Institutionen der Universität Bayreuth Lehrstuhl Geomorphologie
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 425. 2024
Antoine, Pierre ; Rousseau, Denis-Didier ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Löscher, Manfred ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hatté, Christine ; Fontugne, Michel ; Lang, Andreas ; Moine, Olivier ; Fuchs, Markus ; Tissoux, Hélène ; Lagroix, France ; Taylor, Samuel ; Prud’homme, Charlotte:
Nussloch : 30 years of multidisciplinary research to establish a European reference loess sequence for the last glacial period.
Veranstaltung: LoessFest 2024
, 19.-22. Juni 2024
, Universität Mainz.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
Vortrag mit Paper
Namier, Namier ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Gao, Xinbo ; Fu, Yu ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Mason, Joseph A. ; Song, Yang ; Deng, Chenglong ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Rastko ; Guo, Zhengtang:
Comprehensive magnetic analysis of the tephras in Middle-Late Pleistocene loess records of Serbia, and implications for tephra identification, correlation and loess chronology.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews.
Bd. 313
- 108202.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108202
Vinnepand, Mathias ; Fischer, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Jöris, Olaf ; Craig, Carol-Ann ; Zeeden, Christian ; Thornton, Barry ; Tütken, Thomas ; Prud'homme, Charlotte ; Schulte, Philipp ; Moine, Olivier ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Laag, Christian ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Vött, Andreas:
What do dust sinks tell us about their sources and past environmental dynamics? A case study for oxygen isotope stages 3-2 in the Middle Rhine Valley, Germany.
In: Quaternary Science Journal.
Bd. 72
Heft 2
- S. 163-184.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/egqsj-72-163-2023
Vinnepand, Mathias ; Fischer, Peter ; Jöris, Olaf ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zeeden, Christian ; Schulte, Philipp ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Prud’homme, Charlotte ; Peric, Zoran ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Fiedler, Sabine ; Vött, Andreas:
Decoding geochemical signals of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequences : A key to Upper Pleistocene ecosystem responses to climate changes in western Central Europe.
In: Catena.
Bd. 212
- 106076.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106076
Wulf, Sabine ; Veres, Daniel ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Magyari, Enikö K. ; Karatson, Dávid:
Gone with the Wind : Dispersal of Ciomadul Tephra.
In: Karátson, Dávid ; Veres, Daniel ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Magyari, Enikő K. ; Jánosi, Csaba ; Hambach, Ulrich
Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians : Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. -
: Springer International Publishing,
. - S. 81-93
. - (Earth and Environmental Science
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89140-4_5
Wolf, Daniel ; Lomax, Johanna ; Sahakyan, Lilit ; Hovakimyan, Hayk ; Profe, Jörn ; Schulte, Philipp ; von Suchodoletz, Hans ; Richter, Christiane ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fuchs, Markus ; Faust, Dominik:
Last glacial loess dynamics in the Southern Caucasus (NE-Armenia) and the phenomenon of missing loess deposition during MIS-2.
In: Scientific Reports.
Bd. 12
- 13269.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-17021-5
Veres, Daniel ; Karátson, Dávid ; Wulf, Sabine ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Novothny, Ágnes ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Magyari, Enikő K. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Palaeogeography : Syn-and Post-eruptive Landscape Evolution Around Ciomadul.
In: Karátson, Dávid ; Veres, Daniel ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Magyari, Enikő K. ; Jánosi, Csaba ; Hambach, Ulrich
Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians : Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. -
: Springer International Publishing,
. - S. 95-110
. - (Earth and Environmental Science
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89140-4_6
Matys Grygar, Tomáš ; Hošek, Michal ; Navrátil, Tomáš ; Bednárek, Jan ; Hönig, Jindřich ; Elznicová, Jitka ; Pacina, Jan ; Rohovec, Jan ; Sedláček, Jan ; Sass, Oliver:
Lessons Learnt from the Revitalisation of Chemical Factory in Marktredwitz and River Banks Downstream: When "Renaturation" Can Be Harmful.
In: Water.
Bd. 14
Heft 21
- 3481.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w14213481
Maier, A. ; Stojakowits, P. ; Mayr, C. ; Pfeifer, S. ; Preusser, F. ; Zolitschka, B. ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Bobak, D. ; Duprat-Oualid, F. ; Einwögerer, T. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Händel, Marc ; Kaminská, L. ; Kämpf, L. ; Łanczont, Maria ; Lehmkuhl, F. ; Ludwig, P. ; Magyari, Eniko ; Mroczek, P. ; Nemergut, A. ; Nerudová, Z. ; Niţă, L. ; Polanská, M. ; Połtowicz-Bobak, M. ; Rius, D. ; Römer, W. ; Simon, U. ; Škrdla, P. ; Újvári, G. ; Veres, D.:
Cultural evolution and environmental change in Central Europe between 40 and 15 ka.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 581-582
- S. 225-240.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.09.049
Nett, Janina J. ; Chu, Wei ; Fischer, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Obrocki, Lea ; Pötter, Stephan ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Vött, Andreas ; Mihailović, Dušan ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
The Early Upper Paleolithic Site Crvenka-At, Serbia : The First Aurignacian Lowland Occupation Site in the Southern Carpathian Basin.
In: Frontiers in Earth Science.
Bd. 9
- 599986.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.599986
Wolf, Daniel ; Kolb, Thomas ; Ryborz, Karolin ; Heinrich, Susann ; Schäfer, Imke ; Calvo, Ruben ; Sanchez, Jesus ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zech, Roland ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Faust, Dominik:
Evidence for strong relations between the upper Tagus loess formation (central Iberia) and the marine atmosphere off the Iberian margin during the last glacial period.
In: Quaternary Research.
