:
The digitalization of outdoor recreation : Global perspectives on the opportunities and challenges for protected area management.
In: Journal of Environmental Management. Bd. 352 (2024) . - 120108.

Schwietering, Arne ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Mangold, Max ; Sand, Manuel ; Audorff, Volker:
Digitalization of planning and navigating recreational outdoor activities.
In: German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. Bd. 54 (2024) . - S. 107-114.

Adler, Maike Y. ; Issoual, Insaf ; Rückert, Michael ; Deloch, Lisa ; Meier, Carola ; Tschernig, Thomas ; Alexiou, Christoph ; Pfister, Felix ; Ramsperger, Anja ; Laforsch, Christian ; Gaipl, Udo S. ; Jüngert, Katharina ; Paulsen, Friedrich:
Effect of micro- and nanoplastic particles on human macrophages.
In: Journal of Hazardous Materials. Bd. 471 (2024) . - 134253.

Salomon, Sophia ; Grubmüller, Eric ; Kropf, Philipp ; Nickl, Elisa ; Rühl, Anna ; Weigel, Selina ; Becker, Felix ; Antonio Vital, Ana Leticia ; Laforsch, Christian ; Schott, Matthias ; Mair, Magdalena:
Effects of dissolved organic matter on the toxicity of micro- and nanoplastic particles to Daphnia : a meta-analysis.
In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics. Bd. 4 (2024) . - 11.

Strandberg, Nichola A. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Gosling, William D. ; Fall, Patricia L. ; Prebble, Matiu ; Stevenson, Janelle ; Wilmshurst, Janet M. ; Sear, David A. ; Langdon, Peter G. ; Edwards, Mary E. ; Nogué, Sandra:
Floristic homogenization of South Pacific islands commenced with human arrival.
In: Nature Ecology & Evolution. Bd. 8 (2024) . - S. 511-518.

Wipfler, Raja ; Strätz, Christian ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
Hazel dormice use reed beds for nocturnal activity and daytime resting.
In: Journal of Vertebrate Biology. Bd. 73 (2024) Heft 23118 .

Formentini, Thiago Augusto ; Cornelis, Geert ; Gustafsson, Jon Petter ; Leicht, Kathrin ; Tiberg, Charlotta ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Durant, Neal ; Fan, Dimin ; Kleja, Dan B.:
Immobilizing arsenic in contaminated anoxic aquifer sediment using sulfidated and uncoated zero-valent iron (ZVI).
In: Journal of Hazardous Materials. Bd. 462 (2024) . - 132743.

Zindler, Manuela ; Haensel, Maria ; Fricke, Ute ; Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Koellner, Thomas:
Improving Agri-environmental Schemes : Suggestions from Farmers and Nature Managers in a Central European Region.
In: Environmental Management. Bd. 73 (2024) . - S. 826-840.

Seidler, Julius ; Friedrich, Markus ; Thomas, Christoph ; Nölscher, Anke:
Introducing the novel concept of cumulative concentration roses for studying the transport of ultrafine particles from an airport to adjacent residential areas.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Bd. 24 (2024) Heft 1 . - S. 137-153.

Seidl, Andrew W. ; Johannessen, Aina ; Dekhtyareva, Alena ; Huss, Jannis-Michael ; Jonassen, Marius O. ; Schulz, Alexander ; Hermansen, Ove ; Thomas, Christoph ; Sodemann, Harald:
The ISLAS2020 field campaign : Studying the near-surface exchange process of stable water isotopes during the arctic wintertime.

Zahn, Franziska E. ; Jiang, Hong ; Lee, Yung-I ; Gebauer, Gerhard:
Mode of carbon gain and fungal associations of Neuwiedia malipoensis within the evolutionarily early-diverging orchid subfamily Apostasioideae.
In: Annals of Botany. Bd. 134 (2024) Heft 3 . - S. 511-520.

Kuhn, Nora ; Roppelt, Dominik ; Dreier, Thomas ; Rosemann, Bernd:
More accurate Greenhouse Gas Calculation using the TopDown weight-based Approach.
DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy GmbH
Bayreuth , 2024 . - 19 S. - (Online-Schriftenreihe der DFGE )

Rolf, Markus ; Laermanns, Hannes ; Horn, Julia ; Kienzler, Lukas ; Pohl, Christian ; Dierkes, Georg ; Kernchen, Sarmite ; Laforsch, Christian ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Bogner, Christina:
Multi-method analysis of microplastic distribution by flood frequency and local topography in Rhine floodplains.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 927 (2024) . - 171927.

Merckx, Vincent S. F. T. ; Gomes, Sofia I. F. ; Wang, Deyi ; Verbeek, Cas ; Jacquemyn, Hans ; Zahn, Franziska E. ; Gebauer, Gerhard ; Bidartondo, Martin I.:
Mycoheterotrophy in the wood-wide web.
In: Nature Plants. Bd. 10 (2024) . - S. 710-718.

Moradi, Masoud ; Arabi, Behnaz ; Hommersom, Annelies ; van der Molen, Johan ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Quality control tests for automated above-water hyperspectral measurements : Radiative Transfer assessment.
In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Bd. 215 (2024) . - S. 292-312.

Candiago, Sebastian ; Tscholl, Simon ; Bassani, Leonardo ; Fraga, Helder ; Vigl, Lukas Egarter:
Quality wines in Italy and France : A dataset of protected designation of origin specifications.
In: Data in Brief. Bd. 54 (2024) . - 110408.

Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Haensel, Maria ; Kaim, Andrea ; Lee, Heera ; Reinermann, Sophie ; Koellner, Thomas:
Recreation and its synergies and trade‑offs with other ecosystem services of Alpine and pre‑Alpine grasslands.
In: Regional Environmental Change. Bd. 24 (2024) . - 57.

Marques, Alexandra ; Bonn, Aletta ; Castro, Antonio J. ; Chaudhary, Abhishek ; Felipe-Lucia, María R. ; Kastner, Thomas ; Koellner, Thomas ; Lancker, Kira ; Lopez Hoffman, Laura ; Meyer, Carsten ; Pfister, Stephan ; Rabeschini, Gabriela ; Willemen, Louise ; Schulp, Catharina J. E.:
The role of nature's contributions to people in sustaining international trade of agricultural products.
In: People and Nature. Bd. 6 (2024) Heft 2 . - S. 410-421.

Mathes, Gregor H. ; Reddin, Carl J. ; Kiessling, Wolfgang ; Antell, Gawain S. ; Saupe, Erin E. ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
Spatially Heterogeneous Responses of Planktonic Foraminiferal Assemblages Over 700,000 Years of Climate Change.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. (2024) .

Esders, Eike M. ; Georgi, Christoph ; Babel, Wolfgang ; Held, Andreas ; Thomas, Christoph:
Vertical concentrations gradients and transport of airborne microplastics in wind tunnel experiments.
In: Aerosol Research. Bd. 2 (2024) Heft 2 . - S. 235-243.

Schulze, Ernst-Detlef ; Weber, Uli ; Gebauer, Gerhard:
Der Wald kann den Artenrückgang nicht aufhalten.
In: Holz-Zentralblatt. Bd. 150 (2024) Heft 13 . - S. 234.


Ohnemüller, Gregor ; Beller, Marie ; Rosemann, Bernd ; Döpper, Frank:
Disassembly and its Obstacles : Challenges facing Remanufacturers of Lithium-Ion Traction Batteries.
Veranstaltung: 6th International Conference on Remanufacturing , 27.-29. Juni 2023 , Amsterdam.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung , Paper )

Qing, Chun ; Nicol, Alan ; Li, Ping ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Yuan, Changguo ; Kou, Zhu:
Different sulfide to arsenic ratios driving arsenic speciation and microbial community interactions in two alkaline hot springs.
In: Environmental Research. Bd. 218 (2023) . - 115033.

Englmeier, Jana ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Benbow, M. Eric ; Hothorn, Torsten ; von Hoermann, Christian ; Benjamin, Caryl ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Redlich, Sarah ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas Botero, Sandra ; Rummler, Thomas ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Stengel, Elisa ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Zhang, Jie ; Müller, Jörg:
Diverse Effects of Climate, Land Use, and Insects on Dung and Carrion Decomposition.
In: Ecosystems. Bd. 26 (2023) . - S. 397-411.

Dengler, Jürgen ; Jansen, Florian ; Chusova, Olha ; Hüllbusch, Elisabeth ; Nobis, Michael P. ; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad ; Axmanová, Irena ; Bruun, Hans Henrik ; Chytrý, Milan ; Guarino, Riccardo ; Karrer, Gerhard ; Moeys, Karlien ; Raus, Thomas ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Tichý, Lubomir ; Tyler, Torbjörn ; Batsatsashvili, Ketevan ; Bita-Nicolae, Claudia ; Didukh, Yakiv ; Diekmann, Martin ; Englisch, Thorsten ; Fernández-Pascual, Eduardo ; Frank, Dieter ; Graf, Ulrich ; Hájek, Michal ; Jelaska, Sven D. ; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja ; Julve, Philippe ; Nakhutsrishvili, George ; Ozinga, Wim A. ; Ruprecht, Eszter-Karolina ; Šilc, Urban ; Theurillat, Jean-Paul ; Gillet, François:
Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0.
In: Vegetation Classification and Survey. Bd. 4 (2023) . - S. 7-29.

Hu, Ruifang ; Cooper, Jennifer A. ; Daroub, Samira H. ; Kerl, Carolin ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Seyfferth, Angelia L.:
Low levels of arsenic and cadmium in rice grown in southern Florida Histosols : Impacts of water management and soil thickness.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 869 (2023) . - 161712.

Haensel, Maria ; Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Bogenreuther, Jakob:
Teaching the Modeling of Human–Environment Systems : Acknowledging Complexity with an Agent-Based Model.
In: Journal of Science Education and Technology. Bd. 32 (2023) . - S. 256-266.

Haensel, Maria ; Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Bogenreuther, Jakob:
World of Cows - Exploring land-use policies for a dairy-farm world (teaching modeling complex human-environment systems) (Version 1.0.0).
In: CoMSES Computational Model Library. (2023) .

Smith, Jansen ; Rillo, Marina C. ; Kocsis, Ádám T. ; Dornelas, Maria ; Fastovich, David ; Huang, Huai‐Hsuan M. ; Jonkers, Lukas ; Kiessling, Wolfgang ; Li, Qijian ; Liow, Lee Hsiang ; Margulis‐Ohnuma, Miranda ; Meyers, Stephen ; Na, Lin ; Penny, Amelia M. ; Pippenger, Kate ; Renaudie, Johan ; Saupe, Erin E. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Sugawara, Mauro ; Tomašovỳch, Adam ; Williams, John W. ; Yasuhara, Moriaki ; Finnegan, Seth ; Hull, Pincelli M.:
BioDeepTime: A database of biodiversity time series for modern and fossil assemblages.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. Bd. 32 (2023) Heft 10 . - S. 1680-1689.

Holzinger, Anja ; Hink, Linda ; Sehl, Elmar ; Rüppel, Nadine ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Weig, Alfons ; Agarwal, Seema ; Horn, Marcus A. ; Feldhaar, Heike:
Biodegradable polymers boost reproduction in the earthworm Eisenia fetida.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 892 (2023) . - 164670.

Landwehr, Theresa ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Haensel, Maria ; Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Thiemann, Miriam ; Koellner, Thomas:
Climate change perceptions in Bavaria : Revealing the influence of socio-demographic and local environmental factors.
In: GAiA. Bd. 32 (2023) Heft 3 . - S. 312-321.

Namier, Namier ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Gao, Xinbo ; Fu, Yu ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Mason, Joseph A. ; Song, Yang ; Deng, Chenglong ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Rastko ; Guo, Zhengtang:
Comprehensive magnetic analysis of the tephras in Middle-Late Pleistocene loess records of Serbia, and implications for tephra identification, correlation and loess chronology.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 313 (2023) . - 108202.

Englmeier, Jana ; Rieker, Daniel ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Benjamin, Caryl ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Kellner, Harald ; Lorz, Janina ; Redlich, Sarah ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Rummler, Thomas ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Stengel, Elisa ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Zhang, Jie ; Müller, Jörg ; Bässler, Claus:
Diversity and specialization responses to climate and land use differ between deadwood fungi and bacteria.
In: Ecography. Bd. 2023 (2023) Heft 11 . - e06807.

Smolka, Georg ; Kosatica, Ervin ; Berger, Markus ; Kissinger, Meidad ; Fridman, Dor ; Koellner, Thomas:
Domestic water versus imported virtual blue water for agricultural production : A comparison based on energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions.
In: Journal of Industrial Ecology. Bd. 27 (2023) Heft 4 . - S. 1123-1136.

Hanz, Dagmar M. ; Cutts, Vanessa ; Barajas-Barbosa, Martha Paola ; Algar, Adam ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Collart, Flavien ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Field, Richard ; Karger, Dirk N. ; Kienle, David ; Kreft, Holger ; Patiño, Jairo ; Schrodt, Franziska ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Weigelt, Patrick ; Irl, Severin D. H.:
Effects of climate change on the distribution of plant species and plant functional strategies on the Canary Islands.
In: Diversity and Distributions. Bd. 29 (2023) Heft 9 . - S. 1157-1171.

Rosemann, Bernd:
Electric Vehicles Remanufacturing and Sustainability / Climate Crisis Challenge.
Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association
In: APRA Europe News. (2023) Heft 29 . - S. 12-15.

Samimi, Cyrus:
Environmental Change : Populism, Lobbyism, and Injustice.
In: da Silva, Jamile Borges ; Figueiredo, Fábio Baqueiro ; Gomes, Patricia Godinho ; Institute of African Studies, University of Bayreuth (Hrsg.): A new Age of Extremes? : Anti-political Politics and Identity Remaking in the early 21st Century. - Bayreuth , 2023 . - S. 147-177 . - (University of Bayreuth African Studies Online ; 10 )

Prume, Julia A. ; Laermanns, Hannes ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Laforsch, Christian ; Bogner, Christina ; Koch, Martin:
Evaluating the effectiveness of the MicroPlastic Sediment Separator (MPSS).
In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics. Bd. 3 (2023) . - 26.

Atienza Casas, Sara ; Calicis, Camille ; Candiago, Sebastian ; Dendoncker, Nicolas ; Desair, Jomme ; Fickel, Thomas ; Finne, Eirik Aasmo ; Frison, Christine ; Haensel, Maria ; Hinsch, Malte ; Kulfan, Tyler ; Kumagai, Joy A. ; Mialyk, Oleksandr ; Nawrath, Maximilian ; Nevzati, Fiona ; Washbourne, Carla ; Wübbelmann, Thea:
Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: how transdisciplinary learning can foster transformative change - insights from a summer school.
In: Biodiversity and Conservation. Bd. 32 (2023) . - S. 3533-3568.

Esders, Eike M. ; Sittl, Sebastian ; Krammel, Inka ; Babel, Wolfgang ; Papastavrou, Georg ; Thomas, Christoph:
Is transport of microplastics different from mineral particles? Idealized wind tunnel studies on polyethylene microspheres.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Bd. 23 (2023) Heft 24 . - S. 15835-15851.

Wall, Christopher B. ; Swift, Sean O. I. ; D'Antonio, Carla M. ; Gebauer, Gerhard ; Hynson, Nicole A.:
Isoscapes of remnant and restored Hawaiian montane forests reveal differences in biological nitrogen fixation and carbon inputs.
In: PeerJ. Bd. 11 (2023) . - e15468.

Hink, Linda ; Holzinger, Anja ; Sandfeld, Tobias ; Weig, Alfons ; Schramm, Andreas ; Feldhaar, Heike ; Horn, Marcus A.:
Microplastic ingestion affects hydrogen production and microbiomes in the gut of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber.
In: Environmental Microbiology. Bd. 25 (2023) Heft 12 . - S. 2776-2791.

Zahn, Franziska E. ; Söll, Erik ; Chapin, Thomas K. ; Wang, Deyi ; Gomes, Sofia I. F. ; Hynson, Nicole A. ; Pausch, Johanna ; Gebauer, Gerhard:
Novel insights into orchid mycorrhiza functioning from stable isotope signatures of fungal pelotons.
In: New Phytologist. Bd. 239 (2023) Heft 4 . - S. 1449-1463.

Haensel, Maria ; Scheinpflug, Luzie ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Lohse, Eva Julia ; Röder, Norbert ; Koellner, Thomas:
Policy instruments and their success in preserving temperate grassland : Evidence from 16 years of implementation.
In: Land Use Policy. Bd. 132 (2023) . - 106766.

Zurell, Damaris ; Fritz, Susanne A. ; Rönnfeldt, Anna ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
Predicting extinctions with species distribution models.
In: Cambridge Prisms: Extinction. Bd. 1 (2023) . - e8.

Amundson, Ronald ; Mills, Jennifer V. ; Lammers, Laura N. ; Barthel, Matti ; Gallarotti, Nora ; Six, Johan ; Gebauer, Gerhard ; Maurer, Greg E.:
Simultaneous production and consumption of soil N₂O creates complex effects on its stable isotope composition.
In: Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Bd. 37 (2023) Heft 9 . - e2022GB007536.

Gomes, Sofia I. F. ; Giesemann, Philipp ; Klink, Saskia ; Hunt, Colin ; Suetsugu, Kenji ; Gebauer, Gerhard:
Stable isotope natural abundances of fungal hyphae extracted from the roots of arbuscular mycorrhizal mycoheterotrophs and rhizoctonia-associated orchids.
In: New Phytologist. Bd. 239 (2023) Heft 4 . - S. 1166-1172.

Abdoli, Mohammad ; Lapo, Karl ; Schneider, Johann ; Olesch, Johannes ; Thomas, Christoph:
Toward quantifying turbulent vertical airflow and sensible heat flux in tall forest canopies using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing.
In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Bd. 16 (2023) Heft 3 . - S. 809-824.

Cooke, Rob ; Sayol, Ferran ; Andermann, Tobias ; Blackburn, Tim M. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Antonelli, Alexandre ; Faurby, Søren:
Undiscovered bird extinctions obscure the true magnitude of human-driven extinction waves.
In: Nature Communications. Bd. 14 (2023) Heft 1 . - 8116.

Wang, Deyi ; Gebauer, Gerhard ; Jacquemyn, Hans ; Zahn, Franziska E. ; Gomes, Sofia I. F. ; Lorenz, Johanna ; van der Hagen, Harrie ; Schilthuizen, Menno ; Merckx, Vincent S. F. T.:
Variation in mycorrhizal communities and the level of mycoheterotrophy in grassland and forest populations of Neottia ovata (Orchidaceae).
In: Functional Ecology. Bd. 37 (2023) Heft 7 . - S. 1948-1961.

Vinnepand, Mathias ; Fischer, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Jöris, Olaf ; Craig, Carol-Ann ; Zeeden, Christian ; Thornton, Barry ; Tütken, Thomas ; Prud'homme, Charlotte ; Schulte, Philipp ; Moine, Olivier ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Laag, Christian ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Vött, Andreas:
What do dust sinks tell us about their sources and past environmental dynamics? A case study for oxygen isotope stages 3-2 in the Middle Rhine Valley, Germany.
In: Quaternary Science Journal. Bd. 72 (2023) Heft 2 . - S. 163-184.

Küchen, Lisa ; Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Haensel, Maria ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Fricke, Ute ; Redlich, Sarah ; Koellner, Thomas:
Where and why is landscape considered valuable? Societal actors' perceptions of ecosystem services across Bavaria (Germany).
In: Ecosystems and People. Bd. 19 (2023) Heft 1 . - 2192813.


Castillejos Sepúlveda, Andrea ; Gatti, Lais M. ; Kerl, Carolin ; Chennu, Arjun ; Klatt, Judith M.:
Arsenic speciation analysis in porewater by a novel colorimetric assay.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 827 (2022) . - 154155.

van Dijk, Han ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Zandler, Harald:
Climate variability and institutional flexibility : Resource governance at the intersection between ecological instability and mobility in drylands.
In: García Kronenburg, Angela ; Haller, Tobias ; van Dijk, Han ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Warner, Jereon (Hrsg.): Drylands Facing Change. - London : Routledge, 2022 . - S. 15-31

Adams, Julia ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Mitterer, Christina ; Bendix, Jörg ; Beck, Erwin:
Comparison of pasture types in the tropical Andes : Species composition, distribution, nutritive value and responses to environmental change.
In: Basic and Applied Ecology. Bd. 59 (2022) . - S. 139-150.

Vinnepand, Mathias ; Fischer, Peter ; Jöris, Olaf ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zeeden, Christian ; Schulte, Philipp ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Prud’homme, Charlotte ; Peric, Zoran ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Fiedler, Sabine ; Vött, Andreas:
Decoding geochemical signals of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequences : A key to Upper Pleistocene ecosystem responses to climate changes in western Central Europe.
In: Catena. Bd. 212 (2022) . - 106076.

Perić, Zoran ; Stevens, Thomas ; Obreht, Igor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
Detailed luminescence dating of dust mass accumulation rates over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles from the Irig loess-palaeosol sequence, Carpathian Basin.
In: Global and Planetary Change. Bd. 215 (2022) . - 103895.

Khan, Saeed Akhtar ; Vanselow, Kim A. ; Sass, Oliver ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Detecting abrupt change in land cover in the eastern Hindu Kush region using Landsat time series (1988–2020).
In: Journal of Mountain Science. Bd. 19 (2022) Heft 6 . - S. 1699-1716.

Zahn, Einara ; Bou-Zeid, Elie ; Good, Stephen P. ; Katul, Gabriel G. ; Thomas, Christoph ; Ghannam, Khaled ; Smith, James A. ; Chamecki, Marcelo ; Dias, Nelson L. ; Fuentes, Jose D. ; Alfieri, Joseph G. ; Kwon, Hyojung ; Caylor, Kelly K. ; Gao, Zhiqiu ; Soderberg, Keir ; Bambach, Nicolas E. ; Hipps, Lawrence E. ; Prueger, John H. ; Kustas, William P.:
Direct partitioning of eddy-covariance water and carbon dioxide fluxes into ground and plant components.
In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Bd. 315 (2022) . - 108790.

Redlich, Sarah ; Zhang, Jie ; Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Singh Dhillon, Maninder ; Englmeier, Jana ; Ewald, Jörg ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Hovestadt, Thomas ; Kollmann, Johannes ; Koellner, Thomas ; Kübert-Flock, Carina ; Kunstmann, Harald ; Menzel, Annette ; Moning, Christoph ; Peters, Wibke ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rummler, Thomas ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Müller, Jörg ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf:
Disentangling effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services : A multi-scale experimental design.
In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Bd. 13 (2022) Heft 2 . - S. 514-527.

