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Sedimentology of a Late Quaternary lacustrine record from the south-eastern Carpathian Basin

Title data

Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Fischer, Peter ; Schulte, Philipp ; Nett, Janina J. ; Veres, Daniel ; Obreht, Igor ; Chu, Wei ; Papadopoulou, Maria ; Viehberg, Finn ; Schäbitz, Frank ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Vött, Andreas ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Sedimentology of a Late Quaternary lacustrine record from the south-eastern Carpathian Basin.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science. Vol. 36 (2021) Issue 8 . - pp. 1414-1425.
ISSN 1099-1417

Abstract in another language

The Upper Pleistocene geoarchives in the south-eastern Carpathian Basin are represented predominantly by loess–palaeosol records. In 2015, a 10 m sediment core composed of clay-rich lacustrine sediments was recovered by vibracoring a dry lake basin located between the Vršac Mountains (Serbia) and the Banat Sands in the south-eastern Carpathian Basin; a location relevant for placing regional archaeological results in a palaeoenvironmental context. Here, we present results from geoelectrical prospection and a lithostratigraphic interpretation of this sequence supported by a detailed granulometric study supplemented by ostracod analysis. An age model based on luminescence dating is discussed against sedimentological proxy data and its implication for palaeoenvironmental change. The cores show a stratigraphy of lighter ochre-coloured and darker greyish sediment, related to the deposition of clay and silt trapped in an aquatic environment. Geophysical measurements show ~20 m thick lacustrine sediments. The grain-size distributions including the variability in fine clay are indicative of a lacustrine environment. Fine particles were brought into the depositional environments by aquatic input and settled from suspension; also, direct dust input is constrained by grain-size results. Riverine input and aeolian dust input interplayed at the locality.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Refereed: Yes
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences > Department of Earth Sciences
Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences > Department of Earth Sciences > Chair Geomorphology
Faculties > Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences > Department of Earth Sciences > Chair Geomorphology > Chair Geomorphology - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Sass
Profile Fields > Advanced Fields > Ecology and the Environmental Sciences
Profile Fields > Advanced Fields > Nonlinear Dynamics
Research Institutions > Research Centres > Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research- BayCEER
Profile Fields
Profile Fields > Advanced Fields
Research Institutions
Research Institutions > Research Centres
Result of work at the UBT: Yes
DDC Subjects: 500 Science > 550 Earth sciences, geology
Date Deposited: 31 Aug 2021 06:42
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2022 09:33