Institutionen der Universität Bayreuth Lehrstuhl Exercise Physiology
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 128. A
Adolfsson, Peter ; Taplin, Craig E. ; Zaharieva, Dessi P. ; Pemberton, John ; Davis, Elisabeth A. ; Riddell, Michael C. ; McGavock, Jonathan ; Moser, Othmar ; Szadkowska, Agnieszka ; Lopez, Prudence ; Santiprabhob, Jeerunda ; Frattolin, Elena ; Griffiths, Gavin ; DiMeglio, Linda A.:
ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022 : Exercise in children and adolescents with diabetes.
In: Pediatric Diabetes.
Bd. 23
(Dezember 2022)
Heft 8
- S. 1341-1372.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pedi.13452
Aberer, Felix ; Moser, Othmar ; Aziz, Faisal ; Sourij, Caren ; Ziko, Haris ; Lenz, Jaqueline ; Abbas, Farah ; Obermayer, Anna M. ; Kojzar, Harald ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Müller, Alexander ; Unteregger, Christina ; Leitner, Marlies ; Banfic, Tamara ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Kaser, Susanne ; Mader, Julia K. ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Sourij, Harald:
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination on Glycemia in Individuals With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes : Substudy of the COVAC-DM Study.
In: Diabetes Care.
Bd. 45
Heft 2
- e24-e26.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-1563
Aziz, Faisal ; Stöcher, Hannah ; Bräuer, Alexander ; Ciardi, Christian ; Clodi, Martin ; Fasching, Peter ; Karolyi, Mario ; Kautzky-Willer, Alexandra ; Klammer, Carmen ; Malle, Oliver ; Aberer, Felix ; Pawelka, Erich ; Peric, Slobodan ; Ress, Claudia ; Sourij, Caren ; Stechemesser, Lars ; Stingl, Harald ; Stulnig, Thomas ; Tripolt, Norbert ; Wagner, Michael ; Wolf, Peter ; Zitterl, Andreas ; Moser, Othmar ; Schelkshorn, Christian ; Kaser, Susanne ; Sourij, Harald:
Biomarkers Predictive for In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Prediabetes Hospitalized for COVID-19 in Austria : An Analysis of COVID-19 in Diabetes Registry.
In: Viruses.
Bd. 14
Heft 6
- 1285.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/v14061285
Aziz, Faisal ; Aberer, Felix ; Bräuer, Alexander ; Ciardi, Christian ; Clodi, Martin ; Fasching, Peter ; Karolyi, Mario ; Kautzky-Willer, Alexandra ; Klammer, Carmen ; Malle, Oliver ; Pawelka, Erich ; Pieber, Thomas ; Peric, Slobodan ; Ress, Claudia ; Schranz, Michael ; Sourij, Caren ; Stechemesser, Lars ; Stingl, Harald ; Stöcher, Hannah ; Stulnig, Thomas ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Wagner, Michael ; Wolf, Peter ; Zitterl, Andreas ; Reisinger, Alexander Christian ; Siller-Matula, Jolante ; Hummer, Michael ; Moser, Othmar ; von Lewinski, Dirk ; Eller, Philipp ; Kaser, Susanne ; Sourij, Harald:
COVID-19 In-Hospital Mortality in People with Diabetes Is Driven by Comorbidities and Age : Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of Austrian National Public Health Institute Data.
In: Viruses.
Bd. 13
Heft 12
- 2401.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/v13122401
Bjornstad, Petter ; Moser, Othmar ; Eckstein, Max L. ; McCarthy, Olivia ; Deere, Rachel ; Bain, Stephen C. ; Haahr, Hanne L. ; Zijlstra, Eric ; Heise, Tim ; Bracken, Richard M.:
Heart rate dynamics during cardio-pulmonary exercise testing are associated with glycemic control in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
In: PLoS One.
Bd. 13
Heft 4
- e0194750.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0194750
Eckstein, Max L. ; Brockfeld, Antonia ; Haupt, Sandra ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmer, Rebecca T. ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Zunner, Beate ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Erlmann, Maximilian ; Obermayer-Pietsch, Barbara ; Aberer, Felix ; Moser, Othmar:
Acute Changes in Heart Rate Variability to Glucose and Fructose Supplementation in Healthy Individuals : A Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Placebo-Controlled Trial.
In: Biology.