Drylands Facing Change : Interventions, Investments and Identities.
Hrsg.: Kronenburg Garcia, Angela ; Haller, Tobias ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Dijk, Han van ; Warner, Jeroen
London : Routledge , 2022

García Kronenburg, Angela ; Haller, Tobias ; van Dijk, Han ; Warner, Jeroen ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Drylands, frontiers, and the politics of change.
In: García Kronenburg, Angela ; Haller, Tobias ; van Dijk, Han ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Warner, Jeroen (Hrsg.): Drylands Facing Change. - London : Routledge, 2022 . - S. 1-12

Englmeier, Jana ; von Hoermann, Christian ; Rieker, Daniel ; Benbow, Marc Eric ; Benjamiin, Caryl ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Lackner, Tomáš ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Redlich, Sarah ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Rummler, Thomas ; Salamon, Jörg-Alfred ; Sommer, David ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Zhang, Jie ; Müller, Jörg:
Dung-visiting beetle diversity is mainly affected by land use, while community specialization is driven by climate.
In: Ecology and Evolution. Bd. 12 (2022) Heft 10 . - e9386.

Yan, Ketao ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Knobloch, Philipp Victor Thorben ; Guo, Qinghai ; Wang, Luxia ; Zhao, Qian:
Effects of thiolation and methylation on arsenic sorption to geothermal sediments.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 827 (2022) . - 154016.

Gockner, Cornelia ; Rosemann, Bernd ; Hansen, Barbara ; Kukla, Cornelia:
Effiziente Druckluftnutzung in der automatisierten Produktion.
In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb. Bd. 117 (2022) Heft 9 . - S. 528-531.

Wulf, Sabine ; Veres, Daniel ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Magyari, Enikö K. ; Karatson, Dávid:
Gone with the Wind : Dispersal of Ciomadul Tephra.
In: Karátson, Dávid ; Veres, Daniel ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Magyari, Enikő K. ; Jánosi, Csaba ; Hambach, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians : Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022 . - S. 81-93 . - (Earth and Environmental Science )

Fischer, Wolfgang ; Thomas, Christoph ; Zimov, Nikita ; Göckede, Mathias:
Grazing enhances carbon cycling but reduces methane emission during peak growing season in the Siberian Pleistocene Park tundra site.
In: Biogeosciences. Bd. 19 (2022) Heft 6 . - S. 1611-1633.

Gashure, Sibilo ; Wana, Desalegn ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Impacts of climate variability and climate-smart agricultural practices on crop production in UNESCO designated cultural landscapes of Konso, Ethiopia.
In: Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Bd. 150 (2022) . - S. 1495-1511.

Drake, S. A. ; Rupp, D. E. ; Thomas, Christoph ; Oldroyd, H. J. ; Schulze, Mark ; Jones, J. A.:
Increasing Daytime Stability Enhances Downslope Moisture Transport in the Subcanopy of an Even-Aged Conifer Forest in Western Oregon, USA.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. Bd. 127 (2022) Heft 9 . - e2021JD036042.

Ganuza, Cristina ; Redlich, Sarah ; Uhler, Johannes ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Peters, Marcell K. ; Zhang, Jie ; Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Englmeier, Jana ; Ewald, Jörg ; Fricke, Ute ; Haensel, Maria ; Kollmann, Johannes ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Uphus, Lars ; Müller, Jörg ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf:
Interactive effects of climate and land use on pollinator diversity differ among taxa and scales.
In: Science Advances. Bd. 8 (2022) Heft 18 . - eabm9359.

Fricke, Ute ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Zhang, Jie ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Englmeier, Jana ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Ewald, Jörg ; Kollmann, Johannes ; Redlich, Sarah:
Landscape diversity and local temperature, but not climate, affect arthropod redation among habitat types.
In: PLoS One. Bd. 17 (2022) Heft 4 . - e0264881.

Lapo, Karl ; Freundorfer, Anita ; Fritz, Antonia ; Schneider, Johann ; Olesch, Johannes ; Babel, Wolfgang ; Thomas, Christoph:
The Large eddy Observatory, Voitsumra Experiment 2019 (LOVE19) with high-resolution, spatially distributed observations of air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction from fiber-optic distributed sensing, towers, and ground-based remote sensing.
In: Earth System Science Data. Bd. 14 (2022) Heft 2 . - S. 885-906.

Wolf, Daniel ; Lomax, Johanna ; Sahakyan, Lilit ; Hovakimyan, Hayk ; Profe, Jörn ; Schulte, Philipp ; von Suchodoletz, Hans ; Richter, Christiane ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fuchs, Markus ; Faust, Dominik:
Last glacial loess dynamics in the Southern Caucasus (NE-Armenia) and the phenomenon of missing loess deposition during MIS-2.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 12 (2022) . - 13269.

Veres, Daniel ; Karátson, Dávid ; Wulf, Sabine ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Novothny, Ágnes ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Magyari, Enikő K. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Palaeogeography : Syn-and Post-eruptive Landscape Evolution Around Ciomadul.
In: Karátson, Dávid ; Veres, Daniel ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Magyari, Enikő K. ; Jánosi, Csaba ; Hambach, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians : Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022 . - S. 95-110 . - (Earth and Environmental Science )

Thiemann, Miriam ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Haensel, Maria ; Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Landwehr, Theresa ; Fricke, Ute ; Redlich, Sarah ; Koellner, Thomas:
Perceptions of ecosystem services : Comparing socio-cultural and environmental influences.
In: PLoS One. Bd. 17 (2022) Heft 10 . - e0276432.

Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Troiano, Claudia ; Christiansen, Julie B. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Barfod, Anders S.:
Plant dispersal characteristics shape the relationship of diversity with area and isolation.
In: Journal of Biogeography. Bd. 49 (2022) Heft 9 . - S. 1599-1608.

Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Martín-López, Berta ; Haensel, Maria ; Koellner, Thomas:
Plural valuation in space : mapping values of grasslands and their ecosystem services.
In: Ecosystems and People. Bd. 18 (2022) Heft 1 . - S. 258-274.

Thomas, Christoph ; Huss, Jannis-Michael ; Abdoli, Mohammad ; Huttarsch, Tim ; Schneider, Johann:
Solid-Phase Reference Baths for Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing.
In: Sensors. Bd. 22 (2022) Heft 11 . - 4244.


Möller, Julia N. ; Heisel, Ingrid ; Satzger, Anna ; Vizsolyi, Eva Cseperke ; Oster, Simon David Jakob ; Agarwal, Seema ; Laforsch, Christian ; Löder, Martin G. J.:
Tackling the Challenge of Extracting Microplastics from Soils : A Protocol to Purify Soil Samples for Spectroscopic Analysis.
In: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Bd. 41 (2022) Heft 4 . - S. 844-857.

Abdoli, Mohammad ; Lapo, Karl ; Schneider, Johann ; Olesch, Johannes ; Thomas, Christoph:
Toward quantifying turbulent vertical airflow and sensible heat flux in tall forest canopies using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing.
In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions. (2022) .

Dai, Jun ; Tang, Zhu ; Gao, A-Xiang ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Kopittke, Peter M. ; Zhao, Fang-Jie ; Wang, Peng:
Widespread Occurrence of the Highly Toxic Dimethylated Monothioarsenate (DMMTA) in Rice Globally.
In: Environmental Science & Technology. Bd. 56 (2022) Heft 6 . - S. 3575-3586.

Piatka, David R. ; Venkiteswaran, Jason J. ; Uniyal, Bhumika ; Kaule, Robin ; Gilfedder, Benjamin Silas ; Barth, Johannes A. C.:
Dissolved oxygen isotope modelling refines metabolic state estimates of stream ecosystems with different land use background.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 12 (2022) . - 10204.

Van Le, Anh ; Straub, Daniel ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Hug, Stephan J. ; Kleindienst, Sara ; Kappler, Andreas:
Microbial communities contribute to the elimination of As, Fe, Mn, and NH₄⁺ from groundwater in household sand filters.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 838, Part 4 (2022) . - 156496.

Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Uphus, Lars ; Lüpke, Marvin ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Dhillon, Maninder Singh ; Englmeier, Jana ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Redlich, Sarah ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Zhang, Jie ; Menzel, Annette ; Peters, Wibke:
Modelling the Relative Abundance of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) along a Climate and Land-Use Gradient.
In: Animals. Bd. 12 (2022) Heft 3 . - 222.

Fricke, Ute ; Redlich, Sarah ; Zhang, Jie ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Englmeier, Jana ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Ewald, Jörg ; Kollmann, Johannes ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf:
Plant richness, land use and temperature differently shape invertebrate leaf-chewing herbivory on plant functional groups.
In: Oecologia. Bd. 199 (2022) . - S. 407-417.


Gebauer, Gerhard ; Schweiger, Julienne:
The use of multi-element stable isotope natural abundance (d13C, d15N, d2H) to elucidate orchid mycorrhizal nutrition.
Veranstaltung: 2021 Virtual World Orchid Conference , 23.-26. April 2021 , Taichung, Taiwan.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung , Paper )

Foken, Thomas:
Bearbeitung der Bamberger Klimareihe 1879 – 2020.
Bayreuth : Eigenverlag, 2021 . - 49 S. - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 57 )

Henry, Hugh ; Kreyling, Jürgen ; Gebauer, Gerhard ; Klisz, Marcin ; Weigel, Robert:
15 N tracer enrichment in response to winter soil temperature manipulation differs between canopy trees and juveniles.
In: Trees. Bd. 35 (2021) Heft 1 . - S. 325-331.

Kumar, Vinay B. N. ; Löschel, Lena A. ; Imhof, Hannes ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Laforsch, Christian:
Analysis of microplastics of a broad size range in commercially important mussels by combining FTIR and Raman spectroscopy approaches.
In: Environmental Pollution. Bd. 269 (2021) . - 116147.

Mansor, Muammar ; Drabesch, Sören ; Bayer, Timm ; Van Le, Anh ; Chauhan, Ankita ; Schmidtmann, Johanna ; Peiffer, Stefan ; Kappler, Andreas:
Application of Single-Particle ICP-MS to Determine the Mass Distribution and Number Concentrations of Environmental Nanoparticles and Colloids.
In: Environmental Science & Technology Letters. Bd. 8 (2021) Heft 7 . - S. 589-595.

Anghelinu, Mircea ; Niță, Loredana ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Händel, Marc ; Cordoș, Cristina ; Ilie, Maria ; Murătoreanu, George:
Break vs. continuity : Techno-cultural changes across the LGM in the Eastern Carpathians.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 581-582 (2021) . - S. 241-257.

Vogl, Teresa ; Hrdina, Amy ; Thomas, Christoph:
Choosing an optimal β factor for relaxed eddy accumulation applications across vegetated and non-vegetated surfaces.
In: Biogeosciences. Bd. 18 (2021) Heft 18 . - S. 5097-5115.

Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Chronological constraints from tephra in South-Eastern European loess records.
In: Litt, Thomas ; Richter, Jürgen ; Schäbitz, Frank (Hrsg.): The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe : Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility. - Stuttgart : E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2021 . - S. 126-131

Kaim, Andrea ; Bartkowski, Bartosz ; Lienhoop, Nele ; Schröter-Schlaack, Christoph ; Volk, Martin ; Strauch, Michael:
Combining biophysical optimization with economic preference analysis for agricultural land-use allocation.
In: Ecology and Society. Bd. 26 (2021) Heft 1 . - No. 9.

Bieberich, Judith:
Context-dependent impact of the invasive Impatiens glandulifera on native vegetation.
Bayreuth , 2021 . - 173 S.
( Dissertation, 2021 , Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Maier, A. ; Stojakowits, P. ; Mayr, C. ; Pfeifer, S. ; Preusser, F. ; Zolitschka, B. ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Bobak, D. ; Duprat-Oualid, F. ; Einwögerer, T. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Händel, Marc ; Kaminská, L. ; Kämpf, L. ; Łanczont, Maria ; Lehmkuhl, F. ; Ludwig, P. ; Magyari, Eniko ; Mroczek, P. ; Nemergut, A. ; Nerudová, Z. ; Niţă, L. ; Polanská, M. ; Połtowicz-Bobak, M. ; Rius, D. ; Römer, W. ; Simon, U. ; Škrdla, P. ; Újvári, G. ; Veres, D.:
Cultural evolution and environmental change in Central Europe between 40 and 15 ka.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 581-582 (2021) . - S. 225-240.

Mathes, Gregor H. ; Kiessling, Wolfgang ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
Deep-time climate legacies affect origination rates of marine genera.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Bd. 118 (2021) Heft 36 . - No. e2105769118.

Laag, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zeeden, Christian ; Lagroix, France ; Guyodo, Yohan ; Veres, Daniel ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
A Detailed Paleoclimate Proxy Record for the Middle Danube Basin Over the Last 430 kyr : A Rock Magnetic and Colorimetric Study of the Zemun Loess-Paleosol Sequence.
In: Frontiers in Earth Science. Bd. 9 (2021) . - 600086.

Nohl, Theresa ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Sinnesael, Matthias ; Jarochowska, Emilia:
Detecting initial aragonite and calcite variations in limestone–marl alternations.
In: Sedimentology. Bd. 68 (2021) Heft 7 . - S. 3102-3115.

Pötter, Stephan ; Veres, Daniel ; Baykal, Yunus ; Nett, Janina J. ; Schulte, Philipp ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Disentangling Sedimentary Pathways for the Pleniglacial Lower Danube Loess Based on Geochemical Signatures.
In: Frontiers in Earth Science. Bd. 9 (2021) . - 600010.

Leo, María ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Borges, Paulo A. V. ; Azevedo, Eduardo B. ; Gabriel, Rosalina ; Schaefer, Hanno ; Santos, Ana M. C.:
Dispersal syndromes are poorly associated with climatic niche differences in the Azorean seed plants.
In: Journal of Biogeography. Bd. 48 (2021) Heft 9 . - S. 2275-2285.

Freundorfer, Anita ; Lapo, Karl ; Schneider, Johann ; Thomas, Christoph:
Distributed Sensing of Wind Direction Using Fiber-Optic Cables.
In: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. Bd. 38 (2021) Heft 10 . - S. 1871-1883.

Cervellini, Marco ; Di Musciano, Michele ; Zannini, Piero ; Fattorini, Simone ; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja ; Agrillo, Emiliano ; Attorre, Fabio ; Angelini, Pierangela ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Casella, Laura ; Field, Richard ; Fischer, Jan-Christopher ; Genovesi, Piero ; Hoffmann, Samuel ; Irl, Severin D. H. ; Nascimbene, Juri ; Rocchini, Duccio ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Vetaas, Ole R. ; Chiarucci, Alessandro:
Diversity of European habitat types is correlated with geography more than climate and human pressure.
In: Ecology and Evolution. Bd. 11 (2021) Heft 24 . - S. 18111-18124.

Triebel, Dagmar ; Grunz, Ariane ; Seifert, Stefan ; Link, Anton ; Rambold, Gerhard:
DiversityNaviKey, a Progressive Web Application for interactive diagnosis and identification.
In: INFORMATIK 2021 : Computer Science & Sustainability. - Bonn : Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2021 . - S. 517-538

Nett, Janina J. ; Chu, Wei ; Fischer, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Obrocki, Lea ; Pötter, Stephan ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Vött, Andreas ; Mihailović, Dušan ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
The Early Upper Paleolithic Site Crvenka-At, Serbia : The First Aurignacian Lowland Occupation Site in the Southern Carpathian Basin.
In: Frontiers in Earth Science. Bd. 9 (2021) . - 599986.

Schmitt, Thomas Michael ; Martín-López, Berta ; Kaim, Andrea ; Früh-Müller, Andrea ; Koellner, Thomas:
Ecosystem services from (pre-)Alpine grasslands : Matches and mismatches between citizens’ perceived suitability and farmers’ management considerations.
In: Ecosystem Services. Bd. 49 (2021) . - 101284.

Lu, Taotao ; Gilfedder, Benjamin Silas ; Peng, Hao ; Niu, Geng ; Frei, Sven:
Effects of clay minerals on the transport of nanoplastics through water-saturated porous media.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 796 (2021) . - 148982.

Mitterwallner, Veronika ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Besold, Andreas ; Dreitz, Andreas ; Karl, Matthias ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Zügler, Veronika ; Audorff, Volker:
Electrically assisted mountain biking : Riding faster, higher, farther in natural mountain systems.
In: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. Bd. 36 (2021) . - 100448.

Kassam, Karim-Aly ; Ruelle, Morgan ; Haag, Isabell ; Bulbulshoev, Umed ; Kaziev, Daler ; Louis, Leo ; Ullmann, Anna ; Edwards, Iriel ; Khan, Aziz Ali ; Trabucco, Antonio ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Engaging Transformation : Using Seasonal Rounds to Anticipate Climate Change.
In: Human Ecology. Bd. 49 (2021) Heft 5 . - S. 509-523.

Oliviera, Bruna R. F. ; Schaller, Carsten ; Keizer, J. Jacob ; Foken, Thomas:
Estimating immediate post-fire carbon fluxes using the eddy-covariance technique.
In: Biogeosciences. Bd. 18 (2021) Heft 1 . - S. 285-302.


Wolf, Daniel ; Kolb, Thomas ; Ryborz, Karolin ; Heinrich, Susann ; Schäfer, Imke ; Calvo, Ruben ; Sanchez, Jesus ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zech, Roland ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Faust, Dominik:
Evidence for strong relations between the upper Tagus loess formation (central Iberia) and the marine atmosphere off the Iberian margin during the last glacial period.
In: Quaternary Research. Bd. 101 (2021) . - S. 84-113.

Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Otto, Rüdiger ; Borregaard, Michael K. ; Kreft, Holger ; Price, Jonathan P. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Weigelt, Patrick ; Whittaker, Robert J.:
Evolutionary winners are ecological losers among oceanic island plants.
In: Journal of Biogeography. Bd. 48 (2021) Heft 9 . - S. 2186-2198.

Fridman, Dor ; Koellner, Thomas ; Kissinger, Meidad:
Exploring global interregional food system's sustainability using the functional regions typology.
In: Global Environmental Change. Bd. 68 (2021) . - 102276.

Mathes, Gregor H. ; van Dijk, Jeroen ; Kiessling, Wolfgang ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
Extinction risk controlled by interaction of long-term and short-term climate change.
In: Nature Ecology & Evolution. Bd. 5 (2021) . - S. 304-310.

Dembicz, Iwona ; Dengler, Jürgen ; Gillet, François ; Matthews, Thomas J. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Bartha, Sándor ; Campos, Juan Antonio ; De Frenne, Pieter ; Dolezal, Jiri ; García-Mijangos, Itziar ; Guarino, Riccardo ; Güler, Behlül ; Kuzemko, Anna ; Naqinezhad, Alireza ; Noroozi, Jalil ; Peet, Robert K. ; Terzi, Massimo ; Biurrun, Idoia:
Fine-grain beta diversity in Palaearctic open vegetation : variability within and between biomes and vegetation types.
In: Vegetation Classification and Survey. Bd. 2 (2021) . - S. 293-304.

Dembicz, Iwona ; Dengler, Jürgen ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Matthews, Thomas J. ; Bartha, Sándor ; Burrascano, Sabina ; Chiarucci, Alessandro ; Filibeck, Goffredo ; Gillet, François ; Janišová, Monika ; Palpurina, Salza ; Storch, David ; Ulrich, Werner ; Aćić, Svetlana ; Boch, Steffen ; Campos, Juan Antonio ; Cancellieri, Laura ; Carboni, Marta ; Ciaschetti, Giampiero ; Conradi, Timo ; De Frenne, Pieter ; Dolezal, Jiri ; Dolnik, Christian ; Essl, Franz ; Fantinato, Edy ; García-Mijangos, Itziar ; Giusso del Galdo, Gian Pietro ; Grytnes, John‐Arvid ; Guarino, Riccardo ; Güler, Behlül ; Kapfer, Jutta ; Klichowska, Ewelina ; Kozub, Łukasz ; Kuzemko, Anna ; Löbel, Swantje ; Manthey, Michael ; Marcenò, Corrado ; Mimet, Anne ; Naqinezhad, Alireza ; Noroozi, Jalil ; Nowak, Arkadiusz ; Pauli, Harald ; Peet, Robert K. ; Pellissier, Vincent ; Pielech, Remigiusz ; Terzi, Massimo ; Uğurlu, Emin ; Valkó, Orsolya ; Vasheniak, Iuliia ; Vassilev, Kiril ; Vynokurov, Denys ; White, Hannah ; Willner, Wolfgang ; Winkler, Manuela ; Wolfrum, Sebastian ; Zhang, Jinghui ; Biurrun, Idoia:
Fine‐grain beta diversity of Palaearctic grassland vegetation.
In: Journal of Vegetation Science. Bd. 32 (2021) Heft 3 . - e13045.

Anghelinu, Mircea ; Händel, Marc ; Niță, Loredana ; Cordoș, Cristina ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Murătoreanu, George ; Ciornei, Alexandru ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Sava, Tiberiu ; Mănăilescu, Cristian ; Ilie, Maria ; Demay, Läetitia ; Georgescu, Valentin:
From Gravettian to Epigravettian in the Eastern Carpathians : Insights from the Bistricioara-Lutărie III archaeological site.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 587-588 (2021) . - S. 210-229.

Fischer, Wolfgang ; Thomas, Christoph ; Zimov, Nikita ; Göckede, Mathias:
Grazing enhances carbon cycling, but reduces methane emission in the Siberian Pleistocene Park tundra site.
In: Biogeosciences Discussions. (2021) . - 33 S..

Schott, Matthias ; Sandmann, Maximilian ; Cresswell, James E. ; Becher, Matthias A. ; Eichner, Gerrit ; Brandt, Dominique Tobias ; Halitschke, Rayko ; Krueger, Stephanie ; Morlock, Gertrud ; Düring, Rolf-Alexander ; Vilcinskas, Andreas ; Meixner, Marina Doris ; Büchler, Ralph ; Brandt, Annely:
Honeybee colonies compensate for pesticide-induced effects on royal jelly composition and brood survival with increased brood production.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 11 (2021) . - 62.

Nogué, Sandra ; Santos, Ana M. C. ; Birks, H. John B. ; Björck, Svante ; Castilla-Beltrán, Alvaro ; Connor, Simon ; de Boer, Erik J. ; de Nascimento, Lea ; Felde, Vivian A. ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Froyd, Cynthia A. ; Haberle, Simon G. ; Hooghiemstra, Henry ; Ljung, Karl ; Norder, Sietze J. ; Peñuelas, Josep ; Prebble, Matthew ; Stevenson, Janelle ; Whittaker, Robert J. ; Willis, Kathy J. ; Wilmshurst, Janet M. ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
The human dimension of biodiversity changes on islands.
In: Science. Bd. 372 (2021) Heft 6541 . - S. 488-491.