Bd. 101
- S. 84-113.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2020.119
Anghelinu, Mircea ; Händel, Marc ; Niță, Loredana ; Cordoș, Cristina ; Veres, Daniel ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Murătoreanu, George ; Ciornei, Alexandru ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Sava, Tiberiu ; Mănăilescu, Cristian ; Ilie, Maria ; Demay, Läetitia ; Georgescu, Valentin:
From Gravettian to Epigravettian in the Eastern Carpathians : Insights from the Bistricioara-Lutărie III archaeological site.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 587-588
- S. 210-229.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.06.044
Fischer, Peter ; Jöris, Olaf ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Vinnepand, Mathias ; Prud'homme, Charlotte ; Schulte, Philipp ; Hatté, Christine ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lindauer, Susanne ; Zeeden, Christian ; Perić, Zoran ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Wunderlich, Tina ; Wilken, Dennis ; Schirmer, Wolfgang ; Vött, Andreas:
Millennial-scale terrestrial ecosystem responses to Upper Pleistocene climatic changes : 4D-reconstruction of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequence (Middle Rhine Valley, Germany).
In: Catena.
Bd. 196
- 104913.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.104913
Constantin, Daniela ; Mason, J. A. ; Veres, D. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Panaiotu, C. ; Zeeden, Christian ; Zhou, L. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Avram, Anca ; Tecsa, Viorica ; Groza-Sacaciu, S. M. ; del Valle Villalonga, L. ; Begy, R. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
OSL-dating of the Pleistocene-Holocene climatic transition in loess from China, Europe and North America, and evidence for accretionary pedogenesis.
In: Earth-Science Reviews.
Bd. 221
- 103769.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103769
Scheidt, Stephanie ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Melles, Martin:
Palaeomagnetism and environmental magnetism.
In: Litt, Thomas ; Richter, Jürgen ; Schäbitz, Frank
The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe : Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility. -
: E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
. - S. 316-319
Cosac, Marian ; Muratoreanu, George ; Veres, Daniel ; Nita, Loredana ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Radu, Alexandru ; Cuculici, Roxana ; Buzea, Dan Lucian ; Ștefan, Dan ; Margarit, Monica ; Vasile, Stefan ; Dumitrascu, Valentin ; Rosu, Mariana ; Petculescu, Alexandru ; Sava, Tiberiu ; Georgescu, Valentin ; Serbanescu, Gabriel ; Geambasu, Ionel:
Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) : A synthesis of the 2014-2020 campaigns.
In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice.
Bd. 17
Heft Suppl. 1
- S. 325-350.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3406/mcarh.2021.2215
Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Fischer, Peter ; Schulte, Philipp ; Nett, Janina J. ; Veres, Daniel ; Obreht, Igor ; Chu, Wei ; Papadopoulou, Maria ; Viehberg, Finn ; Schäbitz, Frank ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Vött, Andreas ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Sedimentology of a Late Quaternary lacustrine record from the south-eastern Carpathian Basin.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science.
Bd. 36
Heft 8
- S. 1414-1425.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3297
Hepp, Johannes ; Mayr, Christoph ; Rozanski, Kazimierz ; Schäfer, Imke Kathrin ; Tuthorn, Mario ; Glaser, Bruno ; Juchelka, Dieter ; Stichler, Willibald ; Zech, Roland ; Zech, Michael:
Validation of a coupled δ²Hn-alkane—δ ¹⁸Osugar paleohygrometer approach based on a climate chamber experiment.
In: Biogeosciences.
Bd. 18
Heft 19
- S. 5363-5380.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006609
Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Nett, Janina J. ; Pötter, Stephan ; Schulte, Philipp ; Sprafke, Tobias ; Jary, Zdzisław ; Antoine, Pierre ; Wacha, Lara ; Wolf, Daniel ; Zerboni, Andrea ; Hošek, Jan ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Sümegi, Pál ; Veres, Daniel ; Zeeden, Christian ; Boemke, Bruno ; Schaubert, Viktor ; Viehweger, Jonas ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Loess landscapes of Europe : Mapping, geomorphology, and zonal differentiation.
In: Earth-Science Reviews.
Bd. 215
- 103496.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103496
Bell, Rainer ; Fort, Monique ; Götz, Joachim ; Bernsteiner, Heidi ; Andermann, Christoff ; Etzlstorfer, Jürgen ; Posch, Eva ; Gurung, Narayan ; Gurung, Sonam:
Major geomorphic events and natural hazards during monsoonal precipitation 2018 in the Kali Gandaki Valley, Nepal Himalaya.
In: Geomorphology.
Bd. 372
- 107451.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107451
Scheidt, Stephanie ; Berg, Sonja ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Pötter, Stephan ; Stolz, Alexander ; Veres, Daniel ; Zeeden, Christian ; Brill, Dominik ; Brückner, Helmut ; Kusch, Stephanie ; Laag, Christian ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Melles, Martin ; Monnens, Florian ; Oppermann, Lukas ; Rethemeyer, Janet ; Nett, Janina J.:
Chronological Assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan Loess-Paleosol Section (Romania) : A Comparative Study on Different Dating Methods for a Robust and Precise Age Model.
In: Frontiers in Earth Science.
Bd. 8
- 598448.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2020.598448
Emmer, Adam ; Klimeš, Jan ; Hölbling, Daniel ; Abad, Lorena ; Draebing, Daniel ; Skalák, Petr ; Štěpánek, Petr ; Zahradníček, Pavel:
Distinct types of landslides in moraines associated with the post-LIA glacier thinning : Observations from the Kinzl Glacier, Huascarán, Peru.
In: Science of the Total Environment.
Bd. 739
- 139997.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139997
Faust, Dominik ; Pachtmann, Maximilian ; Mettig, Georg ; Seidel, Pauline ; Bouaziz, Moncef ; Recio Espejo, José Manuel ; Del Olmo, Fernando Diaz ; Roettig, Christopher-Bastian ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Meszner, Sascha:
Sandy soils in silty loess : the loess system of Matmata (Tunisia).