Bd. 11
Heft 2
- 338.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11020338
Eckstein, Max L. ; Schwarzinger, Melanie ; Haupt, Sandra ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Zimmer, Rebecca T. ; Sourij, Harald ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Zunner, Beate ; Aberer, Felix ; Moser, Othmar:
Physiological Responses to Combat Sports in Metabolic Diseases : A Systematic Review.
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Bd. 11
Heft 4
- 1070.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm11041070
Eckstein, Max L. ; Erlmann, Maximilian P. ; Aberer, Felix ; Haupt, Sandra ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmer, Rebecca T. ; Herz, Daniel ; Obermayer-Pietsch, Barbara ; Moser, Othmar:
Glucose and Fructose Supplementation and Their Acute Effects on Anaerobic Endurance and Resistance Exercise Performance in Healthy Individuals : A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial.
In: Nutrients.
Bd. 14
Heft 23
- 5128.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007152
Eckstein, Max L. ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Erlmann, Maximilian P. ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Haupt, Sandra ; Zimmer, Rebecca T. ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Herz, Daniel ; Aberer, Felix ; Sourij, Harald ; Obermayer-Pietsch, Barbara ; Moser, Othmar:
Glucose and Fructose Supplementation and Their Acute Effects on Electrocardiographic Time Intervals during Anaerobic Cycling Exercise in Healthy Individuals : A Secondary Outcome Analysis of a Double-Blind Randomized Crossover-Controlled Trial.
In: Nutrients.
Bd. 14
Heft 16
- 3257.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006928
Eckstein, Max L. ; Rössler, Andreas ; Mörtl, Manfred G. ; Jantscher, Andreas ; Papousek, Ilona ; Wagner, Johann ; Moser, Othmar ; Schmid-Zalaudek, Karin ; Sourij, Harald ; Treiber, Gerlies ; Lackner, Helmut K.:
Differences in hemodynamic, hormonal and heart rate variability parameters in complication-free pregnancies, women with preeclampsia and women with gestational diabetes mellitus : an observational retrospective analysis.
Veranstaltung: Diabetes Kongress 2021, 55. Jahrestagung der DDG
, 12.-15. Mai 2021
, online.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0041-1727390
Eckstein, Max L. ; Brockfeld, Antonia ; Haupt, Sandra ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmer, Rebecca T. ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Zunner, Beate ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Obermayer-Pietsch, Barbara ; Moser, Othmar:
Acute Metabolic Responses to Glucose and Fructose Supplementation in Healthy Individuals : A Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Placebo-Controlled Trial.
In: Nutrients.
Bd. 13
Heft 11
- 4095.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13114095
Eckstein, Max L. ; Moser, Othmar ; Rössler, Andreas ; Mörtl, Manfred G. ; Jantscher, Andreas ; Papousek, Ilona ; Wagner, Johann ; Schmid-Zalaudek, Karin ; Sourij, Harald ; Treiber, Gerlies ; Lackner, Helmut K.:
Differences in Hemodynamic, Hormonal and Heart Rate Variability Parameters in Complication-Free Pregnancies Compared to Individuals with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Preeclampsia : An Observational Retrospective Analysis.
In: Life.
Bd. 11
Heft 7
- 626.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/life11070626
Eckstein, Max L. ; Farinha, Juliano Boufleur ; McCarthy, Olivia ; West, Daniel J. ; Yardley, Jane E. ; Bally, Lia ; Zueger, Thomas ; Stettler, Christoph ; Boff, Winston ; Reischak-Oliveira, Alvaro ; Riddell, Michael C. ; Zaharieva, Dessi P. ; Pieber, Thomas R. ; Müller, Alexander ; Birnbaumer, Philipp ; Aziz, Faisal ; Brugnara, Laura ; Haahr, Hanne L. ; Zijlstra, Eric ; Heise, Tim ; Sourij, Harald ; Roden, Michael ; Hofmann, Peter ; Bracken, Richard M. ; Pesta, Dominik ; Moser, Othmar:
Differences in Physiological Responses to Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Adults With and Without Type 1 Diabetes : A Pooled Analysis.
In: Diabetes Care.
Bd. 44
Heft 1
- S. 240-247.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2337/dc20-1496
Eckstein, Max L. ; Moser, Othmar ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Obermayer, Anna M. ; Kojzar, Harald ; Müller, Alexander ; Abbas, Farah ; Sourij, Caren ; Sourij, Harald:
Rapid glucose rise reduces heart rate variability in adults with type 1 diabetes : a prospective secondary outcome analysis.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Bd. 23
Heft 7
- S. 1681-1684.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.14287
Eckstein, Max L. ; McCarthy, Olivia ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Müller, Alexander ; Birnbaumer, Philipp ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Hofmann, Peter ; Bracken, Richard M. ; Sourij, Harald ; Moser, Othmar:
Efficacy of Carbohydrate Supplementation Compared With Bolus Insulin Dose Reduction Around Exercise in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes : A Retrospective, Controlled Analysis.