Henneberg, Benjamin ; Bauer, Simon ; Birkenbach, Markus ; Mertl, Vanilla ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Feldhaar, Heike ; Obermaier, Elisabeth:
Influence of tree hollow characteristics and forest structure on saproxylic beetle diversity in tree hollows in managed forests in a regional comparison.
In: Ecology and Evolution. Bd. 11 (2021) . - S. 17973-17999.


Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Nett, Janina J. ; Pötter, Stephan ; Schulte, Philipp ; Sprafke, Tobias ; Jary, Zdzisław ; Antoine, Pierre ; Wacha, Lara ; Wolf, Daniel ; Zerboni, Andrea ; Hošek, Jan ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Sümegi, Pál ; Veres, Daniel ; Zeeden, Christian ; Boemke, Bruno ; Schaubert, Viktor ; Viehweger, Jonas ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Loess landscapes of Europe-Mapping, geomorphology, and zonal differentiation.
In: Earth-Science Reviews. Bd. 215 (2021) . - No. 103496.

Sayol, Ferran ; Cooke, Robert S. C. ; Pigot, Alex L. ; Blackburn, Tim M. ; Tobias, Joseph A. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Antonelli, Alexandre ; Faurby, Søren:
Loss of functional diversity through anthropogenic extinctions of island birds is not offset by biotic invasions.
In: Science Advances. Bd. 7 (2021) Heft 46 .

Haag, Isabell ; Kassam, Karim-Aly ; Senftl, Thomas ; Zandler, Harald ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Measurements meet human observations : integrating distinctive ways of knowing in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan to assess local climate change.
In: Climatic Change. Bd. 165 (2021) . - 5.

Vanselow, Kim André ; Zandler, Harald ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Methods of Assessing Vegetation Dynamics and Pasture Potentials in Arid Mountain Regions.
In: Mueller, Lothar ; Sychev, Viktor G. ; Dronin, Nikolai M. ; Eulenstein, Frank (Hrsg.): Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021 . - S. 373-382

Hoffmann, Farina ; Koellner, Thomas ; Kastner, Thomas:
The micronutrient content of the European Union's agricultural trade.
In: Ecological Economics. Bd. 188 (2021) . - 107118.

Teichert, Sebastian ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Pyko, Ines ; Mordek, Marlene ; Schulbert, Christian ; Wisshak, Max ; Laforsch, Christian:
Microplastic contamination of the drilling bivalve Hiatella arctica in Arctic rhodolith beds.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 11 (2021) . - 14574.

Fischer, Peter ; Jöris, Olaf ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Vinnepand, Mathias ; Prud'homme, Charlotte ; Schulte, Philipp ; Hatté, Christine ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lindauer, Susanne ; Zeeden, Christian ; Perić, Zoran ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Wunderlich, Tina ; Wilken, Dennis ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Vött, Andreas:
Millennial-scale terrestrial ecosystem responses to Upper Pleistocene climatic changes : 4D-reconstruction of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequence (Middle Rhine Valley, Germany).
In: Catena. Bd. 196 (2021) . - 104913.

Zeller, Marie-Louise ; Huss, Jannis-Michael ; Pfister, Lena ; Lapo, Karl ; Littmann, Daniela ; Schneider, Johann ; Schulz, Alexander ; Thomas, Christoph:
The NY-Alesund TurbulencE Fiber Optic eXperiment (NYTEFOX): investigating the Arctic boundary layer, Svalbard.
In: Earth System Science Data. Bd. 13 (2021) Heft 7 . - S. 3439-3452.

Zeller, Marie-Louise ; Huss, Jannis-Michael ; Pfister, Lena ; Lapo, Karl ; Littmann, Daniela ; Schneider, Johann ; Schulz, Alexander ; Thomas, Christoph:
The NY-Ålesund TurbulencE Fiber Optic eXperiment (NYTEFOX) : investigating the Arctic boundary layer, Svalbard.
In: Earth System Science Data Discussions. (2021) .

Constantin, Daniela ; Mason, J. A. ; Veres, D. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Panaiotu, C. ; Zeeden, Christian ; Zhou, L. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Avram, Anca ; Tecsa, Viorica ; Groza-Sacaciu, S. M. ; del Valle Villalonga, L. ; Begy, R. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
OSL-dating of the Pleistocene-Holocene climatic transition in loess from China, Europe and North America, and evidence for accretionary pedogenesis.
In: Earth-Science Reviews. Bd. 221 (2021) . - No. 103769.

Schweizer, Anne-Maria ; Leiderer, Anna ; Mitterwallner, Veronika ; Walentowitz, Anna J. ; Mathes, Gregor H. ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
Outdoor cycling activity affected by COVID-19 related epidemic-control-decisions.
In: PLoS One. Bd. 16 (2021) Heft 5 . - No. e0249268.

Scheidt, Stephanie ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Melles, Martin:
Palaeomagnetism and environmental magnetism.
In: Litt, Thomas ; Richter, Jürgen ; Schäbitz, Frank (Hrsg.): The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe : Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility. - Stuttgart : E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2021 . - S. 316-319

Giesemann, Philipp ; Rasmussen, Hanne N. ; Gebauer, Gerhard:
Partial mycoheterotrophy is common among chlorophyllous plants with Paris-type arbuscular mycorrhiza.
In: Annals of Botany. Bd. 127 (2021) Heft 5 . - S. 645-653.

Schweizer, Anne-Maria ; Höschler, Lucas ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
The Physical Damage of Climbing Activity on Sandstone Lichen Cover.
In: Sustainability. Bd. 13 (2021) Heft 24 . - 13590.

Peltola, O. ; Lapo, Karl ; Thomas, Christoph:
A Physics-Based Universal Indicator for Vertical Decoupling and Mixing Across Canopies Architectures and Dynamic Stabilities.
In: Geophysical Research Letters. Bd. 48 (2021) Heft 5 . - e2020GL091615.

Eberle, Anne ; Besold, Johannes ; Leon Ninin, Jose M. ; Kerl, Carolin ; Kujala, Katharina ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta:
Potential of high pH and reduced sulfur for arsenic mobilization : Insights from a Finnish peatland treating mining waste water.
In: Science of the Total Environment. Bd. 758 (2021) . - 143689.

Jeschke, Jonathan M. ; Laforsch, Christian ; Diel, Patricia ; Diller, Jens ; Horstmann, Martin ; Tollrian, Ralph:
In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2021

Mottl, Ondřej ; Grytnes, John-Arvid ; Seddon, Alistair W. R. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Bhatta, Kuber P. ; Felde, Vivian A. ; Flantua, Suzette G. A. ; Birks, H. John B.:
Rate-of-change analysis in paleoecology revisited : A new approach.
In: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. Bd. 293 (2021) . - No. 104483.

Cosac, Marian ; Muratoreanu, George ; Veres, Daniel ; Nita, Loredana ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Radu, Alexandru ; Cuculici, Roxana ; Buzea, Dan Lucian ; Ștefan, Dan ; Margarit, Monica ; Vasile, Stefan ; Dumitrascu, Valentin ; Rosu, Mariana ; Petculescu, Alexandru ; Sava, Tiberiu ; Georgescu, Valentin ; Serbanescu, Gabriel ; Geambasu, Ionel:
Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) : A synthesis of the 2014-2020 campaigns.
In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice. Bd. 17 (2021) Heft Suppl. 1 . - S. 325-350.

Meides, Nora ; Menzel, Teresa ; Pötzschner, Björn ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Mansfeld, Ulrich ; Strohriegl, Peter ; Altstädt, Volker ; Senker, Jürgen:
Reconstructing the Environmental Degradation of Polystyrene by Accelerated Weathering.
In: Environmental Science & Technology. Bd. 55 (2021) Heft 12 . - S. 7930-7938.

Uhler, Johannes ; Redlich, Sarah ; Zhang, Jie ; Hothorn, Torsten ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Ewald, Jörg ; Thorn, Simon ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Morinière, Jérôme ; Bozicevic, Vedran ; Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Englmeier, Jana ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Rummler, Thomas ; Uphus, Lars ; Schmidt, Stefan ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Müller, Jörg:
Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient.
In: Nature Communications. Bd. 12 (2021) . - 5946.

Lu, Taotao ; Gilfedder, Benjamin Silas ; Peng, Hao ; Peiffer, Stefan ; Papastavrou, Georg ; Ottermann, Katharina ; Frei, Sven:
Relevance of Iron Oxyhydroxide and Pore Water Chemistry on the Mobility of Nanoplastic Particles in Water-Saturated Porous Media Environments.
In: Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. Bd. 232 (2021) . - 168.


Fritz, Antonia M. ; Lapo, Karl ; Freundorfer, Anita ; Linhardt, Tobias ; Thomas, Christoph:
Revealing the Morning Transition in the Mountain Boundary Layer Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing.
In: Geophysical Research Letters. Bd. 48 (2021) Heft 9 . - e2020GL092238.

Cutts, Vanessa ; Hanz, Dagmar M. ; Barajas‐Barbosa, Martha P. ; Algar, Adam C. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Irl, Severin D. H. ; Kreft, Holger ; Weigelt, Patrick ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Field, Richard:
Scientific floras can be reliable sources for some trait data in a system with poor coverage in global trait databases.
In: Journal of Vegetation Science. Bd. 32 (2021) Heft 3 . - e12996.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Fischer, Peter ; Schulte, Philipp ; Nett, Janina J. ; Veres, Daniel ; Obreht, Igor ; Chu, Wei ; Papadopoulou, Maria ; Viehberg, Finn ; Schäbitz, Frank ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Vött, Andreas ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Sedimentology of a Late Quaternary lacustrine record from the south-eastern Carpathian Basin.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science. Bd. 36 (2021) Heft 8 . - S. 1414-1425.

Nabavi, Seyed Omid ; Nölscher, Anke ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Thomas, Christoph ; Haimberger, Leopold ; Lüers, Johannes ; Held, Andreas:
Site-scale modeling of surface ozone in Northern Bavaria using machine learning algorithms, regional dynamic models, and a hybrid model.
In: Environmental Pollution. Bd. 268, Part A (2021) . - 115736.

Rothfuß, Eberhard ; Dörfler, Thomas:
Sozialer Raum als vergessene mathesis universalis der Phänomenologie? : Eine raum- und leibbezogene Perspektive auf die Strukturen der Lebenswelt.
In: Dreher, Jochen (Hrsg.): Mathesis universalis – Die aktuelle Relevanz der „Strukturen der Lebenswelt“. - Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2021 . - S. 143-167

Sabatini, Francesco Maria ; Lenoir, Jonathan ; Hattab, Tarek ; Arnst, Elise Aimee ; Chytrý, Milan ; Dengler, Jürgen ; De Ruffray, Patrice ; Hennekens, Stephan M. ; Jandt, Ute ; Jansen, Florian ; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja ; Kattge, Jens ; Levesley, Aurora ; Pillar, Valério D. ; Purschke, Oliver ; Sandel, Brody ; Sultana, Fahmida ; Aavik, Tsipe ; Aćić, Svetlana ; Acosta, Alicia T. R. ; Agrillo, Emiliano ; Alvarez, Miguel ; Apostolova, Iva ; Arfin Khan, Mohammed Abu Sayed ; Arroyo, Luzmila ; Attorre, Fabio ; Aubin, Isabelle ; Banerjee, Arindam ; Bauters, Marijn ; Bergeron, Yves ; Bergmeier, Erwin ; Biurrun, Idoia ; Bjorkman, Anne D. ; Bonari, Gianmaria ; Bondareva, Viktoria ; Brunet, Jörg ; Čarni, Andraž ; Casella, Laura ; Cayuela, Luis ; Černý, Tomáš ; Chepinoga, Victor ; Csiky, János ; Ćušterevska, Renata ; De Bie, Els ; Gasper, André Luis ; De Sanctis, Michele ; Dimopoulos, Panayotis ; Dolezal, Jiri ; Dziuba, Tetiana ; El‐Sheikh, Mohamed Abd El‐Rouf Mousa ; Enquist, Brian ; Ewald, Jörg ; Fazayeli, Farideh ; Field, Richard ; Finckh, Manfred ; Gachet, Sophie ; Galán‐de‐Mera, Antonio ; Garbolino, Emmanuel ; Gholizadeh, Hamid ; Giorgis, Melisa ; Golub, Valentin ; Alsos, Inger Greve ; Grytnes, John‐Arvid ; Guerin, Gregory Richard ; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G. ; Haider, Sylvia ; Hatim, Mohamed Z. ; Hérault, Bruno ; Hinojos Mendoza, Guillermo ; Hölzel, Norbert ; Homeier, Jürgen ; Hubau, Wannes ; Indreica, Adrian ; Janssen, John A. M. ; Jedrzejek, Birgit ; Jentsch, Anke ; Jürgens, Norbert ; Kącki, Zygmunt ; Kapfer, Jutta ; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus ; Kavgacı, Ali ; Kearsley, Elizabeth ; Kessler, Michael ; Khanina, Larisa ; Killeen, Timothy ; Korolyuk, Andrey ; Kreft, Holger ; Kühl, Hjalmar S. ; Kuzemko, Anna ; Landucci, Flavia ; Lengyel, Attila ; Lens, Frederic ; Lingner, Débora Vanessa ; Liu, Hongyan ; Lysenko, Tatiana ; Mahecha, Miguel D. ; Marcenò, Corrado ; Martynenko, Vasiliy ; Moeslund, Jesper Erenskjold ; Monteagudo Mendoza, Abel ; Mucina, Ladislav ; Müller, Jonas V. ; Munzinger, Jérôme ; Naqinezhad, Alireza ; Noroozi, Jalil ; Nowak, Arkadiusz ; Onyshchenko, Viktor ; Overbeck, Gerhard E. ; Pärtel, Meelis ; Pauchard, Aníbal ; Peet, Robert K. ; Peñuelas, Josep ; Pérez‐Haase, Aaron ; Peterka, Tomáš ; Petřík, Petr ; Peyre, Gwendolyn ; Phillips, Oliver L. ; Prokhorov, Vadim ; Rašomavičius, Valerijus ; Revermann, Rasmus ; Rivas‐Torres, Gonzalo ; Rodwell, John S. ; Ruprecht, Eszter ; Rūsiņa, Solvita ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Schmidt, Marco ; Schrodt, Franziska ; Shan, Hanhuai ; Shirokikh, Pavel ; Šibík, Jozef ; Šilc, Urban ; Sklenář, Petr ; Škvorc, Željko ; Sparrow, Ben ; Sperandii, Marta Gaia ; Stančić, Zvjezdana ; Svenning, Jens‐Christian ; Tang, Zhiyao ; Tang, Cindy Q. ; Tsiripidis, Ioannis ; Vanselow, Kim André ; Vásquez Martínez, Rodolfo ; Vassilev, Kiril ; Vélez‐Martin, Eduardo ; Venanzoni, Roberto ; Vibrans, Alexander Christian ; Violle, Cyrille ; Virtanen, Risto ; Wehrden, Henrik ; Wagner, Viktoria ; Walker, Donald A. ; Waller, Donald M. ; Wang, Hua‐Feng ; Wesche, Karsten ; Whitfeld, Timothy J. S. ; Willner, Wolfgang ; Wiser, Susan K. ; Wohlgemuth, Thomas ; Yamalov, Sergey ; Zobel, Martin ; Bruelheide, Helge ; Bates, Amanda:
sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open‐access, global dataset of vegetation plots.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. Bd. 30 (2021) Heft 9 . - S. 1740-1764.

Peltola, Olli ; Lapo, Karl ; Martinkauppi, Ilkka ; O'Connor, Ewan ; Thomas, Christoph ; Vesala, Timo:
Suitability of fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing for revealing mixing processes and higher-order moments at the forest-air interface.
In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Bd. 14 (2021) Heft 3 . - S. 2409-2427.

Pfister, Lena ; Lapo, Karl ; Mahrt, Larry ; Thomas, Christoph:
Thermal Submeso Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 2: Generating Mechanisms and Implications.
In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology. Bd. 180 (2021) Heft 2 . - S. 203-224.

Pfister, Lena ; Lapo, Karl ; Mahrt, Larry ; Thomas, Christoph:
Thermal Submesoscale Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 1: Detection and Mean Statistics.
In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology. Bd. 180 (2021) Heft 2 . - S. 187-202.

Vanselow, Kim André ; Zandler, Harald ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Time Series Analysis of Land Cover Change in Dry Mountains : Insights from the Tajik Pamirs.
In: Remote Sensing. Bd. 13 (2021) Heft 19 . - No. 3951.

Laermanns, Hannes ; Lehmann, Moritz ; Klee, Marcel ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Gekle, Stephan ; Bogner, Christina:
Tracing the horizontal transport of microplastics on rough surfaces.
In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics. Bd. 1 (2021) . - 11.

Guo, Qinghai ; Planer-Friedrich, Britta ; Yan, Ketao:
Tungstate thiolation promoting the formation of high-tungsten geothermal waters and its environmental implications.
In: Journal of Hydrology. Bd. 603, Part B (2021) . - 127016.

Tsanova, Tsenka ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Spasov, Rosen ; Dimitrova, Irena ; Popov, Pavel ; Talamo, Sahra ; Sirakova, Svoboda:
Upper Palaeolithic layers and Campanian Ignimbrite/Y-5 tephra in Toplitsa cave, Northern Bulgaria.
In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Bd. 37 (2021) . - 102912.


Sandu, Cristina ; Takacs, Emoke ; Suaria, Giuseppe ; Borgogno, Franco ; Laforsch, Christian ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Tweehuysen, Gijsbert ; Florea, Letitia:
Society Role in the Reduction of Plastic Pollution.
In: Stock, Friederike ; Reifferscheid, Georg ; Brennholt, Nicole ; Kostianaia, Evgeniia (Hrsg.): Handbook of Environmental Chemistry : Plastics in the Aquatic Environment. Part II. Stakeholders Role against Pollution. - Cham : Springer Nature, 2020 . - S. 39-65

Bartkowski, Bartosz ; Beckmann, Michael ; Drechsler, Martin ; Kaim, Andrea ; Liebelt, Veronika ; Müller, Birgit ; Witing, Felix ; Strauch, Michael:
Aligning Agent-Based Modeling With Multi-Objective Land-Use Allocation : Identification of Policy Gaps and Feasible Pathways to Biophysically Optimal Landscapes.
In: Frontiers in Environmental Science. Bd. 8 (2020) . - 103.

Sayol, Ferran ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Blackburn, T. M. ; Antonelli, Alexandre ; Faurby, S.:
Anthropogenic extinctions conceal widespread evolution of flightlessness in birds.
In: Science Advances. Bd. 6 (2020) Heft 49 . - eabb6095.

Scheidt, Stephanie ; Berg, Sonja ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Pötter, Stephan ; Stolz, Alexander ; Veres, Daniel ; Zeeden, Christian ; Brill, Dominik ; Brückner, Helmut ; Kusch, Stephanie ; Laag, Christian ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Melles, Martin ; Monnens, Florian ; Oppermann, Lukas ; Rethemeyer, Janet ; Nett, Janina J.:
Chronological Assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan Loess-Paleosol Section (Romania) : A Comparative Study on Different Dating Methods for a Robust and Precise Age Model.
In: Frontiers in Earth Science. Bd. 8 (2020) . - 598448.

Irl, Severin D. H. ; Obermeier, Alexander ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Steinbauer, Manuel:
Climate controls plant life‐form patterns on a high‐elevation oceanic island.
In: Journal of Biogeography. Bd. 47 (2020) Heft 10 . - S. 2261-2273.

Giesemann, Philipp ; Eichenberg, David ; Stöckel, Marcus ; Seifert, Lukas F. ; Gomes, Sofia I. F. ; Merckx, Vincent ; Gebauer, Gerhard:
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In: Functional Ecology. Bd. 34 (2020) Heft 12 . - S. 2453-2466.

Lapo, Karl ; Freundorfer, Anita ; Pfister, Lena ; Schneider, Johann ; Selker, John S. ; Thomas, Christoph:
Distributed observations of wind direction using microstructures attached to actively heated fiber-optic cables.
In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Bd. 13 (2020) Heft 3 . - S. 1563-1573.

Zhang, Qi ; Wang, Ying ; Tao, Shiqi ; Bilsborrow, Richard E. ; Qiu, Tong ; Liu, Chong ; Sannigrahi, Srikanta ; Li, Qirui ; Song, Conghe:
Divergent socioeconomic-ecological outcomes of China’s conversion of cropland to forest program in the subtropical mountainous area and the semi-arid Loess Plateau.
In: Ecosystem Services. Bd. 45 (2020) . - 101167.

Ramsperger, Anja ; Narayana, Vinay Kumar Bangalore ; Gross, Wolfgang ; Mohanraj, John ; Thelakkat, Mukundan ; Greiner, Andreas ; Schmalz, Holger ; Kress, Holger ; Laforsch, Christian:
Environmental exposure enhances the internalization of microplastic particles into cells.
In: Science Advances. Bd. 6 (2020) Heft 50 . - eabd1211.

Scheidt, Stephanie ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Rolf, Christian ; Wennrich, Volker:
Environmental signals of Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic changes in Central Europe : Insights from the mineral magnetic record of the Heidelberg Basin sedimentary infill (Germany).
In: Global and Planetary Change. Bd. 187 (2020) . - 103112.

Möller, Julia N. ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Laforsch, Christian:
Finding Microplastics in Soils : A Review of Analytical Methods.
In: Environmental Science & Technology. Bd. 54 (2020) Heft 4 . - S. 2078-2090.

Laforsch, Christian ; Ramsperger, Anja ; Mondellini, Simona ; Galloway, Tamara S.:
Microplastics : A Novel Suite of Environmental Contaminants but Present for Decades.
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Pagonis, Vasilis ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Duncan, Alex Roy ; Rajovic, Ena ; Laag, Christian ; Schmidt, Christoph:
On the stochastic uncertainties of thermally and optically stimulated luminescence signals : A Monte Carlo approach.
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Ulloa-Torrealba, Yrneh ; Stahlmann, Reinhold ; Wegmann, Martin ; Koellner, Thomas:
Over 150 Years of Change : Object-Oriented Analysis of Historical Land Cover in the Main River Catchment, Bavaria/Germany.
In: Remote Sensing. Bd. 12 (2020) Heft 24 . - 4048.

Dris, Rachid ; Agarwal, Seema ; Laforsch, Christian:
Plastics : From a Success Story to an Environmental Problem and a Global Challenge.
In: Global Challenges. Bd. 4 (2020) Heft 6 . - 2000026.

Teichert, Sebastian ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Kiessling, Wolfgang:
A possible link between coral reef success, crustose coralline algae and the evolution of herbivory.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 10 (2020) . - 17748.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Reassessing the timeframe of Upper Palaeolithic deposits in the Ceahlău Basin (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) : Geochronological and archaeological implications.
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 55 (2020) . - 101020.

Tecsa, Viorica ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Schulte, Philipp ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Revisiting the chronostratigraphy of Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences in southwestern Ukraine : OSL dating of Kurortne section.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 542 (2020) . - S. 65-79.