In: Quaternaire.
Bd. 31
Heft 3
- S. 175-186.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/quaternaire.14217
Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Veres, Daniel ; Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie ; Hošek, Jan ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bösken, Janina ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Smoothed millennial-scale palaeoclimatic reference data as unconventional comparison targets : Application to European loess records.
In: Scientific Reports.
Bd. 10
- 5455.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61528-8
Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Constantin, Daniela ; Zeeden, Christian ; Pötter, Stephan ; Baykal, Yunus ; Obreht, Igor ; Laag, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Schulte, Philipp ; Stevens, Thomas ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Interglacial, Holocene and recent dust accretion in the Danube Basin and beyond : evidence for uninterrupted dust accumulation in Eurasian dry steppe regions.
Veranstaltung: International Workshop on Loess and Archeology: Geoarcheological and paleoenvironmental research in European loess-scapes
, 27-29.11.2019
, RWTH Aachen University.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Workshop
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18154/RWTH-2019-10413
Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn ; Obreht, Igor ; Bösken, Janina ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Corrigendum to "Millennial scale climate oscillations recorded in the Lower Danube loess over the last glacial period" [Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 509, 15 November 2018 164-181].
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Bd. 523
- S. 116-117.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.01.026
Fischer, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Klasen, Nicole ; Schulte, Philipp ; Zeeden, Christian ; Steininger, Florian ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Gerlach, Renate ; Radtke, Ulrich:
Landscape instability at the end of MIS 3 in western Central Europe : evidence from a multi proxy study on a Loess-Palaeosol-Sequence from the eastern Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 502, Part A
- S. 119-136.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.09.008
Constantin, Daniela ; Veres, Daniel ; Panaiotu, Cristian G. ; Anechitei-Deacu, Valentina ; Groza, Stefana M. ; Begy, Róbert ; Kelemen, Szabolcs ; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Gerasimenko, Natalia ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Luminescence age constraints on the Pleistocene-Holocene transition recorded in loess sequences across SE Europe.
In: Quaternary Geochronology.
Bd. 49
- S. 71-77.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2018.07.011
Groza, Stefana M. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, D. ; Vulpoi, A. ; Händel, Marc ; Einwögerer, T. ; Simon, U. ; Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine ; Timar-Gabor, Alida:
Optically stimulated luminescence ages for the Upper Palaeolithic site Krems-Wachtberg, Austria.
In: Quaternary Geochronology.
Bd. 49
- S. 242-248.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2018.04.005
Radaković, Milica G. ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Schaetzl, Randall J. ; Tošić, Ivana ; Ninkov, Jordana ; Vasin, Jovica ; Marković, Slobodan B.:
Quantitative relationships between climate and magnetic susceptibility of soils on the Bačka Loess Plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 502, Part A
- S. 85-94.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.04.040
Perić, Zoran ; Lagerbäck Adolphi, Emma ; Stevens, Thomas ; Gábor, Újvári ; Zeeden, Christian ; Buylaert, Jan-Pieter ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fischer, Peter ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Schulte, Philipp ; Huayu, Lu ; Shuangwen, Yi ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Obreht, Igor ; Veres, Daniel ; Thiel, Christine ; Frechen, Manfred ; Jain, Mayank ; Vött, Andreas ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
Quartz OSL dating of late quaternary Chinese and Serbian loess : a cross Eurasian comparison of dust mass accumulation rates.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 502, Part A
- S. 30-44.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.01.010
Schaetzl, Randall J. ; Bettis, E. Arthur ; Crouvi, Onn ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Grimley, David A. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Mason, Joseph A. ; Owczarek, Piotr ; Roberts, Helen M. ; Rousseau, Denis-Didier ; Stevens, Thomas ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; Zárate, Marcelo ; Veres, Daniel ; Yang, Shiling ; Zech, Michael ; Conroy, Jessica L. ; Dave, Aditi K. ; Faust, Dominik ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Obreht, Igor ; Prudhomme, Charlotte ; Smalley, Ian ; Tripaldi, Alfonsina ; Zeeden, Christian ; Zech, Roland:
Approaches and challenges to the study of loess : Introduction to the LoessFest Special Issue.
In: Quaternary Research.
Bd. 89
Heft 3
- S. 563-618.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2018.15
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Stevens, Thomas ; Mason, Joseph A. ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; Yang, Shiling ; Veres, Daniel ; Újvári, Gábor ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Zeeden, Christian ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Obreht, Igor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Wu, Haibin ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Rolf, Christian ; Tomić, Nemanja A. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Loess correlations - Between myth and reality.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Bd. 509
- S. 4-23.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.04.018
Cosac, Marian ; Murătoreanu, George ; Veres, Daniel ; Niţă, Loredana ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Radu, Alexandru ; Cuculici, Roxana ; Buzea, Dan Lucian ; Margarit, Monica ; Dumitrascu, Valentin ; Vasile, Stefan ; Petculescu, Alexandru ; Denes, Istvan:
Multi-proxy archaeological investigations of a Middle Palaeolithic occupation context in Eastern Transylvania, Romania.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 485
- S. 115-130.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.09.014
Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Schaetzl, Randall J. ; Tošić, Ivana ; Zeeden, Christian ; Obreht, Igor ; Sipos, György ; Ruman, Albert ; Putniković, Suzana ; Emunds, Kathrin ; Perić, Zoran ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Prevailing surface winds in Northern Serbia in the recent and past time periods; : modern- and past dust deposition.
In: Aeolian Research.
Bd. 31, Part B
- S. 117-129.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeolia.2017.07.008
Schmidt, Christoph ; Friedrich, Johannes ; Adamiec, Grzegorz ; Chruscinska, Alicja ; Fasoli, Mauro ; Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Martini, Marco ; Panzeri, Laura ; Polymeris, Georgios S. ; Przegietka, Krzysztof ; Valla, Pierre G. ; King, Georgina E. ; Sanderson, David C. W.:
How reproducible are kinetic parameter constraints of quartz luminescence? An interlaboratory comparison for the 110 °C TL peak.