In: Canadian Journal of Diabetes.
Bd. 44
Heft 8
- S. 697-700.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcjd.2020.03.003
Hoffmann, Sascha W. ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Voit, Thomas ; Grothoff, Auguste Maria ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Rössler, Andreas ; Niedrist, Tobias ; Lackner, Helmut K. ; Moser, Othmar:
Associations Between Clinical Inflammatory Risk Markers, Body Composition, Heart Rate Variability, and Accelerometer-Assessed Physical Activity in University Students with Overweight and Obesity.
In: Sensors.
Bd. 25
Heft 5
- 1510.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051510
Herz, Daniel ; Karl, Sebastian ; Weiß, Johannes ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Haupt, Sandra ; Zimmer, Rebecca T. ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Erlmann, Maximilian ; Niedrist, Tobias ; Khoramipour, Kayvan ; Voit, Thomas ; Rilstone, Sian ; Sourij, Harald ; Moser, Othmar:
Effects of Different Types of Intermittent Fasting Interventions on Metabolic Health in Healthy Individuals (EDIF) : A Randomised Trial with a Controlled-Run in Phase.
In: Nutrients.
Bd. 16
Heft 8
- 1114.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16081114
Hoffmann, Sascha W. ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Voit, Thomas ; Grothoff, Auguste Maria ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Rössler, Andreas ; Niedrist, Tobias ; Lackner, Helmut K. ; Moser, Othmar:
Effects of Interrupting Prolonged Sitting with Light-Intensity Physical Activity on Inflammatory and Cardiometabolic Risk Markers in Young Adults with Overweight and Obesity : Secondary Outcome Analyses of the SED-ACT Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial.
In: Biomolecules.
Bd. 14
Heft 8
- 1029.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/biom14081029
Hoffmann, Sascha W. ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Voit, Thomas ; Grothoff, Auguste Maria ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Rössler, Andreas ; Lackner, Helmut K. ; Moser, Othmar:
Effects of light‐intensity physical activity on cardiometabolic parameters in young adults with overweight and obesity : The SED‐ACT randomized controlled crossover trial.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Bd. 26
Heft 9
- S. 3849-3859.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.15732
Herz, Daniel ; Haupt, Sandra ; Zimmer, Rebecca T. ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Schierbauer, Janis ; Zimmermann, Paul ; Voit, Thomas ; Thurm, Ulrike ; Khoramipour, Kayvan ; Rilstone, Sian ; Moser, Othmar:
Efficacy of Fasting in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : A Narrative Review.
In: Nutrients.
Bd. 15
Heft 16
- 3525.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15163525
Holler, Peter ; Jaunig, Johannes ; Amort, Frank Michael ; Tuttner, Silvia ; Hofer-Fischanger, Kathrin ; Wallner, Dietmar ; Simi, Helmut ; Müller, Alexander ; van Poppel, Mireille Nicoline Maria ; Moser, Othmar:
Holistic physical exercise training improves physical literacy among physically inactive adults : a pilot intervention study.
In: BMC Public Health.
Bd. 19
- 393.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-6719-z
Kistkins, Svjatoslavs ; Moser, Othmar ; Ankudovičs, Vitālijs ; Blizņuks, Dmitrijs ; Mihailovs, Timurs ; Lobanovs, Sergejs ; Sourij, Harald ; Pfeiffer, Andreas F. H. ; Pīrāgs, Valdis:
From classical dualistic antagonism to hormone synergy : potential of overlapping action of glucagon, insulin and GLP-1 for the treatment of diabesity.
In: Endocrine Connections.
Bd. 13
Heft 5
- e230529.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1530/EC-23-0529
Moser, Othmar ; Müller, Alexander ; Aberer, Felix ; Aziz, Faisal ; Kojzar, Harald ; Sourij, Caren ; Obermayer, Anna ; Abbas, Farah ; Birnbaumer, Philipp ; Lenz, Jaqueline ; Mursic, Ines ; Sternad, Christoph ; Hönger, Lukas ; Ziko, Haris ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Tripold, Norbert ; Sourij, Harald:
Comparison of Insulin Glargine 300 U/mL and Insulin Degludec 100 U/mL Around Spontaneous Exercise Sessions in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes : A Randomized Cross-Over Trial (ULTRAFLEXI-1 Study).
