Mohr, Johannes ; Kleinschrodt, Claudia ; Diwisch, Pascal:
Betrachtung von Konfigurationsdateiformaten und GUI-Frameworks für Programme zur Aufbereitung von Austauschdateien.
In: Corves, Burkhard ; Gericke, Kilian ; Grote, Karl-Heinrich ; Lohrengel, Armin ; Löwer, Manuel ; Nagarajah, Arun ; Rieg, Frank ; Scharr, Gerhard ; Stelzer, Ralf
18. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik 2020 : Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung ; KT 2020. -
. - S. 309-320
ISBN 978-3-940402-43-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/73094
Although high quality data is the basis for the realisation of the vision Industry 4.0, users are still confronted with immense problems that prevent a uniform and consistent information transfer. A program for the preparation of exchange files represents a practicable solution to validate and improve the quality of the data transfer. To optimise the usability, the interface between the program and the user must be designed in the best way possible. The goal of this thesis is to methodically compare established configuration file formats and GUI frameworks and to determine the optimal solution in each case.