In: Radiation Measurements.
Bd. 110
- S. 14-24.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.01.002
Roettig, C.-B. ; Kolb, Thomas ; Wolf, D. ; Baumgart, P. ; Richter, C. ; Schleicher, A. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Faust, D.:
Complexity of Quaternary aeolian dynamics (Canary Islands).
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Bd. 472
- S. 146-162.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.01.039
Klasen, Nicole ; Zeeden, Christian ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Fischer, Peter ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Schulte, Philipp ; Bösken, Janina ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Vött, Andreas:
Luminescence dating of the lacustrine record of Vršac (Carpathian Basin, Serbia) : implications for a palaeoenvironmetal reconstruction.
Veranstaltung: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting
, 11.-15. Dez. 2017
, New Orleans, USA.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
Hošek, Jan ; Lisá, Lenka ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Petr, Libor ; Vejrostová, Lenka ; Bajer, Ales ; Grygar, Tomáš Matys ; Moska, Piotr ; Gottvald, Zdenek ; Horsák, Michal:
Middle Pleniglacial pedogenesis on the northwestern edge of the Carpathian basin : a multidisciplinary investigation of the Bíňa pedo-sedimentary section, SW Slovakia.
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Bd. 487
- S. 321-339.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.09.017
Kreutzer, Sebastian ; Friedrich, Johannes ; Sanderson, David C. W. ; Adamiec, Grzegorz ; Chruscinska, Alicja ; Fasoli, Mauro ; Martini, Marco ; Polymeris, Georgios S. ; Burbidge, Christopher I. ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Les sables de Fontainebleau : A Natural Quartz Reference Sample and its Characterisation.
In: Ancient TL.
Bd. 35
Heft 2
- S. 21-31.
Obreht, Igor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Zeeden, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Klasen, Nicole ; Brill, Dominik ; Burow, Christoph ; Stevens, Thomas ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Shift of large-scale atmospheric systems over Europe during late MIS 3 and implications for Modern Human dispersal.
In: Scientific Reports.
Bd. 7
- 5848.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-06285-x
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Sümegi, Pál ; Stevens, Thomas ; Obreht, Igor ; Chu, Wei ; Buggle, Björn ; Zech, Michael ; Zech, Roland ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Zeeden, Christian ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
The Crvenka loess-paleosol sequence (Vojvodina, Northern Serbia) : a record of continuous domination of the Late Pleistocene grasslands.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 18
- EGU2016-1952.
Sirocko, Frank ; Knapp, H. ; Dreher, F. ; Förster, M. W. ; Albert, J. ; Brunck, H. ; Veres, D. ; Dietrich, Stephan ; Zech, Michael ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Röhner, Marieke ; Rudert, S. ; Schwibus, K. ; Adams, C. ; Sigl, P.:
The ELSA-Vegetation-Stack : Reconstruction of Landscape Evolution Zones (LEZ) from laminated Eifel maar sediments of the last 60,000years.
In: Global and Planetary Change.
Bd. 142
- S. 108-135.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.03.005
Obreht, Igor ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Kels, Holger ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Schulte, Philipp ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Klasen, Nicole ; Bösken, Janina ; Krauss, Lydia ; Zeeden, Christian:
Loess in the foothills of the western Carpathians and its importance for
paleoenvironmental reconstruction towards the Carpathian Basin.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 18
- EGU2016-18457.
Gingrich, Simone ; Schmid, Martin ; Dirnböck, Thomas ; Dullinger, Iwona ; Garstenauer, Rita ; Gaube, Veronika ; Haberl, Helmut ; Kainz, Martin ; Kreiner, Daniel ; Mayer, Renate ; Sass, Oliver ; Stocker-Kiss, Andrea:
Long-term socio-ecological research in practice : Lessons from inter-and transdisciplinary research in the Austrian Eisenwurzen.
In: Sustainability.
Bd. 8
Heft 8
- 743.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su8080743
Veres, Daniel ; Cosac, Marian ; Murătoreanu, George ; Niţă, Loredana ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hubay, Katalin ; Alexandru, Radu ; Cuculici, Roxana ; Lucian Buzea, Dan ; Dumitraşcu, Valentin:
Multi-method chronological investigation of a Middle Paleolithic stratigraphic context in Eastern Transylvania, Romania.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 18
- EGU2016-5114.
Rixhon, Gilles ; Cordier, Stéphane ; May, Simon M. ; Kelterbaum, Daniel ; Szemkus, Nina ; Keulertz, Rebecca ; Dunai, Tibor ; Binnie, Steven ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Scheidt, Stephanie:
Potentials and pitfalls of depth profile (10Be), burial isochron (26Al/10Be) and palaeomagnetic techniques for dating Early Pleistocene terrace deposits of the Moselle valley (Germany).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 18
- EGU2016-14508.
Morche, David ; Krautblatter, Michael ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Haas, Florian ; Götz, Joachim:
Rates of slope and channel processes in the Reintal valley, Bavarian Alps.
In: Beylich, Achim A. ; Dixon, John C. ; Zwoliński, Zbigniew
Source-to-sink fluxes in undisturbed cold environments. -
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107705791.025
Wulf, Sabine ; Fedorowicz, Stanislaw ; Veres, Daniel ; Łanczont, Maria ; Karátson, Dávid ; Gertisser, Ralf ; Bormann, Marc ; Magyari, Enikö ; Appelt, Oona ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gozhyk, Petro F.:
The ‘Roxolany Tephra’(Ukraine)- new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science.