In: Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.
Bd. 25
Heft 3
- S. 161-168.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1089/dia.2022.0422
Müller, Alexander ; Moser, Othmar ; Sternad, Christoph ; Aziz, Faisal ; Unteregger, Christina ; Kojzar, Harald ; Mursic, Ines ; Sourij, Caren ; Pferschy, Peter ; Tripolt, Norbert ; Aberer, Felix ; Sourij, Harald:
Effects of 8 weeks of aerobic endurance training on functional capacity and metabolic variables in people with type 1 diabetes : A secondary outcome analysis of the ULTRAFLEXI-1 study.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Bd. 25
Heft 12
- S. 3826-3830.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.15245
Moser, Othmar ; Sternad, Christoph ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Szadkowska, Agnieszka ; Michalak, Arkadiusz ; Mader, Julia K. ; Ziko, Haris ; Elsayed, Hesham ; Aberer, Felix ; Sola-Gazagnes, Agnes ; Larger, Etienne ; Fadini, Gian Poalo ; Bonora, Benedetta Maria ; Bruttomesso, Daniela ; Boscari, Federico ; Freckmann, Guido ; Pleus, Stefan ; Christiansen, Sverre C. ; Sourij, Harald:
Performance of intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring systems in people with type 1 diabetes : A pooled analysis.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Bd. 24
Heft 3
- S. 522-529.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.14609
Moser, Othmar ; Müller, Alexander ; Aberer, Felix ; Aziz, Faisal ; Kojzar, Harald ; Sourij, Caren ; Obermayer, Anna M. ; Abbas, Farah M. ; Birnbaumer, Philipp ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Hönger, Lukas ; Lenz, Jacqueline ; Mursic, Ines ; Sternad, Christoph ; Zanker, Matthias ; Ziko, Haris ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Tripold, Norbert J. ; Sourij, Harald:
A Comparison of Insulin Glargine U300 and Insulin Degludec around Spontaneous Exercise Sessions in People with Type 1 Diabetes : The ULTRAFLEXI-1 Study.
In: Diabetes.
Bd. 71
Heft Suppl. 1
- 39-LB.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2337/db22-39-LB
Müller, Alexander ; Aberer, Felix ; Abbas, Farah ; Lenz, Jacqueline ; Sternad, Christoph ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Hönger, Lukas ; Weber, Barbara ; Mursic, Ines ; Zanker, Matthias ; Unteregger, Christina ; Kojzar, Harald ; Sourij, Caren ; Pferschy, Peter Nikolaus ; Tripolt, Norbert Joachim ; Moser, Othmar ; Sourij, Harald:
Der Einfluss von regelmäßigem kontrolliertem Ausdauertraining über 13 Wochen auf die physische Leistungsfähigkeit bei Menschen mit Typ 1 Diabetes : eine Analyse aus der Ultraflexi-1 Studie.
Veranstaltung: Diabetes Kongress 2022 - 56. Jahrestagung der DDG
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0042-1746243
Moser, Othmar ; Weilguni, Benjamin ; Tauschmann, Martin ; Aziz, Faisal ; Sourij, Harald ; Eckstein, Max L.:
Comparison of time in range for closed-loop systems versus current care during physical exercise in type 1 diabetes : a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Veranstaltung: Diabetes Kongress 2021, 55. Jahrestagung der DDG
, 12.-15. Mai 2021
, online.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
Müller, Alexander ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Ziko, Haris ; Treiber, Gerhard ; Mader, Julia K. ; Kojzar, Harald ; Maria, A. ; Obermayer, Anna M. ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Sourij, Caren ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Moser, Othmar ; Sourij, Harald:
Improved glycaemic variability during a running competition compared to resting condition in people with type 1 diabetes : a case control study.
Veranstaltung: Diabetes Kongress 2021, 55. Jahrestagung der DDG
, 12.-15. Mai 2021
, online.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
Mitterwallner, Veronika ; Steinbauer, Manuel ; Besold, Andreas ; Dreitz, Andreas ; Karl, Matthias ; Wachsmuth, Nadine ; Zügler, Veronika ; Audorff, Volker:
Electrically assisted mountain biking : Riding faster, higher, farther in natural mountain systems.
In: Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.