Schneider, Florian ; Roettig, Christopher-Bastian ; Wolf, Daniel ; Baumgart, Philipp ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Faust, Dominik:
Rock magnetics of carbonate systems-investigating palaeodune archives on Fuerteventura (Canary Islands).
In: Journal of Quaternary Science. Bd. 35 (2020) Heft 4 . - S. 594-606.

Faust, Dominik ; Pachtmann, Maximilian ; Mettig, Georg ; Seidel, Pauline ; Bouaziz, Moncef ; Recio Espejo, José Manuel ; Del Olmo, Fernando Diaz ; Roettig, Christopher-Bastian ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Meszner, Sascha:
Sandy soils in silty loess : the loess system of Matmata (Tunisia).
In: Quaternaire. Bd. 31 (2020) Heft 3 . - S. 175-186.

Páll-Gergely, Barna ; Baykal, Yunus ; Stevens, Thomas ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich:
A sinistral Helicopsis cf. instabilis (Rossmässler, 1838) from Romanian loess.
In: Folia Malacologica. Bd. 28 (2020) Heft 1 . - S. 91-93.

Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Veres, Daniel ; Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie ; Hošek, Jan ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bösken, Janina ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Smoothed millennial-scale palaeoclimatic reference data as unconventional comparison targets : Application to European loess records.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 10 (2020) . - 5455.

Flantua, Suzette G. A. ; Payne, Davnah ; Borregaard, Michael K. ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Dullinger, Stefan ; Essl, Franz ; Irl, Severin D. H. ; Kienle, David ; Kreft, Holger ; Lenzner, Bernd ; Norder, Sietze J. ; Rijsdijk, Kenneth F. ; Rumpf, Sabine B. ; Weigelt, Patrick ; Field, Richard ; Storch, David:
Snapshot isolation and isolation history challenge the analogy between mountains and islands used to understand endemism.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. Bd. 29 (2020) Heft 10 . - S. 1651-1673.

Tjaden, Nils:
Spatial Risk Assessment of Mosquito-Borne Viral Diseases – Research at the Intersection of Ecology and Epidemiology.
Bayreuth , 2020 . - VI, 299 S.
( Dissertation, 2020 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)

Dengler, Jürgen ; Matthews, Thomas J. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Wolfrum, Sebastian ; Boch, Steffen ; Chiarucci, Alessandro ; Conradi, Timo ; Dembicz, Iwona ; Marcenò, Corrado ; García-Mijangos, Itziar ; Nowak, Arkadiusz ; Storch, David ; Ulrich, Werner ; Campos, Juan Antonio ; Cancellieri, Laura ; Carboni, Marta ; Ciaschetti, Giampiero ; De Frenne, Pieter ; Dolezal, Jiri ; Dolnik, Christian ; Essl, Franz ; Fantinato, Edy ; Filibeck, Goffredo ; Grytnes, John-Arvid ; Guarino, Riccardo ; Güler, Behlül ; Janišová, Monika ; Klichowska, Ewelina ; Kozub, Łukasz ; Kuzemko, Anna ; Manthey, Michael ; Mimet, Anne ; Naqinezhad, Alireza ; Pedersen, Christian ; Peet, Robert K. ; Pellissier, Vincent ; Pielech, Remigiusz ; Potenza, Giovanna ; Rosati, Leonardo ; Terzi, Massimo ; Valkó, Orsolya ; Vynokurov, Denys ; White, Hannah ; Winkler, Manuela ; Biurrun, Idoia:
Species–area relationships in continuous vegetation : Evidence from Palaearctic grasslands.
In: Journal of Biogeography. Bd. 47 (2020) Heft 1 . - S. 72-86.

Ramsperger, Anja ; Stellwag, Anja C. ; Caspari, Anja ; Fery, Andreas ; Lüders, Tillmann ; Kress, Holger ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Laforsch, Christian:
Structural Diversity in Early-Stage Biofilm Formation on Microplastics Depends on Environmental Medium and Polymer Properties.
In: Water. Bd. 12 (2020) Heft 11 . - 3216.

Avram, Anca ; Constantin, Daniela ; Veres, Daniel ; Kelemen, Szabolcs ; Obreht, Igor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Testing polymineral post-IR IRSL and quartz SAR-OSL protocols on Middle to Late Pleistocene loess at Batajnica, Serbia.
In: BOREAS. Bd. 49 (2020) Heft 3 . - S. 615-633.

Samimi, Cyrus ; Ghosh, Aditya ; Fickert, Thomas:
Die tropischen Zyklone Idai und Fani im Jahr 2019.
In: Geographische Rundschau. Bd. 72 (2020) Heft 4 . - S. 34-37.

Kaim, Andrea ; Strauch, Michael ; Volk, Martin:
Using Stakeholder Preferences to Identify Optimal Land Use Configurations.
In: Frontiers in Water. Bd. 2 (2020) . - 579087.


Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Constantin, Daniela ; Zeeden, Christian ; Pötter, Stephan ; Baykal, Yunus ; Obreht, Igor ; Laag, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Schulte, Philipp ; Stevens, Thomas ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Interglacial, Holocene and recent dust accretion in the Danube Basin and beyond : evidence for uninterrupted dust accumulation in Eurasian dry steppe regions.
Veranstaltung: International Workshop on Loess and Archeology: Geoarcheological and paleoenvironmental research in European loess-scapes , 27-29.11.2019 , RWTH Aachen University.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Workshop , Vortrag )


Strauch, Michael ; Cord, Anna F. ; Pätzold, Carola ; Lautenbach, Sven ; Kaim, Andrea ; Schweitzer, Christian ; Seppelt, Ralf ; Volk, Martin:
Constraints in multi-objective optimization of land use allocation - Repair or penalize?
In: Environmental Modelling & Software. Bd. 118 (2019) . - S. 241-251.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn ; Obreht, Igor ; Bösken, Janina ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Corrigendum to "Millennial scale climate oscillations recorded in the Lower Danube loess over the last glacial period" [Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 509, 15 November 2018 164-181].
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 523 (2019) . - S. 116-117.

Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
A critical reevaluation of palaeoclimate proxy records from loess in the Carpathian Basin.
In: Earth-Science Reviews. Bd. 190 (2019) . - S. 498-520.

Svirčev, Zorica ; Dulić, Tamara ; Obreht, Igor ; Codd, Geoffrey A. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Meriluoto, Jussi:
Cyanobacteria and loess-an underestimated interaction.
In: Plant and Soil. Bd. 439 (2019) Heft 1-2 . - S. 293-308.

Kidane, Yohannes ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl:
Dead end for endemic plant species? A biodiversity hotspot under pressure.
In: Global Ecology and Conservation. Bd. 19 (2019) . - e00670.

Essien, Etido ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Detection of Urban Development in Uyo (Nigeria) Using Remote Sensing.
In: Land. Bd. 8 (2019) Heft 6 . - No. 102.

Cutts, Vanessa ; Katal, Negin ; Löwer, Caroline ; Algar, Adam C. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Irl, Severin D. H. ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Field, Richard:
The effect of small-scale topography on patterns of endemism within islands.
In: Frontiers of Biogeography. Bd. 11 (2019) Heft 4 . - e43737.


Pagonis, Vasilis ; Friedrich, Johannes ; Discher, Michael ; Müller-Kirschbaum, Anna ; Schlosser, Veronika ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Chen, Reuven ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Excited state luminescence signals from a random distribution of defects : A new Monte Carlo simulation approach for feldspar.
In: Journal of Luminescence. Bd. 207 (2019) . - S. 266-272.

Hobohm, Carsten ; Janišová, Monika ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Landi, Sara ; Field, Richard ; Vanderplank, Sula ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Grytnes, John-Arvid ; Vetaas, Ole Reidar ; Fidelis, Alessandra ; de Nascimento, Lea ; Clark, Vincent Ralph ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Franklin, Scott ; Guarino, Riccardo ; Huang, Jihong ; Krestoy, Pavel ; Ma, Keping ; Onipchenko, Vladimir ; Palmer, Mike W. ; Simon, Marcelo F. ; Stolz, Christian ; Chiarucci, Alessandro:
Global endemics-area relationships of vascular plants.
In: Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. Bd. 17 (2019) Heft 2 . - S. 41-49.

Bösken, Janina ; Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Klasen, Nicole ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Sümegi, Pál ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
High-resolution paleoclimatic proxy data from the MIS3/2 transition recorded in northeastern Hungarian loess.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 502, Part A (2019) . - S. 95-107.

Haag, Isabell ; Kassam, Karim-Aly ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Ökologische Kalender im Pamir : Anpassung an den Klimawandel auf dem Dach der Welt.
In: Geographische Rundschau. Bd. 71 (2019) Heft 12 . - S. 26-31.

Fischer, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Schulte, Philipp ; Zeeden, Christian ; Steininger, Florian ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Gerlach, Renate ; Radtke, Ulrich:
Landscape instability at the end of MIS 3 in western Central Europe : evidence from a multi proxy study on a Loess-Palaeosol-Sequence from the eastern Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 502, Part A (2019) . - S. 119-136.

Noppradit, Prakrit ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Dürrast, Helmut ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Late Quaternary evolution of Songhkla coast, Southern Thailand, revealed by OSL dating.
In: Chiang Mai Journal of Science. Bd. 46 (2019) Heft 1 . - S. 152-164.

Góis-Marques, Carlos A. ; Elias, Rui B. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; de Nascimento, Lea ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; de Sequeira, Miguel Menezes ; Madeira, José:
The Loss of a Unique Palaeobotanical Site in Terceira Island Within the Azores UNESCO Global Geopark (Portugal).
In: Geoheritage. Bd. 11 (2019) . - S. 1817-1825.

Constantin, Daniela ; Veres, Daniel ; Panaiotu, Cristian G. ; Anechitei-Deacu, Valentina ; Groza, Stefana M. ; Begy, Róbert ; Kelemen, Szabolcs ; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Luminescence age constraints on the Pleistocene-Holocene transition recorded in loess sequences across SE Europe.
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 49 (2019) . - S. 71-77.

Hufnagl, Benedikt ; Steiner, Dieter ; Renner, Elisabeth ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Laforsch, Christian ; Lohninger, Hans:
A methodology for the fast identification and monitoring of microplastics in environmental samples using random decision forest classifiers.
In: Analytical Methods. Bd. 11 (2019) Heft 17 . - S. 2277-2285.

Frei, Sven ; Piehl, Sarah ; Gilfedder, Benjamin Silas ; Löder, Martin G. J. ; Krutzke, Jennifer ; Wilhelm, Laura ; Laforsch, Christian:
Occurence of microplastics in the hyporheic zone of rivers.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 9 (2019) . - 15256.

Groza, Stefana M. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, D. ; Vulpoi, A. ; Händel, Marc ; Einwögerer, T. ; Simon, U. ; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Optically stimulated luminescence ages for the Upper Palaeolithic site Krems-Wachtberg, Austria.
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 49 (2019) . - S. 242-248.

Veres, Daniel ; Cosac, Marian ; Murătoreanu, George ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Persani Mountains : Karst of Vârghis Gorge.
In: Ponta, Gheorghe M. L. ; Onac, Bogdan P. (Hrsg.): Cave and Karst Systems of Romania. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2019 . - S. 57-63

Trotter, Benjamin ; Ramsperger, Anja ; Raab, Patricia ; Haberstroh, Julia ; Laforsch, Christian:
Plastic waste interferes with chemical communication in aquatic ecosystems.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 9 (2019) . - 5889.

Radaković, Milica G. ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Schaetzl, Randall J. ; Tošić, Ivana ; Ninkov, Jordana ; Vasin, Jovica ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
Quantitative relationships between climate and magnetic susceptibility of soils on the Bačka Loess Plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 502, Part A (2019) . - S. 85-94.

Perić, Zoran ; Lagerbäck Adolphi, Emma ; Stevens, Thomas ; Gábor, Újvári ; Zeeden, Christian ; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fischer, Peter ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Schulte, Philipp ; Huayu, Lu ; Shuangwen, Yi ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Obreht, Igor ; Veres, Daniel ; Thiel, Christine ; Frechen, Manfred ; Jain, Mayank ; Vött, Andreas ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
Quartz OSL dating of late quaternary Chinese and Serbian loess : a cross Eurasian comparison of dust mass accumulation rates.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 502, Part A (2019) . - S. 30-44.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Woda, Clemens:
Quartz thermoluminescence spectra in the high‑dose range.
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. Bd. 46 (2019) Heft 9 . - S. 861-875.

Govedarica, Dragan D. ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Zeremski, Tijana M. ; Govedarica, Olga M. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Tomić, Nemanja A. ; Sentić, Ivana ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
Relationships between heavy metal content and magnetic susceptibility in road side loess profiles : a possible way to detect pollution.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 502, Part A (2019) . - S. 148-159.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Simmank, Oliver ; Kreutzer, Sebastian:
Time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence of quartz in the nanosecond time domain.
In: Journal of Luminescence. Bd. 213 (2019) . - S. 376-387.



Steinbauer, Manuel ; Grytnes, John-Arvid ; Jurasinski, Gerald ; Kulonen, Aino ; Lenoir, Jonathan ; Pauli, Harald ; Rixen, Christian ; Winkler, Manuela ; Bardy-Durchhalter, Manfred ; Barni, Elena ; Bjorkman, Anne D. ; Breiner, Frank T. ; Burg, Sarah ; Czortek, Patryk ; Dawes, Melissa A. ; Delimat, Anna ; Dullinger, Stefan ; Erschbamer, Brigitta ; Felde, Vivian A. ; Fernandez-Arberas, Olatz ; Fossheim, Kjetil F. ; Gómez-García, Daniel ; Georges, Damien ; Grindrud, Erlend T. ; Haider, Sylvia ; Haugum, Siri V. ; Henriksen, Hanne ; Herreros, Maria J. ; Jaroszewicz, Bogdan ; Jaroszynska, Francesca ; Kanka, Robert ; Kapfer, Jutta ; Klanderud, Kari ; Kuhn, Ingolf ; Lamprecht, Andrea ; Matteodo, Magali ; Morra di Cella, Umberto ; Normand, Signe ; Odland, Arvid ; Olsen, Siri L. ; Palacio, Sara ; Petey, Martina ; Piscova, Veronika ; Sedlakova, Blazena ; Steinbauer, Klaus ; Stockli, Veronika ; Svenning, Jens-Christian ; Teppa, Guido ; Theurillat, Jean-Paul ; Vittoz, Pascal ; Woodin, Sarah J. ; Zimmermann, Niklaus E. ; Wipf, Sonja:
Accelerated increase in plant species richness on mountain summits is linked to warming.
In: Nature. Bd. 556 (2018) Heft 7700 . - S. 231-234.

Kassam, Karim-Aly S. ; Ruelle, Morgan L. ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Trabucco, Antonio ; Xu, Jianchu:
Anticipating Climatic Variability : The Potential of Ecological Calendars.
In: Human Ecology. Bd. 46 (2018) Heft 2 . - S. 249-257.

Schaetzl, Randall J. ; Bettis, E. Arthur ; Crouvi, Onn ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Grimley, David A. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Mason, Joseph A. ; Owczarek, Piotr ; Roberts, Helen M. ; Rousseau, Denis-Didier ; Stevens, Thomas ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; Zárate, Marcelo ; Veres, Daniel ; Yang, Shiling ; Zech, Michael ; Conroy, Jessica L. ; Dave, Aditi K. ; Faust, Dominik ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Obreht, Igor ; Prudhomme, Charlotte ; Smalley, Ian ; Tripaldi, Alfonsina ; Zeeden, Christian ; Zech, Roland:
Approaches and challenges to the study of loess : Introduction to the LoessFest Special Issue.
In: Quaternary Research. Bd. 89 (2018) Heft 3 . - S. 563-618.

Dormann, Carsten F. ; Bobrowski, Maria ; Dehling, D. Matthias ; Harris, David J. ; Hartig, Florian ; Lischke, Heike ; Moretti, Marco D. ; Pagel, Jörn ; Pinkert, Stefan ; Schleuning, Matthias ; Schmidt, Susanne I. ; Sheppard, Christine S. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Zeuss, Dirk ; Kraan, Casper:
Biotic interactions in species distribution modelling : 10 questions to guide interpretation and avoid false conclusions.
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. Bd. 27 (2018) Heft 9 . - S. 1004-1016.

Ziv, Guy ; Hassall, Christopher ; Bartkowski, Bartosz ; Cord, Anna F. ; Kaim, Andrea ; Kalamandeen, Michelle ; Landaverde-González, Patricia ; Melo, Joana L.B. ; Seppelt, Ralf ; Shannon, Caitriona ; Václavík, Tomáš ; Zoderer, Brenda Maria ; Beckmann, Michael:
A bird’s eye view over ecosystem services in Natura 2000 sites across Europe.
In: Ecosystem Services. Bd. 30, Part B (2018) . - S. 287-298.

Reinhardt, Katja ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Comparison of different wind data interpolation methods for a region with complex terrain in Central Asia.
In: Climate Dynamics. Bd. 51 (2018) Heft 9/10 . - S. 3635-3652.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Kels, Holger ; Schulte, Philipp ; Protze, Jens ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Klasen, Nicole ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Corrigendum to "Three climatic cycles recorded in a loess-palaeosol sequence at Semlac (Romania) - Implications for dust accumulation in south-eastern Europe" Quat. Sci. Rev. 154C (2016) 130-142.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 187 (2018) . - S. 270-271.

Mayr, Manuel J. ; Malß, Sophia ; Ofner, Elisabeth ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Disturbance feedbacks on the height of woody vegetation in a savannah : a multi-plot assessment using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. Bd. 39 (2018) Heft 14 . - S. 4761-4785.

Rao, Mide ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Xiang, Xiaoguo ; Zhang, Minggang ; Mi, Xiangcheng ; Zhang, Jintun ; Ma, Keping ; Svenning, Jens-Christian:
Environmental and evolutionary drivers of diversity patterns in the tea family (Theaceae s.s.) across China.
In: Ecology and Evolution. Bd. 8 (2018) Heft 23 . - S. 11663-11676.

Borges, Paulo A. V. ; Cardoso, Pedro ; Kreft, Holger ; Whittaker, Robert J. ; Fattorini, Simone ; Emerson, Brent C. ; Gil, Artur ; Gillespie, Rosemary ; Matthews, Thomas J. ; Santos, Ana M. C. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Thebaud, Christophe ; Ah-Peng, Claudine ; Amorim, Isabel R. ; Aranda, Silvia Calvo ; Arroz, Ana Moura ; Azevedo, Jose Manuel N. ; Boieiro, Mario ; Borda-de-Agua, Luis ; Carvalho, Jose Carlos ; Elias, Rui B. ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Florencio, Margarita ; González-Mancebo, Juana M. ; Heaney, Lawrence R. ; Hortal, Joaquin ; Kueffer, Christoph ; Lequette, Benoit ; Martín-Esquivel, José Luis ; Lopez, Heriberto ; Lamelas-Lopez, Lucas ; Marcelino, Jose ; Nunes, Rui ; Oromi, Pedro ; Patino, Jairo ; Perez, Antonio J. ; Rego, Carla ; Ribeiro, Servio P. ; Rigal, Francois ; Rodrigues, Pedro ; Rominger, Andrew J. ; Santos-Reis, Margarida ; Schaefer, Hanno ; Sergio, Cecilia ; Serrano, Artur R. M. ; Sim-Sim, Manuela ; Stephenson, P. J. ; Soares, Antonio O. ; Strasberg, Dominique ; Vanderporten, Alain ; Vieira, Virgilio ; Gabriel, Rosalina:
Global Island Monitoring Scheme (GIMS) : a proposal for the long-term coordinated survey and monitoring of native island forest biota.
In: Biodiversity and Conservation. Bd. 27 (2018) Heft 10 . - S. 2567-2586.

Dengler, Jürgen ; Wagner, Viktoria ; Dembicz, Iwona ; Garcia-Mijangos, Itziar ; Naqinezhad, Alireza ; Boch, Steffen ; Chiarucci, Alessandro ; Conradi, Timo ; Filibeck, Goffredo ; Guarino, Riccardo ; Janišová, Monika ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Aćić, Svetlana ; Acosta, Alicia T. R. ; Akasaka, Munemitsu ; Allers, Marc-Andre ; Apostolova, Iva ; Axmanova, Irena ; Bakan, Branko ; Baranova, Alina ; Bardy-Durchhalter, Manfred ; Bartha, Sándor ; Baumann, Esther ; Becker, Thomas ; Becker, Ute ; Belonovskaya, Elena ; Bengtsson, Karin ; Benito Alonso, Jose Luis ; Berastegi, Asun ; Bergamini, Ariel ; Bonini, Ilaria ; Bruun, Hans Henrik ; Budzhak, Vasyl ; Bueno, Alvaro ; Antonio Campos, Juan ; Cancellieri, Laura ; Carboni, Marta ; Chocarro, Cristina ; Conti, Luisa ; Czarniecka-Wiera, Marta ; De Frenne, Pieter ; Deak, Balazs ; Didukh, Yakiv P. ; Diekmann, Martin ; Dolnik, Christian ; Dupre, Cecilia ; Ecker, Klaus ; Ermakov, Nikolai ; Erschbamer, Brigitta ; Escudero, Adrian ; Etayo, Javier ; Fajmonova, Zuzana ; Felde, Vivian A. ; Fernandez Calzado, Maria Rosa ; Finckh, Manfred ; Fotiadis, Georgios ; Fracchiolla, Mariano ; Ganeva, Anna ; Garcia-Magro, Daniel ; Gavilan, Rosario G. ; Germany, Markus ; Giladi, Itamar ; Gillet, Francois ; Giusso del Galdo, Gian Pietro ; Gonzalez, Jose M. ; Grytnes, John-Arvid ; Hájek, Michal ; Hajkova, Petra ; Helm, Aveliina ; Herrera, Mercedes ; Hettenbergerova, Eva ; Hobohm, Carsten ; Huellbusch, Elisabeth M. ; Ingerpuu, Nele ; Jandt, Ute ; Jeltsch, Florian ; Jensen, Kai ; Jentsch, Anke ; Jeschke, Michael ; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja ; Kacki, Zygmunt ; Kakinuma, Kaoru ; Kapfer, Jutta ; Kavgaci, Ali ; Kelemen, Andras ; Kiehl, Kathrin ; Koyama, Asuka ; Koyanagi, Tomoyo F. ; Kozub, Lukasz ; Kuzemko, Anna ; Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen ; Landi, Sara ; Langer, Nancy ; Lastrucci, Lorenzo ; Lazzaro, Lorenzo ; Lelli, Chiara ; Leps, Jan ; Loebel, Swantje ; Luzuriaga, Arantzazu L. ; Maccherini, Simona ; Magnes, Martin ; Malicki, Marek ; Marcenò, Corrado ; Mardari, Constantin ; Mauchamp, Leslie ; May, Felix ; Michelsen, Ottar ; Mesa, Joaquin Molero ; Molnar, Zsolt ; Moysiyenko, Ivan Y. ; Nakaga, Yuko K. ; Natcheva, Rayna ; Noroozi, Jalil ; Pakeman, Robin J. ; Palpurina, Salza ; Pärtel, Meelis ; Paetsch, Ricarda ; Pauli, Harald ; Pedashenko, Hristo ; Peet, Robert K. ; Pielech, Remigiusz ; Pipenbaher, Natasa ; Pirini, Chrisoula ; Pleskova, Zuzana ; Polyakova, Mariya A. ; Prentice, Honor C. ; Reinecke, Jennifer ; Reitalu, Triin ; Pilar Rodriguez-Rojo, Maria ; Roleček, Jan ; Ronkin, Vladimir ; Rosati, Leonardo ; Rosen, Ejvind ; Ruprecht, Eszter ; Rūsiņa, Solvita ; Sabovljevic, Marko ; Sanchez, Ana Maria ; Savchenko, Galina ; Schuhmacher, Oliver ; Skornik, Sonja ; Sperandii, Marta Gaia ; Staniaszek-Kik, Monika ; Stevanovic-Dajic, Zora ; Stock, Marin ; Suchrow, Sigrid ; Sutcliffe, Laura M. E. ; Swacha, Grzegorz ; Sykes, Martin ; Szabo, Anna ; Talebi, Amir ; Tanase, Catalin ; Terzi, Massimo ; Tolgyesi, Csaba ; Torca, Marta ; Török, Péter ; Tothmeresz, Bela ; Tsarevskaya, Nadezda ; Tsiripidis, Ioannis ; Tzonev, Rossen ; Ushimaru, Atushi ; Valko, Orsolya ; van der Maarel, Eddy ; Vanneste, Thomas ; Vashenyak, Iuliia ; Vassilev, Kiril ; Viciani, Daniele ; Villar, Luis ; Virtanen, Risto ; Kosic, Ivana Vitasovic ; Wang, Yun ; Weiser, Frank ; Went, Julia ; Wesche, Karsten ; White, Hannah ; Winkler, Manuela ; Zaniewski, Piotr T. ; Zhang, Hui ; Ziv, Yaron ; Znamenskiy, Sergey ; Biurrun, Idoia:
GrassPlot : a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands.
In: Phytocoenologia. Bd. 48 (2018) Heft 3 . - S. 331-347.