Bd. 31
Heft 6
- S. 565-576.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.2879
Kehl, Martin ; Burow, Christoph ; Cantalejo, Pedro ; Durán, Juan J. ; Henselowsky, Felix ; Klasen, Nicole ; Linstädter, Jörg ; Medianero, F. Javier ; Pastoors, Andreas ; Ramos, José ; Reicherter, Klaus ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Dominguez-Bella, Salvador:
Site formation and chronology of the new Paleolithic site Sima de las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain.
In: Quaternary Research.
Bd. 85
Heft 2
- S. 313-331.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2016.01.007
Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Veres, Daniel ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bösken, Janina ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Bačević, Nikola ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Tracing the influence of Mediterranean climate on Southeastern Europe during the past 350,000 years.
In: Scientific Reports.
Bd. 6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/srep36334
Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fisher, Peter ; Obreht, Igor ; Schulte, Philipp ; Bösken, Janina ; Wennrich, Volker ; Schäbitz, Frank ; Klasen, Nicole ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Veres, Daniel ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Vött, Andreas ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
An Upper Pleistocene to Holocene limnic record from the Carpathian Basin near Vrsac (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 18
- EGU2016-18468.
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Stevens, Thomas ; Kukla, George J. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. ; Gibbard, Phil ; Buggle, Björn ; Zech, Michael ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Wu, Haibin ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Smalley, Ian ; Újvári, Gábor ; Sümegi, Pál ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Veres, Daniel ; Sirocko, Frank ; Vasiljević, Djordjije A. ; Jary, Zdzisław ; Svensson, Anderss ; Jović, Vidojko ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Kovács, János ; Svirčev, Zorica:
Danube loess stratigraphy : Towards a pan-European loess stratigraphic model.
In: Earth-Science Reviews.
Bd. 148
- S. 228-258.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.06.005
Schmidt, Christoph ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Dating of sediments and soils.
In: Lucke, Bernhard ; Bäumler, Rupert ; Schmidt, Michael
Soils and Sediments as Archives of Environmental Change. -
. - S. 119-146
. - (Erlanger geographische Arbeiten : Sonderband
; 42
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Stevens, Thomas ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Song, Yang ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Perić, Zoran ; Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Veres, Daniel ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
Dust deposition during the Early Holocene on the loess plateaus of the Vojvodina region in Northern Serbia.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 17
- EGU2015-10241.
Stahlschmidt, Mareike C. ; Miller, Christopher E. ; Ligouis, Bertrand ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Goldberg, Paul ; Berna, Francesco ; Richter, Daniel ; Urban, Brigitte ; Serangeli, Jordi ; Conard, Nicholas J.:
On the evidence for human use and control of fire at Schöningen.
In: Journal of Human Evolution.
Bd. 89
- S. 181-201.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.04.004
Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Zeeden, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hauck, Thomas ; Klasen, Nicole ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Schulte, Philipp ; Sümegi, Pál ; Chu, Wei ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Veres, Daniel:
Paleoenvironmental change as derived from loess sediment properties : Examples of last glacial loess sites from the Carpathian Basin.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 17
- EGU2015-1888.
Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Zeeden, Christian ; Bösken, Janina ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hauck, Thomas ; Klasen, Nicole ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Schulte, Philipp ; Sümegi, Pál ; Veres, Daniel ; Zander, Anja:
Climatological and environmental change as derived from physical and geochemical loess sediment properties : Examples of last glacial loess sites from the Pannonian Basin.
In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series.
Bd. 24
Heft 2
- S. 91-94.
Schmidt, Christoph ; Hilgers, Alexandra:
Dataciones por TL.
In: Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Munos, José R.
Sima de Las Palomas Teba (Malaga) : Resultados de las investigaciones 2011-2014. -
: Ediciones Pinsapar,
. - S. 55-60
. - (Ediciones Pinsapar
Glade, Thomas ; Bell, Rainer ; Dobesberger, Paul ; Embleton-Hamann, Christine ; Fromm, Reinhard ; Fuchs, Sven ; Hagen, Karl ; Hübl, Johannes ; Lieb, Gerhard ; Otto, Jan-Christoph ; Perzl, Frank ; Peticzka, Robert ; Prager, Christoph ; Samimi, Cyrus ; Sass, Oliver ; Schöner, Wolfgang ; Schröter, Dagmar ; Schrott, Lothar ; Zangerl, Christian ; Zeidler, Antonia:
Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Reliefsphäre.
In: Kromp-Kolb, Helga
Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 = Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14): Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC). -
: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
. - S. 557-600
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Stevens, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Popov, Dragan ; Tomić, Nemanja A. ; Obreht, Igor ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Kels, Holger ; Marković, Rastko ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
Environmental dynamics and luminescence chronology from the Orlovat loess-palaeosol sequence (Vojvodina, northern Serbia).
In: Journal of Quaternary Science.
Bd. 29
Heft 2
- S. 189-199.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.2693
Gocke, Martina ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Eckmeier, Eileen ; Schwark, Lorenz ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Fuchs, Markus ; Löscher, Manfred ; Wiesenberg, Guido L. B.:
Introducing an improved multi-proxy approach for paleoenvironmental reconstruction of loess-paleosol archives applied on the Late Pleistocene Nussloch sequence (SW Germany).
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Bd. 410
- S. 300-315.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.06.006
Lukić, Tin ; Basarin, Biljana ; Buggle, Björn ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Tomović, Vladimir M. ; Raljič, Jovanka Popov ; Hrnjak, Ivana ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
A joined rock magnetic and colorimetric perspective on the Late Pleistocene climate of Orlovat loess site (Northern Serbia).
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 334-335
- S. 179-188.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.03.042
Obreht, Igor ; Buggle, Björn ; Catto, Norm ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bösel, Stefanie ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri A. G. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Basarin, Biljana ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Jović, Goran:
The Late Pleistocene Belotinac section (southern Serbia) at the southern limit of the European loess belt : Environmental and climate reconstruction using grain size and stable C and N isotopes.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 334-335
- S. 10-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2013.05.037
Sitlivy, Valéry ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Chabai, Victor P. ; Niţă, Loredana ; Uthmeier, Thorsten ; Hauck, Thomas ; Băltean, Ionut ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Schmidt, Christoph:
Placing the Aurignacian from Banat (Southwestern Romania) into the European Early Upper Paleolithic context.