Bd. 36
- 100448.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jort.2021.100448
McCarthy, Olivia ; Deere, Rachel ; Churm, Rachel ; Dunseath, Gareth J. ; Jones, Charlotte ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Williams, David M. ; Hayes, Jennifer ; Pitt, Jason ; Bain, Stephen C. ; Moser, Othmar ; Bracken, Richard M.:
Extent and prevalence of post-exercise and nocturnal hypoglycemia following peri-exercise bolus insulin adjustments in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
In: Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases.
Bd. 31
Heft 1
- S. 227-236.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2020.07.043
Moser, Othmar ; Riddell, Michael C. ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Adolfsson, Peter ; Rabasa-Lhoret, Rémi ; van den Boom, Louisa ; Gillard, Pieter ; Nørgaard, Kirsten ; Oliver, Nick S. ; Zaharieva, Dessi P. ; Battelino, Tadej ; de Beaufort, Carine ; Bergenstal, Richard M. ; Buckingham, Bruce ; Cengiz, Eda ; Deeb, Asma ; Heise, Tim ; Heller, Simon ; Kowalski, Aaron J. ; Leelarathna, Lalantha ; Mathieu, Chantal ; Stettler, Christoph ; Tauschmann, Martin ; Thabit, Hood ; Wilmot, Emma G. ; Sourij, Harald ; Smart, Carmel E. ; Jacobs, Peter G. ; Bracken, Richard M. ; Mader, Julia K.:
Glucose management for exercise using continuous glucose monitoring: should sex and prandial state be additional considerations? : Reply to Yardley JE and Sigal RJ [letter].
In: Diabetologia.
Bd. 64
Heft 4
- S. 935-938.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-020-05374-3
Moser, Othmar ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Müller, Alexander ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Yildirim, Hakan ; Abbas, Farah ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Goswami, Nandu ; Aberer, Felix ; Obermayer, Anna M. ; Pieber, Thomas R. ; Kojzar, Harald ; Sourij, Caren ; Brunner, Martina ; Niedrist, Tobias ; Herrmann, Markus ; Sourij, Harald:
Impact of a Single 36 Hours Prolonged Fasting Period in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes : A Cross-Over Controlled Trial.
In: Frontiers in Endocrinology.
Bd. 12
- 656346.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fendo.2021.656346
Moser, Othmar ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Pferschy, Peter ; Obermayer, Anna M. ; Kojzar, Harald ; Müller, Alexander ; Yildirim, Hakan ; Sourij, Caren ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Sourij, Harald:
Performance of the Intermittently Scanned Continuous Glucose Monitoring (isCGM) System during a High Oral Glucose Challenge in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes : A Prospective Secondary Outcome Analysis.
In: Biosensors.
Bd. 11
Heft 1
- 22.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/bios11010022
Moser, Othmar ; Taylor, Guy S. ; Smith, Kieran ; Shaw, Andy ; Tang, Jonathan C. Y. ; Fraser, William D. ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Aziz, Faisal ; Stevenson, Emma J. ; Shaw, James A. ; West, Daniel J.:
Bone turnover and metabolite responses to exercise in people with and without long-duration type 1 diabetes : a case–control study.
In: BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.
Bd. 8
Heft 2
- e001779.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001779
Moser, Othmar ; Riddell, Michael C. ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Adolfsson, Peter ; Rabasa‐Lhoret, Rémi ; Boom, Louisa ; Gillard, Pieter ; Nørgaard, Kirsten ; Oliver, Nick S. ; Zaharieva, Dessi P. ; Battelino, Tadej ; Beaufort, Carine ; Bergenstal, Richard M. ; Buckingham, Bruce ; Cengiz, Eda ; Deeb, Asma ; Heise, Tim ; Heller, Simon ; Kowalski, Aaron J. ; Leelarathna, Lalantha ; Mathieu, Chantal ; Stettler, Christoph ; Tauschmann, Martin ; Thabit, Hood ; Wilmot, Emma G. ; Sourij, Harald ; Smart, Carmel E. ; Jacobs, Peter G. ; Bracken, Richard M. ; Mader, Julia K.:
Glucose management for exercise using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and intermittently scanned CGM (isCGM) systems in type 1 diabetes : position statement of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) endorsed by JDRF and supported by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
In: Pediatric Diabetes.