Payeur-Poirier, Jean-Lionel:
Hydrological dynamics of forested catchments as influenced by the East Asian summer monsoon.
Bayreuth , 2018 . - XVII, 165 S.
( Dissertation, 2017 , Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)

Schmidt, Christoph ; Bösken, Janina ; Kolb, Thomas:
Is there a common alpha-efficiency in polymineral samples measured by various infrared stimulated luminescence protocols?
In: Geochronometria. Bd. 45 (2018) Heft 1 . - S. 160-172.

Wacha, Lara ; Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Frechen, Manfred ; Galović, Lidija ; Duchoslav, Marguerita:
The Last Glacial aeolian record of the Island of Susak (Croatia) as seen from a high-resolution grain–size and rock magnetic analysis.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 494 (2018) . - S. 211-224.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Stevens, Thomas ; Mason, Joseph A. ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; Yang, Shiling ; Veres, Daniel ; Újvári, Gábor ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Zeeden, Christian ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Obreht, Igor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Wu, Haibin ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Rolf, Christian ; Tomić, Nemanja A. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Loess correlations - Between myth and reality.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 509 (2018) . - S. 4-23.

Song, Yang ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Deng, Chenglong ; Chang, Lin ; Wu, Jianyu ; Hao, Qingzhen:
Magnetic stratigraphy of the Danube loess : a composite Titel-Stari Slankamen loess section over the last one million years in Vojvodina, Serbia.
In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. Bd. 155 (2018) . - S. 68-80.

Friedrich, Johannes ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Making the invisible visible : observing the UV-reversal effect in quartz using radiofluorescence.
In: Journal of Physics D. Bd. 51 (2018) Heft 33 . - 335105.

Vanselow, Kim André ; Zandler, Harald ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Methods of Assessing Vegetation Dynamics and Pasture Potentials in High Mountain Regions.
In: Sychev, Viktor G. ; Mueller, Lothar ; Russian Academy of Sciences (Hrsg.): Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Vol. III. Landscape Monitoring and Modelling. - Moscow , 2018 . - S. 209-213

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Obreht, Igor ; Bösken, Janina ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Millennial scale climate oscillations recorded in the Lower Danube loess over the last glacial period.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 509 (2018) . - S. 164-181.

Cosac, Marian ; Murătoreanu, George ; Veres, Daniel ; Niţă, Loredana ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Radu, Alexandru ; Cuculici, Roxana ; Buzea, Dan Lucian ; Margarit, Monica ; Dumitrascu, Valentin ; Vasile, Stefan ; Petculescu, Alexandru ; Denes, Istvan:
Multi-proxy archaeological investigations of a Middle Palaeolithic occupation context in Eastern Transylvania, Romania.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 485 (2018) . - S. 115-130.

Veres, Daniel ; Cosac, Marian ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Murătoreanu, George ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hubay, Katalin ; Wulf, Sabine ; Karátson, David:
New chronological constraints for Middle Palaeolithic (MIS 6/5-3) cave sequences in Eastern Transylvania, Romania.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 485 (2018) . - S. 103-114.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Obreht, Igor ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Abels, Hemmo A. ; Veres, Daniel ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
Patterns and timing of loess-paleosol transitions in Eurasia : Constraints for paleoclimate studies.
In: Global and Planetary Change. Bd. 162 (2018) . - S. 1-7.

Nabavi, Seyed Omid ; Haimberger, Leopold ; Abbasi, Reyhaneh ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Prediction of aerosol optical depth in West Asia using deterministic models and machine learning algorithms.
In: Aeolian Research. Bd. 35 (2018) . - S. 69-84.

Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Schaetzl, Randall J. ; Tošić, Ivana ; Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Sipos, György ; Ruman, Albert ; Putniković, Suzana ; Emunds, Kathrin ; Perić, Zoran ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Prevailing surface winds in Northern Serbia in the recent and past time periods; : modern- and past dust deposition.
In: Aeolian Research. Bd. 31, Part B (2018) . - S. 117-129.

Friedrich, Johannes ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Radiofluorescence as a detection tool for quartz luminescence quenching processes.
In: Radiation Measurements. Bd. 120 (2018) . - S. 33-40.

Veres, Daniel ; Tecsa, Viorica ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Short-term soil formation events in last glacial east European loess, evidence from multi-method luminescence dating.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 200 (2018) . - S. 34-51.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Zeitreisen ins Erdinnere : Lichtsignale weisen den Weg zur Aktivität von Vulkanen.
In: Spektrum. Bd. 14 (2018) Heft 1 . - S. 18-21.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Friedrich, Johannes ; Adamiec, Grzegorz ; Chruscinska, Alicja ; Fasoli, Mauro ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Martini, Marco ; Panzeri, Laura ; Polymeris, Georgios S. ; Przegietka, Krzysztof ; Valla, Pierre G. ; King, Georgina E. ; Sanderson, David C. W.:
How reproducible are kinetic parameter constraints of quartz luminescence? An interlaboratory comparison for the 110 °C TL peak.
In: Radiation Measurements. Bd. 110 (2018) . - S. 14-24.


Lucke, Bernhard ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Debris flows, soil creep and heavy rains in the Wadi Queilbeh, northern Jordan.
In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie : Supplementary Issues. Bd. 61 (April 2017) Heft 1 . - S. 159-201.

Steinbauer, Manuel:
A generalization of the taxon cycle.
In: Journal of Biogeography. Bd. 44 (2017) Heft 5 . - S. 1110-1112.

Samimi, Cyrus:
Klimatologischer Überblick.
In: Zöller, Ludwig ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Faust, Dominik (Hrsg.): Die Physische Geographie Deutschlands. - Darmstadt : WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), 2017 . - S. 167-179

Brill, Dominik ; May, Simon M. ; Shah-Hosseini, Majid ; Rufer, Daniel ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Engel, Max:
Luminescence dating of cyclone-induced washover fans at Point Lefroy (NW Australia).
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 41 (2017) . - S. 134-150.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Schaarschmidt, Maria ; Kolb, Thomas ; Büchel, Georg ; Richter, Daniel ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Luminescence dating of Late Pleistocene eruptions in the Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science. Bd. 32 (2017) Heft 5 . - S. 628-638.

Klasen, Nicole ; Zeeden, Christian ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Fischer, Peter ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Schulte, Philipp ; Bösken, Janina ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Vött, Andreas:
Luminescence dating of the lacustrine record of Vršac (Carpathian Basin, Serbia) : implications for a palaeoenvironmetal reconstruction.
Veranstaltung: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting , 11.-15. Dez. 2017 , New Orleans, USA.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung , Poster )

Hošek, Jan ; Lisá, Lenka ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Petr, Libor ; Vejrostová, Lenka ; Bajer, Ales ; Grygar, Tomáš Matys ; Moska, Piotr ; Gottvald, Zdenek ; Horsák, Michal:
Middle Pleniglacial pedogenesis on the northwestern edge of the Carpathian basin : a multidisciplinary investigation of the Bíňa pedo-sedimentary section, SW Slovakia.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 487 (2017) . - S. 321-339.

Scheidt, Stephanie ; Egli, Ramon ; Frederichs, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Rolf, Christian:
A mineral magnetic characterization of the Plio-Pleistocene fluvial infill of the Heidelberg Basin (Germany).
In: Geophysical Journal International. Bd. 210 (2017) Heft 2 . - S. 743-764.

Richter, Daniel ; Klinger, Philip ; Schmidt, Christoph ; van den Bogaard, Paul ; Zöller, Ludwig:
New chronometric age estimates for the context of the Neanderthal from Wannen-Ochtendung (Germany) by TL and argon dating.
In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Bd. 14 (2017) . - S. 127-136.

Bösken, Janina ; Klasen, Nicole ; Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
New luminescence-based geochronology framing the last two glacial cycles at the southern limit of European Pleistocene loess in Stalać (Serbia).
In: Geochronometria. Bd. 44 (2017) Heft 1 . - S. 150-161.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Tchouankoue, Jean Pierre ; Nkouamen Nemzoue, Peguy Noel ; Ayaba, Félicité ; Nformidah-Ndah, Siggy Signe ; Nformi Chifu, Emmanuel:
New thermoluminescence age estimates for the Nyos maar eruption (Cameroon Volcanic Line).
In: PLoS One. Bd. 12 (2017) Heft 5 . - No. e0178545.

Bösken, Janina ; Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Klasen, Nicole ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Sümegi, Pál ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Paleoenvironmental conditions at the loess paleosol sequence Bodrogkeresztúr in NE Hungary.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 19 (2017) . - EGU2017-15802.

Patino, Jairo ; Whittaker, Robert J. ; Borges, Paulo A. V. ; Fernández-Palacios, José María ; Ah-Peng, Claudine ; Araújo, Miguel B. ; Avila, Sergio P. ; Cardoso, Pedro ; Cornuault, Josselin ; de Boer, Erik J. ; de Nascimento, Lea ; Gil, Artur ; Gonzalez-Castro, Aaron ; Gruner, Daniel S. ; Heleno, Ruben ; Hortal, Joaquin ; Carlos Illera, Juan ; Kaiser-Bunbury, Christopher N. ; Matthews, Thomas J. ; Papadopoulou, Anna ; Pettorelli, Nathalie ; Price, Jonathan ; Santos, Ana M. C. ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Triantis, Kostas A. ; Valente, Luis ; Vargas, Pablo ; Weigelt, Patrick ; Emerson, Brent C.:
A roadmap for island biology : 50 fundamental questions after 50 years of The Theory of Island Biogeography.
In: Journal of Biogeography. Bd. 44 (2017) Heft 5 . - S. 963-983.

Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Friedrich, Johannes ; Sanderson, David C. W. ; Adamiec, Grzegorz ; Chruscinska, Alicja ; Fasoli, Mauro ; Martini, Marco ; Polymeris, Georgios S. ; Burbidge, Christopher I. ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Les sables de Fontainebleau : A Natural Quartz Reference Sample and its Characterisation.
In: Ancient TL. Bd. 35 (2017) Heft 2 . - S. 21-31.

Nabavi, Seyed Omid ; Haimberger, Leopold ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Sensitivity of WRF-chem predictions to dust source function specification in West Asia.
In: Aeolian Research. Bd. 24 (2017) . - S. 115-131.

Obreht, Igor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Zeeden, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Klasen, Nicole ; Brill, Dominik ; Burow, Christoph ; Stevens, Thomas ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Shift of large-scale atmospheric systems over Europe during late MIS 3 and implications for Modern Human dispersal.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 7 (2017) . - 5848.

Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Smoothing of millennial scale climate variability in European Loess (and other records).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 19 (2017) . - EGU2017-2969.

Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Burow, Christoph ; Dietze, Michael ; Fuchs, Margret C. ; Fischer, Manfred ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Software in the context of luminescence dating: status, concepts and suggestions exemplified by the R package 'Luminescence'.
In: Ancient TL. Bd. 35 (2017) Heft 2 . - S. 1-11.

Cord, Anna F. ; Bartkowski, Bartosz ; Beckmann, Michael ; Dittrich, Andreas ; Hermans-Neumann, Kathleen ; Kaim, Andrea ; Lienhoop, Nele ; Locher-Krause, Karla ; Priess, Jörg A. ; Schröter-Schlaack, Christoph ; Schwarz, Nina ; Seppelt, Ralf ; Strauch, Michael ; Václavík, Tomáš ; Volk, Martin:
Towards systematic analyses of ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies : Main concepts, methods and the road ahead.
In: Ecosystem Services. Bd. 28, Part C (2017) . - S. 264-272.

Zandler, Harald ; Morche, Thomas ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Wind and solar power as possible energy alternatives in peripheral high mountains? Insights from the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan.
In: Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories. Bd. 9 (2017) Heft 4 . - S. 343-354.


Dietze, Michael ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Burow, Christoph ; Fuchs, Margret C. ; Fischer, Manfred ; Schmidt, Christoph:
The abanico plot : Visualising chronometric data with individual standard errors.
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 31 (2016) . - S. 12-18.

Romankiewicz, Clemens ; Doevenspeck, Martin ; Brandt, Martin ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Adaptation as by-product : Migration and environmental change in Nguith, Senegal.
In: Die Erde. Bd. 147 (2016) Heft 2 . - S. 95-108.

Riederer, Michael:
Carbon fluxes of an extensive meadow and attempts for flux partitioning.
Bayreuth , 2016 . - 163 S.
( Dissertation, 2014 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Sümegi, Pál ; Stevens, Thomas ; Obreht, Igor ; Chu, Wei ; Buggle, Björn ; Zech, Michael ; Zech, Roland ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Zeeden, Christian ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
The Crvenka loess-paleosol sequence (Vojvodina, Northern Serbia) : a record of continuous domination of the Late Pleistocene grasslands.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-1952.

Eklund, Lina ; Romankiewicz, Clemens ; Brandt, Martin ; Doevenspeck, Martin ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Data and methods in the environment-migration nexus : a scale perspective.
In: Die Erde. Bd. 147 (2016) Heft 2 . - S. 139-152.

Sirocko, Frank ; Knapp, H. ; Dreher, F. ; Förster, M. W. ; Albert, J. ; Brunck, H. ; Veres, D. ; Dietrich, Stephan ; Zech, Michael ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Röhner, Marieke ; Rudert, S. ; Schwibus, K. ; Adams, C. ; Sigl, P.:
The ELSA-Vegetation-Stack : Reconstruction of Landscape Evolution Zones (LEZ) from laminated Eifel maar sediments of the last 60,000years.
In: Global and Planetary Change. Bd. 142 (2016) . - S. 108-135.

Obreht, Igor ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Kels, Holger ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Schulte, Philipp ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Klasen, Nicole ; Bösken, Janina ; Krauss, Lydia ; Zeeden, Christian:
Loess in the foothills of the western Carpathians and its importance for paleoenvironmental reconstruction towards the Carpathian Basin.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-18457.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Lumineszenzdatierung als Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit : kaltes Leuchten von Mineralen.
In: Chemie in unserer Zeit. Bd. 50 (2016) Heft 3 . - S. 188-197.

Veres, Daniel ; Cosac, Marian ; Murătoreanu, George ; Niţă, Loredana ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hubay, Katalin ; Alexandru, Radu ; Cuculici, Roxana ; Lucian Buzea, Dan ; Dumitraşcu, Valentin:
Multi-method chronological investigation of a Middle Paleolithic stratigraphic context in Eastern Transylvania, Romania.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-5114.

Bösken, Janina ; Obreht, Igor ; Klasen, Nicole ; Zeeden, Christian ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
New geochronology of the Stalać section at the southern limit of European loess occurrence through pIR50IR290 dating.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-2867.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Antohi-Trandafir, Oana ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich:
The Palaeolithic site Bistricioara-Lutarie III in the Romanian Carpathians : Insights from various luminescence methods.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-4741.

Rixhon, Gilles ; Cordier, Stéphane ; May, Simon M. ; Kelterbaum, Daniel ; Szemkus, Nina ; Keulertz, Rebecca ; Dunai, Tibor ; Binnie, Steven ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Scheidt, Stephanie:
Potentials and pitfalls of depth profile (10Be), burial isochron (26Al/10Be) and palaeomagnetic techniques for dating Early Pleistocene terrace deposits of the Moselle valley (Germany).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-14508.

Burow, Christoph ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Dietze, Michael ; Fuchs, Margret C. ; Fischer, Manfred ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Brückner, Helmut:
RLumShiny : a graphical user interface for the R package "Luminescence".
In: Ancient TL. Bd. 34 (2016) Heft 2 . - S. 22-32.

Wulf, Sabine ; Fedorowicz, Stanislaw ; Veres, Daniel ; Łanczont, Maria ; Karátson, Dávid ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Bormann, Marc ; Magyari, Enikö ; Appelt, Oona ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gozhyk, Petro F.:
The ‘Roxolany Tephra’(Ukraine)- new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science. Bd. 31 (2016) Heft 6 . - S. 565-576.

Zandler, Harald ; Mislimshoeva, Bunafsha ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Scenarios of Solar Energy Use on the “Roof of the World” : Potentials and Environmental Benefits.
In: Mountain Research and Development. Bd. 36 (2016) Heft 3 . - S. 256-266.

Kehl, Martin ; Burow, Christoph ; Cantalejo, Pedro ; Durán, Juan J. ; Henselowsky, Felix ; Klasen, Nicole ; Linstädter, Jörg ; Medianero, F. Javier ; Pastoors, Andreas ; Ramos, José ; Reicherter, Klaus ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Dominguez-Bella, Salvador:
Site formation and chronology of the new Paleolithic site Sima de las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain.
In: Quaternary Research. Bd. 85 (2016) Heft 2 . - S. 313-331.


Zeeden, Christian ; Kels, Holger ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Schulte, Philipp ; Protze, Jens ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Klasen, Nicole ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Three climatic cycles recorded in a loess-palaeosol sequence at Semlac (Romania) : Implications for dust accumulation in south-eastern Europe.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 154 (2016) . - S. 130-142.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Kels, Holger ; Schulte, Philipp ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Klasen, Nicole ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Three climatic cycles recorded in a loess-palaeosol sequence at Semlac (Romania) : implications for dust accumulation in the Carpathian Basin and the northern Hemisphere.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-1479.

Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bösken, Janina ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Bačević, Nikola ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Tracing the influence of Mediterranean climate on Southeastern Europe during the past 350,000 years.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 6 (2016) . - 36334.

Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Boesken, Janina ; Bačević, Nikola ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Tracing the Mediterranean climate influence over the central Balkans (southeast Europe) during the past 350 ka.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-1953.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fisher, Peter ; Obreht, Igor ; Schulte, Philipp ; Bösken, Janina ; Wennrich, Volker ; Schäbitz, Frank ; Klasen, Nicole ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Veres, Daniel ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Vött, Andreas ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
An Upper Pleistocene to Holocene limnic record from the Carpathian Basin near Vrsac (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 18 (2016) . - EGU2016-18468.


Mauder, Matthias ; Foken, Thomas:
Documentation and Instruction Manual of the Eddy-Covariance Software Package TK3 (update).
Bayreuth : Eigenverlag, 2015 . - 67 S. - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 62 )

Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Schulte, Philipp ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Aeolian dynamics at the Orlovat loess-paleosol sequence, northern Serbia, based on detailed textural and geochemical evidence.
In: Aeolian Research. Bd. 18 (2015) . - S. 69-81.

Samimi, Cyrus:
Aktuelle Tendenzen des Klimawandels.
In: Obermaier, Gabriele ; Samimi, Cyrus (Hrsg.): Folgen des Klimawandels. - Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., 2015 . - S. 7-24 . - (Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie ; 8 )

Hambach, Ulrich ; Zeeden, Christian ; Veres, Daniel ; Obreht, Igor ; Bösken, Janina ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Fischer, Peter ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Concurrent and opposed environmental trends during the last glacial cycle between the Carpathian Basin and the Black Sea coast : evidence from high resolution enviromagnetic loess records.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 17 (2015) . - EGU2015-9358.


Cornu, Jean-Yves ; Deinlein, Ulrich ; Höreth, Stephan ; Braun, Manuel ; Schmidt, Holger ; Weber, Michael ; Persson, Daniel P. ; Husted, Søren ; Schjørring, Jan Kofod ; Clemens, Stephan:
Contrasting effects of nicotianamine synthase knockdown on zinc and nickel tolerance and accumulation in the zinc/cadmium hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri.
In: New Phytologist. Bd. 206 (2015) Heft 2 . - S. 738-750.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Stevens, Thomas ; Kukla, George J. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Gibbard, Phil ; Buggle, Björn ; Zech, Michael ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Wu, Haibin ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Smalley, Ian ; Újvári, Gábor ; Sümegi, Pál ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Veres, Daniel ; Sirocko, Frank ; Vasiljević, Djordjije A. ; Jary, Zdzisław ; Svensson, Anderss ; Jović, Vidojko ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Kovács, János ; Svirčev, Zorica:
Danube loess stratigraphy : Towards a pan-European loess stratigraphic model.
In: Earth-Science Reviews. Bd. 148 (2015) . - S. 228-258.