In: Otte, Marcel
Modes de contacts et de déplacements au Paléolithique eurasiatique. -
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. - (ArchéoLogiques
; 140
Zeeden, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Obreht, Igor ; Lehmkuhl, Frank:
Towards modelling of loess-paleosol sequence formation.
In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series.
Bd. 24
Heft 2
- S. 190-193.
Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Ramos, José ; Kehl, Martin ; Linstädter, Jörg ; Pastoors, Andreas ; Medianero, F. Javier ; Cantalejo, Pedro ; Dominguez-Bella, Salvador ; Durán, Juan J. ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Rethemeyer, Janet ; Ruiz, Blanca ; Gil, María José ; Clemente, Ignacio ; Bayle, Priscile ; Hernández, Vícor ; Jorge, Susana ; Capel, Cristina ; López, Juan Teodomiro ; Riquelme, José Antonio ; Palmqvist, Paul ; Espligares, Maria P. ; Ros-Montoya, Sergio ; Martinez-Navarro, Bienvenido ; del Mar Espejo, Maria ; Barrena, Antonio ; Cantillo, Juan Jesús ; Vijande, Eduardo ; Gutiérrez, José Maria ; Becerra y Lidia Cabello, Serafin:
Valoración interdisciplinar y perspectiva de estudio para un proyecto general de investigación.
In: Weniger, Gerd-Christian ; Muñoz, José Ramos
Sima de Las Palomas Teba, (Málaga): resultados de las investigaciones 2011-2014. -
Benaoján, Málaga
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Marković, Slobodan B. ; Timar-Gabor, Alida ; Stevens, Thomas ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Lehmkuhl, Frank ; Obreht, Igor ; Zeeden, Christian ; Veres, Daniel ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.:
When Holocene soil formation starts on the loess plateaus of the Vojvodina region in Northern Serbia?
In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series.
Bd. 24
Heft 2
- S. 98-100.
Maul, Lutz Christian ; Stebich, Martina ; Frenzel, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Henkel, Thomas ; Katzschmann, Lutz ; Kienast, Frank ; Meng, Stefan ; Penkman, Kirsty ; Rolf, Christian ; Thomas, Melanie ; Kahlke, Ralf-Dietrich:
Age and palaeoenvironment of the enigmatic Arternian Interglacial - Evidence from the Muschelton at Voigtstedt/Hackelsberg (Thuringia, Central Germany).
In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
Bd. 386
- S. 68-85.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.05.005
Schmidt, Christoph ; Sitlivy, Valéry ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Chabai, Victor P. ; Kels, Holger ; Uthmeier, Thorsten ; Hauck, Thomas ; Băltean, Ionut ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Richter, Jürgen ; Radtke, Ulrich:
First chronometric dates (TL and OSL) for the Aurignacian open-air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I, Romania.
In: Journal of Archaeological Science.
Bd. 40
Heft 10
- S. 3740-3753.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2013.04.003
Svirčev, Zorica ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Stevens, Thomas ; Codd, Geoffrey A. ; Smalley, Ian ; Simeunović, Jelica ; Obreht, Igor ; Dulić, Tamara ; Pantelić, Dijana ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Importance of biological loess crusts for loess formation in semi-arid environments.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 296
- S. 206-215.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.10.048
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stevens, Thomas ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Basarin, Biljana ; Lu, Huayu ; Smalley, Ian ; Buggle, Björn ; Zech, Michael ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Sümegi, Pál ; Milojković, N. ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Loess in the Vojvodina region (Northern Serbia) : an essential link between European and Asian Pleistocene environments.
In: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences.
Bd. 91
Heft 1/2
- S. 173-188.
Sirocko, Frank ; Dietrich, Stephan ; Veres, Daniel ; Grootes, Pieter M. ; Schaber-Mohr, Katja ; Seelos, Klemens ; Nadeau, Marie-Josée ; Kromer, Bernd ; Rothacker, Leo ; Röhner, Marieke ; Krbetschek, Matthias ; Appleby, Peter ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Rolf, Christian ; Sudo, Masafumi ; Grim, Stephanie:
Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany.
In: Quaternary Science Reviews.
Bd. 62
- S. 56-76.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.09.011
Kehl, Martin ; Burow, Christoph ; Cantalejo, S. ; Dominguez-Bella, Salvador ; Durán, Juan J. ; Henselowsky, Felix ; Klasen, N. ; Medianero, F. Javier ; Ramos, José ; Reicherter, Klaus ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Weniger, Gerd-Christian:
The palaeolithic site Sima de Las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain : site formation processes and chronostratigraphy.
In: Baena, R. ; Fernández, J. J. ; Guerrero, I.
VIII Reunión de Cuaternario Ibérico
El Cuaternario Ibérico : investigación en el s. XXI. -
. - S. 285-289
Sitlivy, Valéry ; Chabai, Victor P. ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Uthmeier, Thorsten ; Kels, Holger ; Hilgers, Alexandra ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Niţă, Loredana ; Băltean, Ionut ; Veselsky, Andrej ; Hauck, Thomas:
The earliest Aurignacian in Romania : New investigations at the open air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I (Banat).
In: Quartär.
Bd. 59
- S. 85-130.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7485/QU59_4
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Stevens, Thomas ; Basarin, Biljana ; O’Hara-Dhand, Ken ; Gavrilov, Momčilo M. ; Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Smalley, Ian ; Teofanov, Nenad:
Relating the astronomical timescale to the loess-paleosol sequences in Vojvodina, Northern Serbia.