Bd. 21
Heft 8
- S. 1375-1393.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pedi.13105
McCarthy, Olivia ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Scott, Sam N. ; Fontana, Federico Y. ; Christiansen, Mark P. ; Stettler, Christoph ; Fisher, Miles ; Bode, Bruce ; Riddell, Michael C. ; Hayes, Charlotte ; Lagrou, Peter L. ; Southerland, Phil ; Moser, Othmar ; Bracken, Richard M.:
Glycemic responses to strenuous training in male professional cyclists with type 1 diabetes : a prospective observational study.
In: BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.
Bd. 8
Heft 1
- e001245.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001245
McCarthy, Olivia ; Pitt, Jason ; Churm, Rachel ; Dunseath, Gareth J. ; Jones, Charlotte ; Bally, Lia ; Nakas, Christos T. ; Deere, Rachel ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Bain, Stephen C. ; Moser, Othmar ; Bracken, Richard M.:
Metabolomic, hormonal and physiological responses to hypoglycemia versus euglycemia during exercise in adults with type 1 diabetes.
In: BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care.
Bd. 8
Heft 1
- e001577.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001577
Moser, Othmar ; Müller, Alexander ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Ziko, Haris ; Aberer, Felix ; Treiber, Gerlies ; Unteregger, Christina ; Kojzar, Harald ; Mader, Julia K. ; Sourij, Caren ; Pferschy, Peter ; Obermayer, Anna M. ; Tripolt, Norbert J. ; Sourij, Harald:
Improved glycaemic variability and basal insulin dose reduction during a running competition in recreationally active adults with type 1 diabetes : A single-centre, prospective, controlled observational study.
In: PLoS One.
Bd. 15
Heft 9
- e0239091.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239091
Moser, Othmar ; Pandis, Marlene ; Aberer, Felix ; Kojzar, Harald ; Hochfellner, Daniel A. ; Elsayed, Hesham ; Motschnig, Melanie ; Augustin, Thomas ; Kreuzer, Philipp ; Pieber, Thomas R. ; Sourij, Harald ; Mader, Julia K.:
A head‐to‐head comparison of personal and professional continuous glucose monitoring systems in people with type 1 diabetes : Hypoglycaemia remains the weak spot.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Bd. 21
Heft 4
- S. 1043-1048.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.13598
Moser, Othmar ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Müller, A. ; Birnbaumer, P. ; Aberer, Felix ; Köhler, G. ; Sourij, Caren ; Kojzar, H. ; Holler, Peter ; Simi, Helmut ; Pferschy, Peter N. ; Dietz, P. ; Bracken, R. M. ; Hofmann, P. ; Sourij, Harald:
Impact of physical exercise on sensor performance of the FreeStyle Libre intermittently viewed continuous glucose monitoring system in people with Type 1 diabetes : a randomized crossover trial.
In: Diabetic Medicine.
Bd. 36
Heft 5
- S. 606-611.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dme.13909
Moser, Othmar ; Eckstein, Max L. ; McCarthy, Olivia ; Deere, Rachel ; Pitt, Jason ; Williams, David M. ; Hayes, Jennifer ; Sourij, Harald ; Bain, Stephen C. ; Bracken, Richard M.:
Performance of the Freestyle Libre flash glucose monitoring (flash GM) system in individuals with type 1 diabetes : a secondary outcome analysis of a randomized crossover trial.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Bd. 21
Heft 11
- S. 2505-2512.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dom.13835
Moser, Othmar ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Müller, Alexander ; Birnbaumer, Philipp ; Aberer, Felix ; Köhler, Gerd ; Sourij, Caren ; Kojzar, Harald ; Pferschy, Peter ; Dietz, Pavel ; Bracken, Richard M. ; Hofmann, Peter ; Sourij, Harald:
Pre-Exercise Blood Glucose Levels Determine the Amount of Orally Administered Carbohydrates during Physical Exercise in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes : A Randomized Cross-Over Trial.
In: Nutrients.
Bd. 11
Heft 6
- 1287.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11061287
Moser, Othmar ; Eckstein, Max L. ; Müller, Alexander ; Birnbaumer, Philipp ; Aberer, Felix ; Köhler, Gerd ; Sourij, Caren ; Kojzar, Harald ; Holler, Peter ; Simi, Helmut ; Pferschy, Peter ; Dietz, Pavel ; Bracken, Richard M. ; Hofmann, Peter ; Sourij, Harald:
Reduction in insulin degludec dosing for multiple exercise sessions improves time spent in euglycaemia in people with type 1 diabetes : a randomized crossover trial.
In: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Bd. 21
Heft 2
- S. 349-356.
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