Fuchs, Margret C. ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Burow, Christoph ; Dietze, Michael ; Fischer, Manfred ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Fuchs, Markus:
Data processing in luminescence dating analysis : An exemplary workflow using the R package 'Luminescence'.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 362 (2015) Heft 19 . - S. 8-13.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Dating of sediments and soils.
In: Lucke, Bernhard ; Bäumler, Rupert ; Schmidt, Michael (Hrsg.): Soils and Sediments as Archives of Environmental Change. - Erlangen , 2015 . - S. 119-146 . - (Erlanger geographische Arbeiten : Sonderband ; 42 )

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Stevens, Thomas ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Song, Yang ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Perić, Zoran ; Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Veres, Daniel ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
Dust deposition during the Early Holocene on the loess plateaus of the Vojvodina region in Northern Serbia.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 17 (2015) . - EGU2015-10241.

Schlüter, Rebecca ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Remmele, Sabine ; Aas, Gregor:
Einfluss der Witterung auf den Dickenzuwachs der exotischen Thuja plicata und der einheimischen Picea abies in Süddeutschland.
In: Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung. Bd. 186 (2015) Heft 11/12 . - S. 205-215.

Folgen des Klimawandels.
Hrsg.: Obermaier, Gabriele ; Samimi, Cyrus
Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V. , 2015 . - 175 S. - (Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie ; 8 )

Brandt, Martin ; Mbow, Cheikh ; Diouf, Abdoul Aziz ; Verger, Aleixandre ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Fensholt, Rasmus:
Ground- and satellite-based evidence of the biophysical mechanisms behind the greening Sahel.
In: Global Change Biology. Bd. 21 (2015) Heft 4 . - S. 1610-1620.

Hošek, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lisá, Lenka ; Grygar, Tomáš Matys ; Horáček, Ivan ; Meszner, Sascha ; Knésl, Ilja:
An integrated rock-magnetic and geochemical approach to loess/paleosol sequences from Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic ) : Implications for the Upper Pleistocene paleoenvironment in central Europe.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 418 (2015) . - S. 344-358.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Händel, Marc:
Loess magnetic fabric of the Krems-Wachtberg archaeological site.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 372 (2015) . - S. 188-194.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Kindermann, Karin ; van Peer, Philip ; Bubenzer, Olaf:
Multi-emission luminescence dating of heated chert from the Middle Stone Age sequence at Sodmein Cave (Red Sea Mountains, Egypt).
In: Journal of Archaeological Science. Bd. 63 (2015) . - S. 94-103.

Stahlschmidt, Mareike C. ; Miller, Christopher E. ; Ligouis, Bertrand ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Goldberg, Paul ; Berna, Francesco ; Richter, Daniel ; Urban, Brigitte ; Serangeli, Jordi ; Conard, Nicholas J.:
On the evidence for human use and control of fire at Schöningen.
In: Journal of Human Evolution. Bd. 89 (2015) . - S. 181-201.

Trandafir, Oana ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Veres, Daniel ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Simon, Simion:
OSL dating of fine and coarse quartz from a Palaeolithic sequence on the Bistrita Valley (Northeastern Romania).
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 30, Part B (2015) . - S. 487-492.

Zöller, Ludwig ; Schmidt, Christoph:
OSL-Altersbestimmungen an den spätsaale- bis eemzeitlichen Ablagerungen von Jänschwalde.
In: Brandenburgische Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge. Bd. 22 (2015) . - S. 223-229.

Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Zeeden, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hauck, Thomas ; Klasen, Nicole ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Schulte, Philipp ; Sümegi, Pál ; Chu, Wei ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Veres, Daniel:
Paleoenvironmental change as derived from loess sediment properties : Examples of last glacial loess sites from the Carpathian Basin.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 17 (2015) . - EGU2015-1888.

Uniyal, Bhumika ; Jha, Madan K. ; Verma, Arbind K.:
Parameter identification and uncertainty analysis for simulating streamflow in a river basin of Eastern India.
In: Hydrological Processes. Bd. 29 (2015) Heft 17 . - S. 3744-3766.

Zandler, Harald ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Brenning, Alexander:
Potential of Space-Borne Hyperspectral Data for Biomass Quantification in an Arid Environment : Advantages and Limitations.
In: Remote Sensing. Bd. 7 (2015) Heft 4 . - S. 4565-4580.

Zandler, Harald ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Brenning, Alexander:
Quantifying dwarf shrub biomass in an arid environment : comparing empirical methods in a high dimensional setting.
In: Remote Sensing of Environment. Bd. 158 (2015) . - S. 140-155.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; de Witt, Regina ; Fuchs, Markus:
Radiofluorescence of quartz : a review.
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 27 (2015) . - S. 66-77.

Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Schulte, Philipp ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Sedimentological dynamics of the Orlovat loess-paleosol sequence (Northern Serbia) show both local and regional paleoenvironmental fluctuations.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 17 (2015) . - EGU2015-10697.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Friedrich, Johannes ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Thermochronometry using red TL of quartz? Numerical simulation and observations from in-situ drill-hole samples.
In: Radiation Measurements. Bd. 81 (2015) . - S. 98-103.

Spiekermann, Raphael ; Brandt, Martin ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Woody vegetation and land cover changes in the Sahel of Mali (1967-2011).
In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Bd. 34 (2015) . - S. 113-121.

Hambach, Ulrich:
Zunehmende Trockenheit in Südosteuropa während der letzten 700.000 Jahre : Gebirgshebungen als Ursache der Klimaentwicklung?
In: Obermaier, Gabriele ; Samimi, Cyrus (Hrsg.): Folgen des Klimawandels. - Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., 2015 . - S. 25-32 . - (Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie ; 8 )


Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Christoph ; de Witt, Regina ; Fuchs, Markus:
The a-value of polymineral fine grain samples measured with the post-IR IRSL protocol.
In: Radiation Measurements. Bd. 69 (Oktober 2014) . - S. 18-29.

Foken, Thomas ; Lüers, Johannes:
Abschlussbericht zum Förderprojekt 01879 Untersuchung der Veränderung der Konzentration von Luftbeimengungen und Treibhausgasen im hohen Fichtelgebirge : 2007 – 2014.
Bayreuth 2014 . - 97 S. - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 61 )

Fischer, Sina ; Kühnlenz, Tanja ; Thieme, Michael ; Schmidt, Holger ; Clemens, Stephan:
Analysis of plant Pb tolerance at realistic submicromolar concentrations demonstrates the role of phytochelatin synthesis for Pb detoxification.
In: Environmental Science & Technology. Bd. 48 (2014) Heft 13 . - S. 7552-7559.

Kühnlenz, Tanja ; Schmidt, Holger ; Uraguchi, Shimpei ; Clemens, Stephan:
Arabidopsis thaliana phytochelatin synthase 2 is constitutively active in vivo and can rescue the growth defect of the PCS1-deficient cad1-3 mutant on Cd-contaminated soil.
In: Journal of Experimental Botany. Bd. 65 (2014) Heft 15 . - S. 4241-4253.

Gocke, Martina ; Gulyás, Sándor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Kovács, Gábor ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Wiesenberg, Guido L. B.:
Biopores and root features as new tools for improving paleoecological understanding of terrestrial sediment-paleosol sequences.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 394 (2014) . - S. 42-58.

Bohn, Kristin:
Bridging ecophysiological trade-offs and population dynamics - How competition and climate shape community structure.
Bayreuth , 2014 . - 2,VI, 77 S.
( Dissertation, 2014 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)

Backhaus, Sabrina:
Climate change in experimental ecology - The impact of warming and drought on key European tree, heath, and grassland species.
Bayreuth , 2014 . - 155 S.
( Dissertation, 2014 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)

Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Zeeden, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hauck, Thomas ; Klasen, Nicole ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Schulte, Philipp ; Sümegi, Pál ; Veres, Daniel ; Zander, Anja:
Climatological and environmental change as derived from physical and geochemical loess sediment properties : Examples of last glacial loess sites from the Pannonian Basin.
In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series. Bd. 24 (2014) Heft 2 . - S. 91-94.

Scheidt, Stephanie ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Rolf, Christian:
A consistent magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene fluvial sediments from the Heidelberg Basin (Germany).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 16 (2014) . - EGU2014-6139.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Hilgers, Alexandra:
Dataciones por TL.
In: Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Munos, José R. (Hrsg.): Sima de Las Palomas Teba (Malaga) : Resultados de las investigaciones 2011-2014. - Málaga : Ediciones Pinsapar, 2014 . - S. 55-60 . - (Ediciones Pinsapar )

Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Novothny, Ágnes ; Horváth, Erzsébet ; Schnepp, Elisabeth:
Dating of a Last Glacial loess sequence by relative geomagnetic palaeointensity : A case study from the Middle Danube Basin (Süttő, Hungary).
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 319 (2014) . - S. 99-108.

Staska, Bernadette ; Essl, Franz ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Density and age of invasive "Robinia pseudoacacia" modulate its impact on floodplain forests.
In: Basic and Applied Ecology. Bd. 15 (2014) Heft 6 . - S. 551-558.

Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Anghelinu, Mircea:
Editorial: Loess and the record of Upper Palaeolithic cultures in the Danube Basin.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 351 (2014) . - S. 1-4.

Glade, Thomas ; Bell, Rainer ; Dobesberger, Paul ; Embleton-Hamann, Christine ; Fromm, Reinhard ; Fuchs, Sven ; Hagen, Karl ; Hübl, Johannes ; Lieb, Gerhard ; Otto, Jan-Christoph ; Perzl, Frank ; Peticzka, Robert ; Prager, Christoph ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Sass, Oliver ; Schöner, Wolfgang ; Schröter, Dagmar ; Schrott, Lothar ; Zangerl, Christian ; Zeidler, Antonia:
Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Reliefsphäre.
In: Kromp-Kolb, Helga (Hrsg.): Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 = Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14): Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). - Wien : Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014 . - S. 557-600

Brandt, Martin ; Romankiewicz, Clemens ; Spiekermann, Raphael ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Environmental change in time series : An interdisciplinary study in the Sahel of Mali and Senegal.
In: Journal of Arid Environments. Bd. 105 (2014) . - S. 52-63.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Stevens, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Popov, Dragan ; Tomić, Nemanja A. ; Obreht, Igor ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Kels, Holger ; Marković, Rastko ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
Environmental dynamics and luminescence chronology from the Orlovat loess-palaeosol sequence (Vojvodina, northern Serbia).
In: Journal of Quaternary Science. Bd. 29 (2014) Heft 2 . - S. 189-199.

Mislimshoeva, Bunafsha ; Hable, Robert ; Fezakov, Manuchehr ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Abdulnazarov, Abdulnazar ; Koellner, Thomas:
Factors influencing households' firewood consumption in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan.
In: Mountain Research and Development. Bd. 34 (2014) Heft 2 . - S. 147-156.

Iovita, Radu ; Doboş, Adrian ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Probst, Mathias ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Robu, Marius ; Vlaicu, Marius ; Petculescu, Alexandru:
Geoarchaeological prospection in the loess steppe : Preliminary results from the Lower Danube Survey for Paleolithic Sites (LoDanS).
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 351 (2014) . - S. 98-114.

Gocke, Martina ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Schwark, Lorenz ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Fuchs, Markus ; Löscher, Manfred ; Wiesenberg, Guido L. B.:
Introducing an improved multi-proxy approach for paleoenvironmental reconstruction of loess-paleosol archives applied on the Late Pleistocene Nussloch sequence (SW Germany).
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 410 (2014) . - S. 300-315.

Hübner, Jörg:
Investigation of horizontal meteorological structures in comparison to turbulent structures at a forest edge.
Bayreuth , 2014 . - XIII, 171 S.
( Dissertation, 2014 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)

Buggle, Björn ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Müller, Karoly ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Glaser, Bruno:
Iron mineralogical proxies and Quaternary climate change in SE-European loess-paleosol sequences.
In: Catena. Bd. 117 (2014) . - S. 4-22.

Lukić, Tin ; Basarin, Biljana ; Buggle, Björn ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Tomović, Vladimir M. ; Raljič, Jovanka Popov ; Hrnjak, Ivana ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
A joined rock magnetic and colorimetric perspective on the Late Pleistocene climate of Orlovat loess site (Northern Serbia).
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 334-335 (2014) . - S. 179-188.

Obreht, Igor ; Buggle, Björn ; Catto, Norm ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bösel, Stefanie ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri A. G. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Basarin, Biljana ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Jović, Goran:
The Late Pleistocene Belotinac section (southern Serbia) at the southern limit of the European loess belt : Environmental and climate reconstruction using grain size and stable C and N isotopes.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 334-335 (2014) . - S. 10-19.

Brandt, Martin ; Verger, Aleixandre ; Diouf, Abdoul Aziz ; Baret, Frédéric ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Local vegetation trends in the sahel of Mali and Senegal using long time series FAPAR satellite products and field measurement (1982-2010).
In: Remote Sensing. Bd. 6 (2014) Heft 3 . - S. 2408-2434.

Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Loess accumulation during the last glacial maximum: Evidence from Urluia, southeastern Romania.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 334-335 (2014) . - S. 74-85.

Brandt, Martin ; Grau, Tobias ; Mbow, Cheikh ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Modeling Soil and Woody Vegetation in the Senegalese Sahel in the Context of Environmental Change.
In: Land. Bd. 3 (2014) Heft 3 . - S. 770-792.

Anechitei-Deacu, Valentina ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Multi-method luminescence investigations on quartz grains of different sizes extracted from a loess section in Southeast Romania interbedding the Campanian Ignimbrite ash layer.
In: Geochronometria. Bd. 41 (2014) Heft 1 . - S. 1-14.

Terhorst, Birgit ; Kühn, Peter ; Damm, Bodo ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Meyer-Heintze, Simon ; Sedov, Sergey:
Paleoenvironmental fluctuations as recorded in the loess-paleosol sequence of the Upper Paleolithic site Krems-Wachtberg.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 351 (2014) . - S. 67-82.

Sitlivy, Valéry ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Chabai, Victor P. ; Niţă, Loredana ; Uthmeier, Thorsten ; Hauck, Thomas ; Băltean, Ionut ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Placing the Aurignacian from Banat (Southwestern Romania) into the European Early Upper Paleolithic context.
In: Otte, Marcel (Hrsg.): Modes de contacts et de déplacements au Paléolithique eurasiatique. - Liège : ERAUL, 2014 . - S. 243-277 . - (ArchéoLogiques ; 140 )


Vandenberghe, Jef ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Site-specific variability of loess and palaeosols (Ruma, Vojvodina, northern Serbia).
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 334-335 (2014) . - S. 86-93.

Basarin, Biljana ; Buggle, Björn ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Kovačević, Andjelka ; Stevens, Thomas ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Lukić, Tin:
Time-scale and astronomical forcing of Serbian loess-paleosol sequences.
In: Global and Planetary Change. Bd. 122 (2014) . - S. 89-106.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Zeeden, Christian ; Veres, Daniel ; Obreht, Igor ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Fischer, Peter ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Towards mineral magnetic based millennial time scales in Late Pleistocene Danubian Loess-Palaeosol Sequences.
In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series. Bd. 24 (2014) Heft 2 . - S. 67-71.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Towards modelling of loess-paleosol sequence formation.
In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series. Bd. 24 (2014) Heft 2 . - S. 190-193.

Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Ramos, José ; Kehl, Martin ; Linstädter, Jörg ; Pastoors, Andreas ; Medianero, F. Javier ; Cantalejo, Pedro ; Dominguez-Bella, Salvador ; Durán, Juan J. ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Rethemeyer, Janet ; Ruiz, Blanca ; Gil, María José ; Clemente, Ignacio ; Bayle, Priscile ; Hernández, Vícor ; Jorge, Susana ; Capel, Cristina ; López, Juan Teodomiro ; Riquelme, José Antonio ; Palmqvist, Paul ; Espligares, Maria P. ; Ros-Montoya, Sergio ; Martinez-Navarro, Bienvenido ; del Mar Espejo, Maria ; Barrena, Antonio ; Cantillo, Juan Jesús ; Vijande, Eduardo ; Gutiérrez, José Maria ; Becerra y Lidia Cabello, Serafin:
Valoración interdisciplinar y perspectiva de estudio para un proyecto general de investigación.
In: Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Muñoz, José Ramos (Hrsg.): Sima de Las Palomas Teba, (Málaga): resultados de las investigaciones 2011-2014. - Benaoján, Málaga : Pinsapar, 2014 . - S. 187-190 . - (Colección Ancestros )

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Stevens, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Veres, Daniel ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
When Holocene soil formation starts on the loess plateaus of the Vojvodina region in Northern Serbia?
In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series. Bd. 24 (2014) Heft 2 . - S. 98-100.

de Blécourt, Marleen ; Haensel, Maria ; Brumme, Rainer ; Corre, Marife D. ; Veldkamp, Edzo:
Soil redistribution by terracing alleviates soil organic carbon losses caused by forest conversion to rubber plantation.
In: Forest Ecology and Management. Bd. 313 (2014) . - S. 26-33.


Maul, Lutz Christian ; Stebich, Martina ; Frenzel, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Henkel, Thomas ; Katzschmann, Lutz ; Kienast, Frank ; Meng, Stefan ; Penkman, Kirsty ; Rolf, Christian ; Thomas, Melanie ; Kahlke, Ralf-Dietrich:
Age and palaeoenvironment of the enigmatic Arternian Interglacial - Evidence from the Muschelton at Voigtstedt/Hackelsberg (Thuringia, Central Germany).
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 386 (2013) . - S. 68-85.

Mislimshoeva, Bunafsha ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Kirchhoff, Joachim-F. ; Koellner, Thomas:
Analysis of costs and people's willingness to enroll in forest rehabilitation in Gorno Badakhshan, Tajikistan.
In: Forest Policy and Economics. Bd. 37 (2013) . - S. 75-83.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Rufer, Daniel ; Preusser, Frank ; Krbetschek, Matthias R. ; Hilgers, Alexandra:
Assessment of radionuclide distribution in silex by autoradiography in the context of dose rate determination for thermoluminescence dating.
In: Archaeometry. Bd. 55 (2013) Heft 3 . - S. 407-422.

Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Iovita, Radu:
The Campanian Ignimbrite eruption : new data on volcanic ash dispersal and its potential impact on human evolution.
In: PLoS One. Bd. 8 (2013) Heft 6 . - No. e65839.

Veres, Daniel ; Lane, Christine S. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Constantin, Daniela ; Szakács, Alexandru ; Fülling, Alexander ; Onac, Bogdan P.:
The Campanian Ignimbrite/Y5 tephra layer : A regional stratigraphic marker for Isotope Stage 3 deposits in the Lower Danube region, Romania.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 293 (2013) . - S. 22-33.

Hošek, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lisá, Lenka ; Havlíček, Pavel ; Knésl, Ilja:
Dobšice a Zeměchy : perspektivní sprašové lokality pro paleoenvironmentální výzkum svrchního pleistocénu.
In: Zprávy o Geologických Výzkumech = Geoscience Research Report. Bd. 46 (2013) . - S. 121-125.

Baumgart, Philipp ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Meszner, Sascha ; Faust, Dominik:
An environmental magnetic fingerprint of periglacial loess : Records of Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences from Eastern Germany.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 296 (2013) . - S. 82-93.

Baumgart, Philipp ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Meszner, Sascha ; Faust, Dominik:
The environmental magnetic fingerprint of periglacial loess in Eastern Germany.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 15 (2013) . - EGU2013-1462.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Sitlivy, Valéry ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Chabai, Victor P. ; Kels, Holger ; Uthmeier, Thorsten ; Hauck, Thomas ; Băltean, Ionut ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Richter, Jürgen ; Radtke, Ulrich:
First chronometric dates (TL and OSL) for the Aurignacian open-air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I, Romania.
In: Journal of Archaeological Science. Bd. 40 (2013) Heft 10 . - S. 3740-3753.

Zech, Roland ; Zech, Michael ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Huang, Yongsong:
Humid glacials, arid interglacials? Critical thoughts on pedogenesis and paleoclimate based on multi-proxy analyses of the loess-paleosol sequence Crvenka, Northern Serbia.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 387 (2013) . - S. 165-175.

Kastler, Bernadette ; Samimi, Cyrus:
The Impact of "Robinia pseudoacacia" on Ground Vegetation and Plant Nutrient Matter in Donau-Auen National Park.
In: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas: 10-12 June 2013, Mittersill ; conference volume. - Mittersill : Hohe Tauern National Park Salzburg, 2013 . - S. 345-352

Svirčev, Zorica ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Stevens, Thomas ; Codd, Geoffrey A. ; Smalley, Ian ; Simeunović, Jelica ; Obreht, Igor ; Dulić, Tamara ; Pantelić, Dijana ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Importance of biological loess crusts for loess formation in semi-arid environments.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 296 (2013) . - S. 206-215.

Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Kels, Holger ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Protze, Jens ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Klasen, Nicole:
Loess and loess-like sediments from the foothills of the Banat Mountains, Romania - Examples from loess sections and Paleolithic sites.
In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. (2013) . - PP13D-08.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stevens, Thomas ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Basarin, Biljana ; Lu, Huayu ; Smalley, Ian ; Buggle, Björn ; Zech, Michael ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Sümegi, Pál ; Milojković, N. ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Loess in the Vojvodina region (Northern Serbia) : an essential link between European and Asian Pleistocene environments.
In: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. Bd. 91 (2013) Heft 1/2 . - S. 173-188.

Schmidt, Christoph:
Luminescence dating of heated silex : Potential to improve accuracy and precision and application to Paleolithic sites.
Köln : Kölner UniversitätsPublikationsServer , 2013 . - 301 S.
( Dissertation, 2012 , Universität zu Köln)

Sirocko, Frank ; Dietrich, Stephan ; Veres, Daniel ; Grootes, Pieter M. ; Schaber-Mohr, Katja ; Seelos, Klemens ; Nadeau, Marie-Josée ; Kromer, Bernd ; Rothacker, Leo ; Röhner, Marieke ; Krbetschek, Matthias ; Appleby, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Rolf, Christian ; Sudo, Masafumi ; Grim, Stephanie:
Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 62 (2013) . - S. 56-76.

Klasen, Nicole ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Bertrams, Manuel ; Schyle, Daniel ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Richter, Jürgen ; Radtke, Ulrich:
Optical dating of sediments in Wadi Sabra (SW Jordan).
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 18 (2013) . - S. 9-16.


Kehl, Martin ; Burow, Christoph ; Cantalejo, S. ; Dominguez-Bella, Salvador ; Durán, Juan J. ; Henselowsky, Felix ; Klasen, N. ; Medianero, F. Javier ; Ramos, José ; Reicherter, Klaus ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Weniger, Gerd-Christian:
The palaeolithic site Sima de Las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain : site formation processes and chronostratigraphy.
In: Baena, R. ; Fernández, J. J. ; Guerrero, I. ; VIII Reunión de Cuaternario Ibérico (Hrsg.): El Cuaternario Ibérico : investigación en el s. XXI. - Sevilla : AEQUA, 2013 . - S. 285-289

Clemens, Stephan ; Aarts, Mark G. M. ; Thomine, Sébastien ; Verbruggen, Nathalie:
Plant Science : the key to preventing slow cadmium poisoning.
In: Trends in Plant Science. Bd. 18 (2013) Heft 2 . - S. 92-99.