In: Berger, André ; Mesinger, Fedor ; Šijački, Djordje
Climate change : Inferences form paleoclimate and regional aspects. -
: Springer,
. - S. 65-78
Basarin, Biljana ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri A. G. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Catto, Norm ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Vasiliniuc, Stefan ; Derese, Cilia ; Rončević, Srđan ; Vasiljević, Djordjije A. ; Rajic, Ljiljana:
The Belotinac section (Southern Serbia) at the southern limit of the European loess belt : Initial results.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 240
Heft 1-2
- S. 128-138.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2011.02.022
Andreeva, Darima B. ; Leiber, Katharina ; Glaser, Bruno ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Erbajeva, Margarita ; Chimitdorgieva, G. D. ; Tashak, V. ; Zech, Wolfgang:
Genesis and properties of black soils in Buryatia, southeastern Siberia, Russia.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 243
Heft 2
- S. 313-326.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2010.12.017
Horváth, Erzsébet ; Frechen, Manfred ; Novothny, Ágnes ; Königer, Paul ; Thiel, Christine ; Wacha, Lara ; Rolf, Christian ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Barta, Gabriella ; Bajnoczi, Bernadett:
High resolution multi-proxy study of the Süttő loess-palaeosol sequence, Hungary.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 13
- EGU2011-13043.
Schatz, Ann-Kathrin ; Zech, Michael ; Buggle, Björn ; Gulyás, Sándor ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Sümegi, Pál ; Scholten, Thomas:
The late Quaternary loess record of Tokaj, Hungary : Reconstructing palaeoenvironment, vegetation and climate using stable C and N isotopes and biomarkers.
In: Quaternary International.
Bd. 240
Heft 1-2
- S. 52-61.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2010.10.009
Rosendahl, Wilfried ; Ambros, Dieta ; Hilpert, Brigitte ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Alt, Kurt W. ; Knipping, Maria ; Reisch, Ludwig ; Kaulich, Brigitte:
Neanderthals and Monkeys in the Würmian of Central Europe : The Middle Paleolithic Site of Hunas, Southern Germany.
In: Conard, Nicholas John
Neanderthal lifeways, subsistence and technology : one hundred and fifty years of Neanderthal study. -
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-0415-2_3
Moldenhauer, Klaus-Martin:
Fragile Landscapes.
In: Die Erde.
Bd. 141
Heft 3
- S. 169-170.
Strahl, Joachim ; Krbetschek, Matthias R. ; Luckert, Joachim ; Machalett, Björn ; Meng, Stefan ; Oches, Eric A. ; Rappsilber, Ivo ; Wansa, Stefan ; Zöller, Ludwig:
Geologie, Paläontologie und Geochronologie des Eem-Beckens Neumark-Nord 2 und Vergleich mit dem Becken Neumark-Nord 1 (Geiseltal, Sachsen-Anhalt).
In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart.
Bd. 59
Heft 1-2
- S. 120-167.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3285/eg.59.1-2.09
Basarin, Biljana ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri A. G. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Catto, Norm ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Rončević, Srđan ; Vasiljević, Djordjije A. ; Dalmacija, M.:
Multiproxi-analysis of a loess-palaeosol sequence at the southern limit of the European loess belt.
In: Lassu, Tamás
International Workshop on Loess Research and Geomorphology : Book of Abstracts. -
: University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Geography,
Basarin, B. ; Vandenberghe, Dimitri ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Vasiljević, Dj. A. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Jović, Goran ; Lukić, Tin:
An introduction to the Belotinac loess-palaeosol sequence, Southern Serbia.
Loessfest ’09 : Abstract book. -
Novi-Sad, Serbien
. - S. 110
Faust, Dominik ; Fuchs, Markus ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Moldenhauer, Klaus-Martin ; Schütt, Brigitta ; Zielhofer, Christoph:
Klimawandel - Bedrohung für die Erdoberfläche.
In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden.
Bd. 58
Heft 3-4
- S. 51-60.
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bokhorst, Mark P. ; Machalett, Björn ; Štrbac, D. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Basarin, B. ; Svirčev, Zorica ; Stevens, T. ; Frechen, M. ; Vandenberghe, J.:
Last glacial aeolian dynamics at the Titel loess plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 11
- EGU2009-6331-3.
Machalett, Björn ; Oches, Eric A. ; Frechen, Manfred ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Mavlyanova, Nadira G. ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Endlicher, Wilfried:
Aeolian dust dynamics in central Asia during the Pleistocene : Driven by the long-term migration, seasonality, and permanency of the Asiatic polar front.
In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
Bd. 9
Heft 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GC001938
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Machalett, Björn ; Stevens, T. ; Kukla, G. J. ; Heller, F. ; Ouches, E. A. ; McCoy, William D. ; Buggle, B. ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Basarin, B. ; Milojković, N. ; Lukić, Tin:
The last 850 millennia recorded at the Stari Slankamen loess-paleosol sequence : revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends.
In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- PP13A-1421.
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Bokhorst, Mark P. ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; McCoy, William D. ; Oches, Eric A. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Stevens, Thomas ; Machalett, Björn:
Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in the Vojvodina region, north Serbia.
In: Journal of Quaternary Science.
Bd. 23
Heft 1
- S. 73-84.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.1124
Nigst, Philip R. ; Bence Viola, T. ; Haesaerts, Paul ; Blockley, Simon ; Damblon, Freddy ; Frank, Christa ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Mallol, Carolina ; Moreau, Luc ; Niven, Laura ; Richter, Daniel ; Richards, Michael ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hublin, Jean-Jacques ; Trnka, Gerhard:
Neue Forschungen in Willendorf II : ein Vorbericht über die Grabung 2006.
In: Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien.
Bd. 138
- S. 79-88.