Dietze, Michael ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Fuchs, Margret C. ; Burow, Christoph ; Fischer, Manfred ; Schmidt, Christoph:
A practical guide to the R package Luminescence.
In: Ancient TL. Bd. 31 (2013) Heft 1 . - S. 11-18.

Buggle, Björn ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Kehl, Martin ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Glaser, Bruno:
The progressive evolution of a continental climate in southeast-central European lowlands during the Middle Pleistocene recorded in loess paleosol sequences.
In: Geology. Bd. 41 (2013) Heft 7 . - S. 771-774.

Brandt, Martin ; Paeth, Heiko ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Vegetationsveränderungen in Westafrika im Spiegel des Klimawandels und der Landnutzung.
In: Geographische Rundschau. Bd. 65 (2013) Heft 9 . - S. 36-42.


Samimi, Cyrus ; Fink, Andreas H. ; Paeth, Heiko:
The 2007 flood in the Sahel : Causes, characteristics and its presentation in the media and FEWS NEt.
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Bd. 12 (2012) Heft 2 . - S. 313-325.

Sümegi, Pál ; Gulyás, Sándor ; Csökmei, Bálint ; Molnár, Dávid ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stevens, Thomas ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Almond, Peter C.:
Climatic fluctuations inferred for the Middle and Late Pleniglacial (MIS 2) based on high-resolution (~ ca. 20 y) preliminary environmental magnetic investigation of the loess section of the Madaras brickyard (Hungary).
In: Central European Geology. Bd. 55 (2012) Heft 3 . - S. 329-345.

Iovita, Radu ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Dobos, Adrian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Zander, Anja:
Dealul Guran : evidence for Lower Palaeolithic (MIS 11) occupation of the Lower Danube loess steppe.
In: Antiquity. Bd. 86 (2012) Heft 334 . - S. 973-989.

Sitlivy, Valéry ; Chabai, Victor P. ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Uthmeier, Thorsten ; Kels, Holger ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Niţă, Loredana ; Băltean, Ionut ; Veselsky, Andrej ; Hauck, Thomas:
The earliest Aurignacian in Romania : New investigations at the open air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I (Banat).
In: Quartär. Bd. 59 (2012) . - S. 85-130.

Vanselow, Kim André ; Kraudzun, Tobias ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Grazing practices and pasture tenure in the Eastern Pamirs : The nexus of pasture use, pasture potential, and property rights.
In: Mountain Research and Development. Bd. 32 (2012) Heft 3 . - S. 324-336.

Vanselow, Kim André ; Kraudzun, Tobias ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Land stewardship in practice : An example from the Eastern pamirs of Tajikistan.
In: Squires, Victor (Hrsg.): Rangeland Stewardship in Central Asia : balancing improved livelihoods, biodiversity conservation and land protection. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2012 . - S. 71-90

Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Kolb, Thomas ; Moine, Olivier ; Kühn, Peter:
Landscape development in the Trebgast Valley north of Bayreuth and its surroundings (Upper Franconia) : ongoing research.
In: Zöller, Ludwig ; Peterek, Andreas (Hrsg.): From Paleozoic to Quaternary : A field trip from the Franconian Alb to Bohemia. - Greifswald : Geozon Science Media, 2012 . - S. 6-24 . - (DEUQUA Excursions )

Bertrams, Manuel ; Protze, Jens ; Löhrer, Rene ; Schyle, Daniel ; Richter, Jürgen ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Klasen, Nicole ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Multiple environmental change at the time of the Modern Human passage through the Middle East: First results from geoarcheological investigations on Upper Pleistocene sediments in the Wadi Sabra (Jordan).
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 274 (2012) . - S. 55-72.

Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Pleistocene environmental dynamics recorded in the loess of the middle and lower Danube basin.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 41 (2012) . - S. 104-118.

Schmidt, Christoph ; Pettke, Thomas ; Preusser, Frank ; Rufer, Daniel ; Kasper, Haino U. ; Hilgers, Alexandra:
Quantification and spatial distribution of dose rate relevant elements in silex used for luminescence dating.
In: Quaternary Geochronology. Bd. 12 (2012) . - S. 65-73.

Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Kleber, Arno ; Kolb, Thomas ; Moine, Olivier:
Quaternary valley and slope development in the headwaters of the River Main, Upper Franconia – puzzling ancient stream courses and sedimentary archives.
In: Sauer, Daniela (Hrsg.): From the northern ice shield to the Alpine glaciations : a quaternary field trip through Germany. - Greifswald : Geozon, 2012 . - S. 47-65

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stevens, Thomas ; Basarin, Biljana ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Gavrilov, Momčilo M. ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Smalley, Ian ; Teofanov, Nenad:
Relating the astronomical timescale to the loess-paleosol sequences in Vojvodina, Northern Serbia.
In: Berger, André ; Mesinger, Fedor ; Šijački, Djordje (Hrsg.): Climate change : Inferences form paleoclimate and regional aspects. - Wien : Springer, 2012 . - S. 65-78


Basarin, Biljana ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri A. G. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Catto, Norm ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Vasiliniuc, Stefan ; Derese, Cilia ; Rončević, Srđan ; Vasiljević, Djordjije A. ; Rajic, Ljiljana:
The Belotinac section (Southern Serbia) at the southern limit of the European loess belt : Initial results.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 240 (2011) Heft 1-2 . - S. 128-138.

Koller, Ralf ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Deforestation in the Miombo woodlands : A pixel-based semi-automated change detection method.
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. Bd. 32 (2011) Heft 22 . - S. 7631-7649.

Stevens, Thomas ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Zech, Michael ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Sümegi, Pál:
Dust deposition and climate in the Carpathian Basin over an independently dated last glacial-interglacial cycle.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 30 (2011) Heft 5/6 . - S. 662-681.

Buggle, Björn ; Glaser, Bruno ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
An evaluation of geochemical weathering indices in loess-paleosol studies.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 240 (2011) Heft 1-2 . - S. 12-21.

Andreeva, Darima B. ; Leiber, Katharina ; Glaser, Bruno ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Erbajeva, Margarita ; Chimitdorgieva, G. D. ; Tashak, V. ; Zech, Wolfgang:
Genesis and properties of black soils in Buryatia, southeastern Siberia, Russia.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 243 (2011) Heft 2 . - S. 313-326.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Rolf, Christian ; Zeeden, Christian ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Nowaczyk, Norbert:
Geomagnetic excursions recorded in loess : case studies from the Danubian loess province.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 13 (2011) . - EGU2011-9118.

Horváth, Erzsébet ; Frechen, Manfred ; Novothny, Ágnes ; Königer, Paul ; Thiel, Christine ; Wacha, Lara ; Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Barta, Gabriella ; Bajnoczi, Bernadett:
High resolution multi-proxy study of the Süttő loess-palaeosol sequence, Hungary.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 13 (2011) . - EGU2011-13043.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stevens, Thomas ; Kukla, George J. ; Heller, Friedrich ; McCoy, William D. ; Oches, Eric A. ; Buggle, Björn ; Zöller, Ludwig:
The last million years recorded at the Stari Slankamen (Northern Serbia) loess-palaeosol sequence : revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 30 (2011) Heft 9/10 . - S. 1142-1154.

Schatz, Ann-Kathrin ; Zech, Michael ; Buggle, Björn ; Gulyás, Sándor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Sümegi, Pál ; Scholten, Thomas:
The late Quaternary loess record of Tokaj, Hungary : Reconstructing palaeoenvironment, vegetation and climate using stable C and N isotopes and biomarkers.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 240 (2011) Heft 1-2 . - S. 52-61.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Steguweit, Leif ; Anghelinu, Mircea:
Loess stratigraphy using palaeomagnetism : Application to the Poiana Cireşului archaeological site (Romania).
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 240 (2011) Heft 1-2 . - S. 100-107.

Paeth, Heiko ; Fink, Andreas H. ; Pohle, Susan ; Keis, Felix ; Mächel, Hermann ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Meteorological characteristics and potential causes of the 2007 flood in sub-Saharan Africa.
In: International Journal of Climatology. Bd. 31 (2011) Heft 13 . - S. 1908-1926.

Rosendahl, Wilfried ; Ambros, Dieta ; Hilpert, Brigitte ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Alt, Kurt W. ; Knipping, Maria ; Reisch, Ludwig ; Kaulich, Brigitte:
Neanderthals and Monkeys in the Würmian of Central Europe : The Middle Paleolithic Site of Hunas, Southern Germany.
In: Conard, Nicholas John (Hrsg.): Neanderthal lifeways, subsistence and technology : one hundred and fifty years of Neanderthal study. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2011 . - S. 15-23


Lessmeister, Ralph ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Murătoreanu, George:
Between subjective construction and objective analyzes : natural hazards and tourism development in the valley of Moieciu de Sus (Romanian Carpathians).
In: The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte : Geographical Series. Bd. 10 (2010) Heft 2 . - S. 91-108.

Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Novothny, Ágnes ; Schnepp, Elisabeth ; Worm, Kathrin:
A combined palaeomagnetic and environmental magnetic investigation of Late Glacial loess from the Middle Danube Basin (Süttö, Hungary).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 12 (2010) . - EGU2010-10539.

Krüger, Fred ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Entwicklung und Umwelt im südlichen Afrika.
In: Geographische Rundschau. Bd. 62 (2010) Heft 6 . - S. 4-10.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Stevens, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Machalett, Björn ; Bokhorst, Mark P. ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Zöller, Ludwig:
High resolution multi-proxy records of the last 60 kyr in the Southeastern Carpathian basin : towards a palaeoclimatic reconstruction from NW to SE Europe.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 12 (2010) . - EGU2010-1217.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Nowaczyk, Norbert ; Hark, Michael:
Loess stratigraphy using palaeomagnetism : application to last glacial loess bearing archaeological remains.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 12 (2010) . - EGU2010-1248-3.

Basarin, Biljana ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri A. G. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Catto, Norm ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Rončević, Srđan ; Vasiljević, Djordjije A. ; Dalmacija, M.:
Multiproxi-analysis of a loess-palaeosol sequence at the southern limit of the European loess belt.
In: Lassu, Tamás (Hrsg.): International Workshop on Loess Research and Geomorphology : Book of Abstracts. - Pécs : University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Geography, 2010

Hambach, Ulrich:
Palaeoclimatic and stratigraphic implications of high resolution magnetic susceptibility logging of Würmian loess at the Upper Palaeolithic Krems-Wachtberg site.
In: Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine ; Owen, Linda R. (Hrsg.): New Aspects of the Central and Eastern European Upper Palaeolithic - Methods, Chronology, Technology and Subsistence. - Wien : Verl. der Österr. Akad. der Wiss., 2010 . - S. 295-304 . - (Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; 72 )

Zech, Michael ; Andreev, Andrei A. ; Zech, Roland ; Müller, Stefanie-Katharina ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Frechen, Manfred ; Zech, Wolfgang:
Quaternary vegetation changes derived from a loess-like permafrost palaeosol sequence in northeast Siberia using alkane biomarker and pollen analyses.
In: BOREAS. Bd. 39 (2010) Heft 3 . - S. 540-550.

Wiesenberg, Guido L. B. ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Reconstruction of anthropogenic activities on the excavations of a fireplace sequence from the Krems-Wachtberg site (Austria) using molecular proxies.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 12 (2010) . - EGU2010-13518-1.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Duchoslav, Maguerita ; Rolf, Christian ; Wacha, Lara ; Frechen, Manfred ; Galović, Lidija:
The rock magnetic characteristics of last glacial cycle loess from the island of Susak (Adriatic Sea, Croatia).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 12 (2010) . - EGU2010-14248.

Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Blanchard, Henrik ; Fischer, Sina ; Köhne, Sven ; Stritzke, Rüdiger:
Der Rodderbergkrater bei Bonn : Ein komplexes Geoarchiv.
In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart. Bd. 59 (2010) Heft 1/2 . - S. 44-58.

von Suchodoletz, Hans ; Oberhänsli, Hedi ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Fuchs, Markus ; Faust, Dominik:
Soil moisture fluctuations recorded in Saharan dust deposits on Lanzarote (Canary Islands) over the last 180 ka.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 29 (2010) Heft 17 . - S. 2173-2184.

Sierralta, Melanie ; Kele, Sándor ; Melcher, Frank ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinders, Jan ; van Geldern, Robert ; Frechen, Manfred:
Uranium-series dating of travertine from Süttő : Implications for reconstruction of environmental change in Hungary.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 222 (2010) Heft 1-2 . - S. 178-193.

Hassler, Sybille K. ; Kreyling, Jürgen ; Beierkuhnlein, Carl ; Eisold, Jenny ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Wagenseil, Hendrik ; Jentsch, Anke:
Vegetation pattern divergence between dry and wet season in a semiarid savanna - Spatio-temporal dynamics of plant diversity in northwest Namibia.
In: Journal of Arid Environments. Bd. 74 (2010) Heft 11 . - S. 1516-1524.


Buggle, Björn ; Zech, Michael ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Glaser, Bruno:
600.000 years of Quaternary landscape history in Southeastern Europe : a lipid biomarker perspective.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 11 (2009) . - EGU2009-8191.

Brandt, Martin ; Bäumler, Rupert ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Agricultural suitability of dune system and Limpopo Basin soils near Xai-Xai, Mozambique.
In: South African Journal of Plant and Soil. Bd. 26 (2009) Heft 4 . - S. 206-212.

Kraus, Tanja ; Schmidt, Michael ; Dech, Stefan W. ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Combination of remote sensing and in situ measurements for a detailed assessment of biophysical properties of East African rainforests : A case study for Kakamega Forest, Kenya, and Budongo Forest, Uganda.
In: 2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium : IGARSS 2009; Proceedings. Band 3. - Piscataway : IEEE, 2009 . - S. 326-329

von Suchodoletz, Hans ; Oberhänsli, Hedi ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fuchs, M. ; Faust, D. ; Zöller, Ludwig:
The evolution of Saharan dust input in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) : Lower Holocene triggering by human activity in the northwest Sahara?
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 11 (2009) . - EGU2009-1178.

Basarin, B. ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Vasiljević, Dj. A. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Jović, Goran ; Lukić, Tin:
An introduction to the Belotinac loess-palaeosol sequence, Southern Serbia.
In: Loessfest ’09 : Abstract book. - Novi-Sad, Serbien , 2009 . - S. 110

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bokhorst, Mark P. ; Machalett, Björn ; Štrbac, D. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Basarin, B. ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Stevens, T. ; Frechen, M. ; Vandenberghe, J.:
Last glacial aeolian dynamics at the Titel loess plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 11 (2009) . - EGU2009-6331-3.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Smalley, Ian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Antoine, Pierre:
Loess in the Danube region and surrounding loess provinces : the Marsigli memorial volume.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 198 (2009) Heft 1-2 . - S. 5-6.

von Suchodoletz, Hans ; Kühn, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Dietze, Michael ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Faust, Dominik:
Loess-like and palaeosol sediments from Lanzarote (Canary Islands/Spain) – indicators of palaeoenvironmental change during the Late Quaternary.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 278 (2009) Heft 1 . - S. 71-87.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Nowaczyk, Norbert ; Rolf, Christian:
The Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal in the Stari Slankamen loess section (Vojvodina, Serbia) : its detailed record and its stratigraphic position.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 11 (2009) . - EGU2009-11498-1.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Catto, Norm ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Buggle, Björn ; Machalett, Björn ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Glaser, Bruno ; Frechen, Manfred:
Middle and Late Pleistocene loess sequences at Batajnica, Vojvodina, Serbia.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 198 (2009) Heft 1-2 . - S. 255-266.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Hark, Michael ; Zeeden, Christian ; Reddersen, B. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Fuchs, M.:
The Mono Lake geomagnetic excursion recorded in loess : Its application as time marker and implications for its geomagnetic nature.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 11 (2009) . - EGU2009-11453.

Zech, Michael ; Buggle, Björn ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stevens, Thomas ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Multi-proxy analytical characterisation and palaeoclimatic interpretation of the Crvenca loess-palaeosol sequence, Serbia.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 11 (2009) . - EGU2009-11426.

von Suchodoletz, Hans ; Oberhänsli, Hedi ; Fuchs, M. ; Faust, D. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Obliquity-controlled soil moisture fluctuations recorded in Saharan dust deposits on Lanzarote (Canary Islands) during the last 180 ka.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 11 (2009) . - EGU2009-1176.

Kraus, Tanja ; Schmidt, Michael ; Dech, Stefan W. ; Samimi, Cyrus:
The potential of optical high resolution data for the assessment of leaf area index in East African rainforest ecosystems.
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. Bd. 30 (2009) Heft 19 . - S. 5039-5059.

Zech, Michael ; Buggle, Björn ; Leiber, Katharina ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Glaser, Bruno ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Huwe, Bernd ; Stevens, Thomas ; Sümegi, Pál ; Wiesenberg, Guido L. B. ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Reconstructing Quaternary vegetation history in the Carpathian Basin, SE-Europe, using n-alkane biomarkers as molecular fossils.
In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart. Bd. 58 (2009) Heft 2 . - S. 148-155.

Buggle, Björn ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Glaser, Bruno ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Glaser, Irina ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Stratigraphy, and spatial and temporal paleoclimatic trends in Southeastern/Eastern European loess–paleosol sequences.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 196 (2009) . - S. 86-106.

Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Tiefseefurche statt Tiefseegraben.
In: Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen. Bd. 36 (2009) . - S. 28-30.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Steguweit, Leif ; Fülling, Alexander ; Angelinhu, Mircea ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Using the relative intensity variation of the Earth's magnetic palaeofield as correlative dating technique : a case study from loess with Upper Palaeolithic cultural layers at Poiana Cirecului, Romania.
In: Quartär. Bd. 56 (2009) . - S. 175-185.


Machalett, Björn ; Oches, Eric A. ; Frechen, Manfred ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Mavlyanova, Nadira G. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Endlicher, Wilfried:
Aeolian dust dynamics in central Asia during the Pleistocene : Driven by the long-term migration, seasonality, and permanency of the Asiatic polar front.
In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Bd. 9 (2008) Heft 8 .

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Machalett, Björn ; Stevens, Thomas ; Kukla, George J. ; Smalley, Ian ; Oches, Eric A. ; McCoy, William D. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Buggle, Björn ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Frechen, Manfred:
Danube Loess Stratigraphy : Serbian Viewpoint.
In: Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg.): Veränderter Lebensraum : gesternn, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008 . - S. 201-202 . - (Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien ; 62 )

Buggle, Björn ; Glaser, Bruno ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Glaser, Irina ; Gerasimenko, Natalia:
Geochemical characterization and origin of Southeastern and Eastern European loesses (Serbia, Romania, Ukraine).
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 27 (2008) Heft 9-10 . - S. 1058-1075.

Markley, C. ; Machalett, Björn ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Oches, Eric A.:
Glacial-interglacial Climate Variability in the Black Sea Region Since MIS 15 : Record of Highly Resolved Particle-size Dynamics From the Loess Sequence Mircea Voda, Romania.
In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. (2008) . - PP13A-1424.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Machalett, Björn ; Stevens, T. ; Kukla, G. J. ; Heller, F. ; Ouches, E. A. ; McCoy, William D. ; Buggle, B. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Basarin, B. ; Milojković, N. ; Lukić, Tin:
The last 850 millennia recorded at the Stari Slankamen loess-paleosol sequence : revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends.
In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. (2008) . - PP13A-1421.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bokhorst, Mark P. ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; McCoy, William D. ; Oches, Eric A. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Stevens, Thomas ; Machalett, Björn:
Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in the Vojvodina region, north Serbia.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science. Bd. 23 (2008) Heft 1 . - S. 73-84.

Buggle, Björn ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Glaser, Bruno ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Glaser, Irina ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Long-Term Paleoclimate Records in SE-Europe – The loess paleosol sequences Batajnica / Stari Slankamen (Serbia) and Mircea Voda (Romania).
In: Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg): Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008 . - S. 15-19 . - (Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien ; 62 )

Hambach, Ulrich ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hark, Michael ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Magnetic dating of an Upper Palaeolithic cultural layer bearing loess from the Krems-Wachtberg site (Lower Austria).
In: Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg.): Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008 . - S. 153-157 . - (Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien ; 62 )

Hambach, Ulrich ; Rolf, Christian ; Schnepp, Elisabeth:
Magnetic dating of Quaternary sediments, volcanites and archaeological materials : an overview.
In: Quaternary Science Journal. Bd. 57 (2008) Heft 1-2 . - S. 25-51.

Nigst, Philip R. ; Bence Viola, T. ; Haesaerts, Paul ; Blockley, Simon ; Damblon, Freddy ; Frank, Christa ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Mallol, Carolina ; Moreau, Luc ; Niven, Laura ; Richter, Daniel ; Richards, Michael ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hublin, Jean-Jacques ; Trnka, Gerhard:
Neue Forschungen in Willendorf II : ein Vorbericht über die Grabung 2006.
In: Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Bd. 138 (2008) . - S. 79-88.

Nigst, Philip R. ; Bence Viola, T. ; Haesaerts, Paul ; Blockley, Simon ; Damblon, Freddy ; Frank, Christa ; Fuchs, Markus ; Götzinger, Michael ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Mallol, Carolina ; Moreau, Luc ; Niven, Laura ; Richards, Michael ; Richter, Daniel ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Trnka, Gerhard ; Hublin, Jean-Jacques:
New research on the Aurignacian of Central Europe : a first note on the 2006 fieldwork at Willendorf II.
In: Quartär. Bd. 55 (2008) . - S. 9-15.

Vollmer, Thorsten ; Ricken, Werner ; Weber, Michael ; Tougiannidis, Nikolaos ; Röhling, Heinz-Gerd ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Orbital control on Upper Triassic Playa cycles of the Steinmergel-Keuper (Norian) : a new concept for ancient playa cycles.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 267 (2008) Heft 1-2 . - S. 1-16.

Buggle, Björn ; Glaser, Bruno ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Glaser, Irina ; Gerasimenko, Natalia:
Origin of loess in the (Middle/Lower) Danube Basin (and Dnieper Area).
In: Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg.): Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008 . - S. 11-14 . - (Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien ; 62 )

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Štrbac, D. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Machalett, Björn ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Lukić, Tin ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Basarin, B.:
Paleosurface reconstruction of the Titel loess plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia) using GIS.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 10 (2008) .

Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Rolf, Christian ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Paläo- und umweltmagnetische Untersuchungen an Sedimenten der Bohrung Frankenbach.
In: Hansch, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): 600000 Jahre Zeitgeschichte am Neckar : das Naturschutzgebiet "Frankenbacher Schotter" bei Heilbronn. - Heilbronn : Städt. Museen, 2008 . - S. 68-77 . - (Museo ; 24 )

Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Weidenfeller, M.:
Rock and palaeomagnetic evidence for the Plio-Pleistocene palaeoclimatic change recorded in Upper Rhine Graben sediments (Core Ludwigshafen-Parkinsel).
In: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. Bd. 87 (2008) Heft 1 . - S. 41-50.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Buggle, Björn ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Machalett, Björn ; Frechen, Manfred ; Rolf, Christian ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Vojvodinian loess-paleosol sequences as archive of repeated Pleistocene paleoclimatic changes.
In: Kukla, Peter (Hrsg): Geo 2008, resources and risks in the earth system. - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 2008 . - S. 203 . - (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften ; 60 )


Maruschke, Julian ; Rosemann, Bernd ; Steinhilper, Rolf:
Evaluation of eco-efficient car lifecycles.
In: University of Zurich (ETH) (Hrsg.): Conference Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Life Cycle Management, LCM 2007. - Zürich , 2007

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Oches, Eric A. ; McCoy, William D. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Jovanović, Mladjen:
850 Millennia of paleoclimatic history recorded in the loess sequences of Vojvodina region, Serbia.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 167-168 (2007) . - S. 269.

Machalett, Björn ; Oches, Eric A. ; Frechen, Manfred ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Mavlyanova, Nadira G. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Endlicher, Wilfried:
Aeolian dust dynamics in Central Asia during the Pleistocene : driven by alternating atmospheric circulation patterns and/or the seasonal shift of the Asiatic polar front.
In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. (2007) . - PP23A-1082.

Zeeden, Christian ; Hark, Michael ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Depressions on the Titel loess plateau : Form, pattern, genesis.
In: Geographica Pannonica. Bd. 11 (2007) . - S. 4-8.

Wunnemann, Bernd ; Hartmann, Kai ; Altmann, Norbert ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Pachur, Hans-Joachim ; Zhang, Hucai:
Interglacial and Glacial Fingerprints from Lake Deposits in the Gobi Desert, NW China.
In: Sirocko, Frank (Hrsg.): The Climate of Past Interglacials. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007 . - S. 323-350 . - (Developments in Quaternary Science ; 7 )

Zöller, Ludwig ; Urban, Brigitte ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Klima- und Umweltbedingungen während des Eiszeitalters.
In: Wagner, Günther A. ; Rieder, Hermann ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Mick, Erich (Hrsg.): Homo heidelbergensis : Schlüsselfund der Menschheitsgeschichte. - Stuttgart : Theiss, 2007 . - S. 84-112

Buggle, Björn ; Glaser, Bruno ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Glaser, Irina ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
Löss-Paläoboden Sequenzen an Donau und Dnieper - Klimaarchive der letzten 700.000 Jahre.
In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft. Bd. 110 (2007) Heft 2 . - S. 439-440.

Wagenseil, Hendrik ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Woody vegetation cover in Namibian savannahs : A modelling approach based on remote sensing.
In: Erdkunde. Bd. 61 (2007) Heft 4 . - S. 325-334.


Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Machalett, Björn ; Stevan, Savić ; Romelić, Jovan ; Plavša, Jovan ; Mesaroš, Minučer:
An introduction to the late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Susek (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Geographica Pannonica. Bd. 10 (2006) . - S. 4-8.

Samimi, Cyrus ; Krüger, Fred:
Miombo - Ökologische und soziale Veränderungen im größten Trockenwald der Erde.
In: Geographische Rundschau. Bd. 58 (2006) Heft 10 . - S. 40-47.

Cârciumaru, Marin ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Steguweit, Leif ; Niţă, Loredana ; Fontana, Laure ; Brugère, Alexis ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Margarit, Monica ; Dumitrascu, Valentin ; Cosac, Marian ; Dimitru, Florin ; Cârstina, Ovidiu:
The upper palaeolithic site of Poiana Ciresului (Piatra Neamt, north-eastern Romania).
In: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Bd. 36 (2006) Heft 3 . - S. 319-331.

Jovanović, Mladjen ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Oches, Eric A. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Machalett, Björn:
Warm glacial climate during loess deposition recorded at exposures of the Pozarevac brickyard, NE Serbia.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 8 (2006) . - EGU06-A-10599.

Machalett, Björn ; Frechen, Manfred ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Oches, Eric A. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
The loess sequence from Remisowka (northern boundary of the Tien Shan Mountains, Kazakhstan). Part I : Luminescence dating.
In: Quaternary International. Bd. 152-153 (2006) . - S. 192-201.


Marković, Slobodan B. ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Mijovic, D. ; Bokhorst, Mark P. ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; Oches, Eric A. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Kovačev, N. ; Boganović, Ž. ; Savić, Stevan ; Bojanič, D. ; Milojković, N.:
Loess plateau-geopark.
In: Mijović, Dušan (Hrsg.): Proceedings of 2nd Conference on the Geoheritage of Serbia. - Beograd , 2005 . - S. 184


Hambach, Ulrich ; Zech, Michael ; Zech, Roland ; Zech, Wolfgang:
A combined rock magnetic and paleo-pedologic investigation of a loess section from the Tumara valley, NE Siberia.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 6 (2004) . - EGU04-A-04199.

Schnepp, Elisabeth ; Pucher, Rudolf ; Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Soffel, Heinrich ; Hedley, Ian:
A German catalogue of archaeomagnetic data.
In: Geophysical Journal International. Bd. 157 (2004) Heft 1 . - S. 64-78.

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Oches, Eric A. ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Sümegi, Pál:
The Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence Miseluk.
In: Marković, Slobodan B. (Hrsg.): Paleoclimatic record of Milankovitch's loess - field excursion guide book of Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium: Paleoclimate and and Earth climate system, September 2, 2004, Belgrade. - Belgrade , 2004 . - S. 21-23

Marković, Slobodan B. ; Oches, Eric A. ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Sümegi, Pál:
Palaeoclimate record in the Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Miseluk (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Quaternaire. Bd. 15 (2004) Heft 4 . - S. 361-368.

Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Palaeomagnetism of Limnic Sequences of the Last Interglacial. Results from East German Standard Sections Klinge and Gröbern.- POSTER, P0154.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 6 (2004) . - EGU04-A-06307.

Zöller, Ludwig ; von Suchodoletz, Hans ; Blanchard, Henrik ; Faust, Dominik ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Reply to the comment by J.C. Carracedo et al. on 'Geoarchaeological and chronometrical evidence ...'.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 23 (2004) Heft 18-19 . - S. 2049-2052.

Panaiotu, Cristian G. ; Pécskay, Zoltàn ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Seghedi, Ioan ; Panaiotu, Cristina E. ; Tetsumaru, Itaya ; Orleanu, Mihai ; Szakács, Alexandru:
Short-lived quaternary volcanism in the Persani Mountains (Romania) revealed by combined K-Ar and paleomagnetic data.
In: Geologica Carpathica. Bd. 55 (2004) Heft 4 . - S. 333-339.


Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Frechen, Manfred:
The behaviour of the earth's magnetic field over Europe in MIS 5.3 - New data.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 5 (2003) .

Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinders, Jan ; Rolf, Christian ; Sirocko, Frank:
Geomagnetic Palaeo-secular Variation for the last 170 k.y. from Lake Sediments of the Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) - first Results and Perspectives.
In: EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 2003 : Abstracts of the Meeting. - 2003 . - 12096

Lang, Andreas ; Hatté, Christine ; Rousseau, Denis-Didier ; Antoine, Pierre ; Fontugne, Michel ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich:
High-resolution chronologies for loess : comparing AMS C-14 and optical dating results.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews. Bd. 22 (2003) Heft 10-13 . - S. 953-959.

Stüben, Doris ; Kramar, Utz ; Berner, Zsolt A. ; Meudt, M. ; Keller, G. ; Abramovich, S. ; Adatte, T. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stinnesbeck, W.:
Late Maastrichtian paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes inferred from Sr/Ca ratio and stable isotopes.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bd. 199 (2003) Heft 1-2 . - S. 107-127.


Kraus, Tanja ; Samimi, Cyrus:
Biomass estimation for land use management and fire management using Landsat-TM and -ETM+.
In: Erdkunde. Bd. 56 (2002) Heft 2 . - S. 130-143.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinders, Jan:
High resolution palaeomagnetic records from MIS 5 sediments: the terrestrial perspective.
In: Hüssner, Hansmartin (Hrsg.): Sediment 2002 : Kurzfassungen und Programme. - Hannover : Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 2002 . - S. 81-82 . - (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft ; 17 )

Meudt, M. ; Kramar, Utz ; Berner, Zsolt A. ; Stüben, Doris ; Keller, G. ; Stinnesbeck, W. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Harting, M.:
Klima- und Umweltentwicklung des tunesischen Schelfs (Tethys-Südrand) in der späten Oberkreide (Campan bis Kreide/Tertiär-Grenze).
In: Niebuhr, Birgit (Hrsg.): Geo 2002 : Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft. - Hannover : DGG, 2002 . - S. 239-240 . - (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft ; 21 )

Meudt, M. ; Harting, M. ; Kramar, Utz ; Berner, Zsolt A. ; Stüben, Doris ; Keller, G. ; Stinnesbeck, W. ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Late upper Creataceous (Campan to K/T-boundary) paleoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes inferred from high resolution chemostratigraphy at the Tunisian Thethys shelf.
In: Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (Hrsg.): Referate der Vorträge und Poster, 80. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft vom 8. bis 12. September 2002 in Hamburg; Exkursionsführer. - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 2002 . - S. 108 . - (Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft ; 2002,1 )


Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinhardt, Lutz ; Schalkowski, Martin ; Etzold, Andreas ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Ricken, Werner:
A time frame for the Middle Keuper - cyclostratigraphy, sedimentology and first paleomagnetic results from the RAUENBERG 1 research well (km1-km4, Upper Triassic, SW-Germany).
In: Gaupp, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Sediment 2001 : Programm, Kurzfassungen, Exkursionsführer. - Hannover : Dt. Geologische Ges., 2001 . - S. 45 . - (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft ; 13 )


Diener, I. ; Ernst, G. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Herm, D. ; Hilbrecht, H. ; Hiss, M. ; Kaever, M. ; Kaplan, U. ; Krumsiek, K. ; Meyer, R. F. K. ; Mutterlose, J. ; Niebuhr, B. ; Petzka, M. ; Reich, M. ; Schönfeld, J. ; Schulz, M.-G. ; Seibertz, E. ; Spaeth, C. ; Thiermann, A. ; Tröger, K.-A. ; Voigt, T. ; Wiese, F. ; Wood, C. J.:
Die Kreide der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Stratigraphische Kommission Deutschlands (Hrsg.)
Frankfurt am Main : Senckenbergische Naturforschende Ges. , 2000 . - 207 S. - (Stratigraphie von Deutschland ; 3 )

Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Magnetische Polaritätsstratigraphie in der Kreide.
In: Stratigraphische Kommission Deutschlands (Hrsg.): Die Kreide in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Frankfurt am Main : Senckenbergische Naturforschende Ges., 2000 . - S. 51-59 . - (Stratigraphie von Deutschland ; 3 )

Frank, Norbert ; Braum, Margarethe ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Mangini, Augusto ; Wagner, Günther:
Warm Period Growth of Travertine during the Last Interglaciation in Southern Germany.
In: Quaternary Research. Bd. 54 (2000) Heft 1 . - S. 38-48.


Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Sanke, Markus ; Strack, N.:
An archaeomagnetic study of pottery kilns from Brühl-Pingsdorf (Germany).
In: Archaeometry. Bd. 41 (1999) Heft 2 . - S. 413-420.

Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinders, Jan ; Wagner, I.:
Archaeomagnetism of roman through high medieval pottery kilns from the Rhine area and Westfalia (western Germany).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Bd. 1 (1999) .

Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich:
A geomagnetic excursion observed in a travertine-complex from Stuttgart-Untertuerkheim (Germany).
In: IUGG 99, Birmingham : Abstracts. - Birmingham , 1999 . - B.324 No. 1440

Hambach, Ulrich ; Panaiotu, Cristian G. ; Panaiotu, Cristina E.:
Jurassic to Paleogene paleomagnetic data from the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului massifs (SE Carpathians, Romania) : constraints for the drift history of the Tisia-Dacia unit.
In: Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology. (1999) .

Schlicht, Peter ; Koutsoukos, Eduardo ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Bentson, Peter ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Limestone–marl cycles from the Maastrichtian of Pernambuco-Paraiba basin (NE Brazil) - evidence for orbital forcing?
In: Dimas, Dias-Brito ; de Castro, Joel C. ; Rohn, Rosemarie (Hrsg.): Boletim do 5 ̊Simpósio sobre o Cretáceo do Brasil & 1er Simpósio sobre el Cretácico de América del Sur. - Rio Claro, Brasil : Realização UNESP, 1999 . - S. 121-124

Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
The loess-paleosol sequence (LPSS) from Koblenz-Metternich : Independent paleo- and rock magnetic dating approach indentifies Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles (DOCs).
In: Weidenfeller, Michael ; Zöller, Ludwig (Hrsg.): Loess in the Middle and Upper Rhine Area : Loessfest '99 Field Guide. - Mainz : Geologisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz, 1999 . - S. 31-38

Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
The loess-paleosol sequence from Koblenz-Metternich : Independent paleo- and rock magnetic dating approach identifies Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles (DOCs).
In: Derbyshire, Edward (Hrsg.): Loessfest '99 : Extended Abstracts. - London : Centre of Quaternary Research, 1999

Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinhardt, Lutz ; Wonik, Thomas ; Port, Guido ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Ricken, Werner:
Orbital forcing in a low-latitude playa system : evidence from evolutionary spectral analyses (ESA) of geophysical and geochemical data from the Steinmergel-Keuper (Late Triassic, S-Germany).
In: Ristedt, Heinrich (Hrsg.): Sediment '99 : Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. - Bonn : Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 1999 . - S. 91-100 . - (Terra Nostra ; 1999,4 )

Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Paleoenvironmental conditions in a travertine complex deduced from rock magnetism.
In: Geophysical Research Letters. Bd. 26 (1999) Heft 15 . - S. 2267-2270.


Hambach, Ulrich ; Schalkowski, Martin ; Fehmer, Stefan ; Reinhardt, Lutz ; Ricken, Werner:
High resolution rock magnetic investigations of the German Keuper - Implications for sedimentary cyclicity and stratigraphy.
In: Bachmann, Gerhard H. (Hrsg.): Abstracts : Epicontinental Triassic International Symposium. - Halle (Saale) : Inst. für Geologische Wiss. und Geiseltalmuseum, Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 1998 . - S. 64-65 . - (Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften B : Beiheft ; 5 )

Rose, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
A High Resolution Rock Magnetic Record of Albian Sediments from NW-Germany - Evidence for Orbital Forcing.
In: Cañaveras, Juan C. (Hrsg.): Sedimentology at the dawn of the third millennium : Abstracts. - Alicante : Universidad de Alicante, 1998 . - S. 672-674

Worm, Horst-Ulrich ; Ahmed, A. M. M. ; Ahmed, N. U. ; Islam, H. O. ; Huq, M. M. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lietz, J.:
Large sedimentation rate in the Bengal delta : Magnetostratigraphic dating of Cenozoic sediments from northeastern Bangladesh.
In: Geology. Bd. 26 (1998) Heft 6 . - S. 487-490.

Schlicht, Peter ; Koutsoukos, Eduardo ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Bengston, Peter ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Magnetic properties of Maastrichtian to Paleocene sediments from the Pernambuco-Paraiba Basin (NE Brazil).
In: South Atlantic Mesozoic Correlations, SAMC - Project 381 (IGCP-IUGS) : Abstracts of the Third Annual Conference. - Ushuaia , 1998 . - (Boletin de la Asociacion Paleontologica del Golfo de San Jorge ; 2 )


Wagner, Günther A. ; Fezer, Fritz ; Hambach, Ulrich ; von Koenigswald, Wighart ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Das Alter des Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer.
In: Wagner, Günther A. ; Beinhauer, Karl W. (Hrsg.): Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer : das Auftreten des Menschen in Europa. - Heidelberg : HVA, 1997 . - S. 124-143

Hambach, Ulrich ; Panaiotu, Cristian G. ; Panaiotu, Cristina E.:
Paleolatitude of the South Carpathians during Jurassic and Cretaceous : new results from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene of the Hateg Basin, Romania.
In: Przegląd Geologiczny. Bd. 45 (1997) Heft 10 . - S. 1076.


Stets, Johannes ; Ashraf, Abdul-Rahman ; Erben, Heinrich K. ; Hahn, Gabriele ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Thein, Jean ; Wurster, Paul:
The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Nanxiong Basin (continental facies, southeast China).
In: MacLeod, Norman ; Keller, Gerta (Hrsg.): Cretaceous-tertiary mass extinctions : biotic and environmental changes. - New York : Norton, 1996 . - S. 349-371

Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinders, Jan:
Gesteinsmagnetik an Löß als Proxy für das terrestrische Paläoklima des letzten Interglazial/Glazial-Zyklus.
In: Thein, Jean ; Schäfer, Andreas (Hrsg.): Geologische Stoffkreisläufe und ihre Veränderungen durch den Menschen : 148. Hauptversammlung, Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. - Hannover : Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 1996 . - S. 36-38 . - (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft ; 1 )

Hambach, Ulrich ; Panaiotu, Cristian G. ; Panaiotu, Cristina E.:
Gondwana origin of the Tisza-Dacia Unit? : Arguments from paleomagnetism.
In: Decker, Kurt (Hrsg.): Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride system : PANCARDI workshop 1996. - Wien , 1996 . - S. 101-148 . - (Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich ; 41 )

Schönfeld, J. ; Schulz, M.-G. ; McArthur, J. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hansen, H. J. ; Kennedy, W. J. ; Rasmussen, K. L. ; Thirlwall, M. F. ; Wray, D. S.:
New results on biostratigraphy, palaeomagnetism, geochemistry and correlation from the standard section for the Upper Cretaceous white chalk of northern Germany (Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor-Hemmoor).
In: Spaeth, Christian (Hrsg.): New developments in cretaceous research topics : Proceedings of the 4th International Cretaceous Symposium, Hamburg 1992 ; Jost Wiedmann memorial volume. - Hamburg : Selbstverl. des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Inst. der Univ. Hamburg, 1996 . - S. 545-575 . - (Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg ; 77 )

Hambach, Ulrich ; Port, Guido ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
'Oroclinal Bending' in den Varisciden : Interpretation paläomagnetischer Ergebnisse aus dem Rhenohercynicum.
In: Thein, Jean ; Schäfer, Andreas (Hrsg.): Geologische Stoffkreisläufe und ihre Veränderungen durch den Menschen : 148. Hauptversammlung, Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. - Hannover : Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 1996 . - S. 37-38 . - (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft ; 1 )

Hambach, Ulrich:
Paläo-und gesteinsmagnetische Untersuchungen im Quartär der Grube Grafenrain : Fundplatz des Homo erectus heidelbergensis.
In: Beinhauer, Karl W. (Hrsg.): Homo erectus Heidelbergensis von Mauer : Kolloquium I. Neue Funde und Forschungen zur Frühen Menschheitsgeschichte Eurasiens mit einem Ausblick auf Afrika : Resümees. - Sigmaringen : Thorbecke, 1996 . - S. 41-46 . - (Mannheimer Geschichtsblätter : Beiheft ; 1 )

Rose, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Preliminary results of high resolution magnetic susceptibility measurements on the research cores Kirchrode I and II : Milankovitch forced sedimentation during the Upper Albian.
In: Reitner, Joachim (Hrsg.): Globale und regionale Steuerungsfaktoren biogener Sedimentation. Band 2. Cretaceous Sedimentation. - Göttingen : Geolog. Inst. d. Georg-August-Univ., 1996 . - S. 13-16 . - (Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie : Sb ; 3 )


Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Strack, N.:
Archäomagnetische Untersuchungen von Keramikbrennöfen aus Brühl Pingsdorf.
In: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege : Kurzberichte 1995 ; Zusammenfassung der Vorträge und Poster der Gemeinschaftstagung der Arbeitskreise "Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege" der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft und "Archäometrie" der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker im Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 27.-29.9.1995. - 1995

Böhm, Holger ; Hahn, Gabriele ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Paläomagnetische Untersuchungen.
In: Erben, Heinrich K. (Hrsg.): Die Kreide-, Tertiär-Grenze im Nanxiong-Becken (Kontinentalfazies, Südostchina). - Stuttgart : Steiner, 1995 . - S. 48-56 . - (Erdwissenschaftliche Forschung ; 32 )


Hambach, Ulrich ; Orleanu, Mihai ; Rogenhagen, Johannes ; Schnepp, Elisabeth:
Paleomagnetism of Pleistocene volcanics from the Persani Mountains, East Carpathians (Romania).
In: Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology. (1994) .



Hambach, Ulrich ; Mangini, Augusto ; Wagner, Günther A. ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Physikalische Altersbestimmung der Schichtenfolge von Mauer.
In: Beinhauer, Karl W. ; Wagner, Günther A. (Hrsg.): Schichten von Mauer : 85 Jahre Homo erectus heidelbergensis. - Heidelberg : Ed. Braus, 1992


Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Ukas, H.:
Magnetic Stratigraphy of Santonian to Maastrichtian sediments from NW-Germany and Poland.
In: Annales Geophysicae. Bd. 9 (1991) .

Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Magnetostratigraphie im Santon und Campan des Münsterländer Kreidebeckens.
In: Facies. Bd. 24 (1991) Heft 1 . - S. 113-124.


Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Eine magnetostratigraphische Gliederung des oberen Alb und unteren Cenoman aus Kernbohrungen des Ruhrgebietes.
In: Geologisches Jahrbuch A. Bd. 113 (1989) . - S. 401-425.


Hambach, Ulrich:
Rock magnetic properties and facies change in Cenomanian/Turonian boundary sediments from NW Germany.
In: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Bd. 52 (1988) Heft 3/4 . - S. 232-242.


Magnetostratigraphy of the Boreal Cretaceous from NW-Germany : Preliminary Results.
Veranstaltung: 3rd International Cretaceous Symposium , 26.08. - 08.09.1987 , Tübingen, Deutschland.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung , Paper )

Hambach, Ulrich:
A Paleomagnetic Study of Pleistocene Travertines from Eastern and Central Spain : Preliminary Results.
In: International Workshop Paleomagnetism in the Iberian Peninsula : Abstracts. - Platja d'Aro : Servei Geològic de Catalunya, 1987 . - S. 8-9

Hambach, Ulrich:
A rock magnetic study of Cenomanian/Turonian boundary borehole sections from NW-Germany.
In: Terra Cognita. Bd. 7 (1987) Heft 1 . - S. 472.


Bosinski, G. ; Brunnacker, K. ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Tillmanns, W. ; Urban-Küttel, B.:
Das Frühwürm im Lössprofil von Wallertheim/Rheinhessen.
In: Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen. Bd. 113 (1985) . - S. 187-215.

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