Nigst, Philip R. ; Bence Viola, T. ; Haesaerts, Paul ; Blockley, Simon ; Damblon, Freddy ; Frank, Christa ; Fuchs, Markus ; Götzinger, Michael ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Mallol, Carolina ; Moreau, Luc ; Niven, Laura ; Richards, Michael ; Richter, Daniel ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Trnka, Gerhard ; Hublin, Jean-Jacques:
New research on the Aurignacian of Central Europe : a first note on the 2006 fieldwork at Willendorf II.
In: Quartär.
Bd. 55
- S. 9-15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7485/QU55_01
Buggle, Björn ; Glaser, Bruno ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Marković, Slobodan B. ; Glaser, Irina ; Gerasimenko, Natalia:
Origin of loess in the (Middle/Lower) Danube Basin (and Dnieper Area).
Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg.): Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute und morgen. -
: Geologische Bundesanstalt,
. - S. 11-14
. - (Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien
; 62
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Štrbac, D. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Machalett, Björn ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Lukić, Tin ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Basarin, B.:
Paleosurface reconstruction of the Titel loess plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia) using GIS.
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Bd. 10
Otto, Jan-Christoph ; Götz, Joachim ; Schrott, Lothar:
Sediment storage in Alpine sedimentary systems - quantification and scaling issues.
In: Schmidt, Jochen
International Association of Hydrological Sciences, International Commission on Continental Erosion
Sediment dynamics in changing environments. -
: IAHS Press,
. - S. 258-265
. - (Publication / International Association of Hydrological Sciences
; 325
Zöller, Ludwig ; Urban, Brigitte ; Hambach, Ulrich:
Klima- und Umweltbedingungen während des Eiszeitalters.
In: Wagner, Günther A. ; Rieder, Hermann ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Mick, Erich
Homo heidelbergensis : Schlüsselfund der Menschheitsgeschichte. -
: Theiss,
. - S. 84-112
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Machalett, Björn ; Stevan, Savić ; Romelić, Jovan ; Plavša, Jovan ; Mesaroš, Minučer:
An introduction to the late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Susek (Vojvodina, Serbia).
In: Geographica Pannonica.
Bd. 10
- S. 4-8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5937/GeoPan0610004M
Cârciumaru, Marin ; Anghelinu, Mircea ; Steguweit, Leif ; Niţă, Loredana ; Fontana, Laure ; Brugère, Alexis ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Margarit, Monica ; Dumitrascu, Valentin ; Cosac, Marian ; Dimitru, Florin ; Cârstina, Ovidiu:
The upper palaeolithic site of Poiana Ciresului (Piatra Neamt, north-eastern Romania).
In: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt.
Bd. 36
Heft 3
- S. 319-331.
Marković, Slobodan B. ; Jovanović, Mladjen ; Mijovic, D. ; Bokhorst, Mark P. ; Vandenberghe, Jef ; Oches, Eric A. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Zöller, Ludwig ; Gaudenyi, Tivadar ; Kovačev, N. ; Boganović, Ž. ; Savić, Stevan ; Bojanič, D. ; Milojković, N.:
Loess plateau-geopark.
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Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinhardt, Lutz ; Schalkowski, Martin ; Etzold, Andreas ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Ricken, Werner:
A time frame for the Middle Keuper - cyclostratigraphy, sedimentology and first paleomagnetic results from the RAUENBERG 1 research well (km1-km4, Upper Triassic, SW-Germany).
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Diener, I. ; Ernst, G. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Herm, D. ; Hilbrecht, H. ; Hiss, M. ; Kaever, M. ; Kaplan, U. ; Krumsiek, K. ; Meyer, R. F. K. ; Mutterlose, J. ; Niebuhr, B. ; Petzka, M. ; Reich, M. ; Schönfeld, J. ; Schulz, M.-G. ; Seibertz, E. ; Spaeth, C. ; Thiermann, A. ; Tröger, K.-A. ; Voigt, T. ; Wiese, F. ; Wood, C. J.:
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Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
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Schlicht, Peter ; Koutsoukos, Eduardo ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Bentson, Peter ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Limestone–marl cycles from the Maastrichtian of Pernambuco-Paraiba basin (NE Brazil) - evidence for orbital forcing?
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Hambach, Ulrich ; Reinhardt, Lutz ; Wonik, Thomas ; Port, Guido ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Ricken, Werner:
Orbital forcing in a low-latitude playa system : evidence from evolutionary spectral analyses (ESA) of geophysical and geochemical data from the Steinmergel-Keuper (Late Triassic, S-Germany).
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Wagner, Günther A. ; Fezer, Fritz ; Hambach, Ulrich ; von Koenigswald, Wighart ; Zöller, Ludwig:
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Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer : das Auftreten des Menschen in Europa. -
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Stets, Johannes ; Ashraf, Abdul-Rahman ; Erben, Heinrich K. ; Hahn, Gabriele ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Thein, Jean ; Wurster, Paul:
The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Nanxiong Basin (continental facies, southeast China).
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Schönfeld, J. ; Schulz, M.-G. ; McArthur, J. ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Hansen, H. J. ; Kennedy, W. J. ; Rasmussen, K. L. ; Thirlwall, M. F. ; Wray, D. S.:
New results on biostratigraphy, palaeomagnetism, geochemistry and correlation from the standard section for the Upper Cretaceous white chalk of northern Germany (Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor-Hemmoor).
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Reinders, Jan ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus ; Strack, N.:
Archäomagnetische Untersuchungen von Keramikbrennöfen aus Brühl Pingsdorf.
Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege : Kurzberichte 1995 ; Zusammenfassung der Vorträge und Poster der Gemeinschaftstagung der Arbeitskreise "Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege" der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft und "Archäometrie" der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker im Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 27.-29.9.1995. -
Böhm, Holger ; Hahn, Gabriele ; Hambach, Ulrich ; Krumsiek, Klaus:
Paläomagnetische Untersuchungen.
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Die Kreide-, Tertiär-Grenze im Nanxiong-Becken (Kontinentalfazies, Südostchina). -
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