Veröffentlichungen "Worthmann, Karl"

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Anzahl der Einträge: 52.

Buch / Monografie

Extended Abstracts presented at the 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022 : held 12-16 September 2022 in Bayreuth, Germany.
Hrsg.: Baumann, Michael Heinrich ; Grüne, Lars ; Jacob, Birgit ; Worthmann, Karl . 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022
Bayreuth , 2022 . - 815 S.


Kurz, Sascha ; Stoll, Michael ; Worthmann, Karl:
Angewandte Mathematik : ein Lehrbuch für Lehramtsstudierende.
Berlin : Springer , 2018 . - XVIII + 210 S.
ISBN 978-3-662-56704-3


Artikel in einer Zeitschrift

Bold, Lea ; Grüne, Lars ; Schaller, Manuel ; Worthmann, Karl:
Data-driven MPC with stability guarantees using extended dynamic mode decomposition.
In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Bd. 70 (2025) Heft 1 . - S. 534-541.
ISSN 1558-2523

Coron, Jean-Michel ; Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Model predictive control, cost controllability, and homogeneity.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Bd. 58 (2020) Heft 5 . - S. 2979-2996.
ISSN 1095-7138

Braun, Philipp ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
Towards price-based predictive control of a small scale electricity network.
In: International Journal of Control. Bd. 93 (2020) Heft 1 . - S. 40-61.
ISSN 0020-7179

Braun, Philipp ; Faulwasser, Timm ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
Hierarchical distributed ADMM for predictive control with applications in power networks.
In: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control. Bd. 3 (2018) . - S. 10-22.
ISSN 2468-6018

Proch, Michael ; Schlüchtermann, Jörg ; Worthmann, Karl:
A negotiation-based algorithm to coordinate supplier development in decentralized supply chains.
In: European Journal of Operational Research. Bd. 256 (2017) Heft 2 . - S. 412-429.
ISSN 0377-2217

Braun, Philipp ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
A distributed optimization algorithm for the predictive control of smart grids.
In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Bd. 61 (2016) Heft 12 . - S. 3898-3911.
ISSN 1558-2523

Worthmann, Karl ; Braun, Philipp ; Proch, Michael ; Schlüchtermann, Jörg ; Pannek, Jürgen:
On Contractual Periods in Supplier Development.
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. Bd. 49 (2016) Heft 2 . - S. 60-65.
ISSN 2405-8963

Worthmann, Karl ; Proch, Michael ; Braun, Philipp ; Schlüchtermann, Jörg ; Pannek, Jürgen:
Towards Dynamic Contract Extension in Supplier Development.
In: Logistics Research. Bd. 9 (2016) Heft 1 . - S. 1-12.
ISSN 1865-0368

Worthmann, Karl ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Braun, Philipp ; Grüne, Lars ; Weller, Steven R.:
Distributed and decentralized control of residential energy systems incorporating battery storage.
In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Bd. 6 (2015) Heft 4 . - S. 1914-1923.
ISSN 1949-3053

Damm, Tobias ; Grüne, Lars ; Stieler, Marleen ; Worthmann, Karl:
An exponential turnpike theorem for dissipative discrete time optimal control problems.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Bd. 52 (2014) Heft 3 . - S. 1935-1957.
ISSN 1095-7138


Worthmann, Karl ; Reble, Marcus ; Grüne, Lars ; Allgöwer, Frank:
The role of sampling for stability and performance in unconstrained nonlinear model predictive control.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Bd. 52 (2014) Heft 1 . - S. 581-605.
ISSN 1095-7138

Boccia, Andrea ; Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Stability and feasibility of state constrained MPC without stabilizing terminal constraints.
In: Systems & Control Letters. Bd. 72 (2014) . - S. 14-21.
ISSN 1872-7956


Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl:
Reducing the Prediction Horizon in NMPC : An Algorithm Based Approach.
In: IFAC Proceedings Volumes. Bd. 44 (2011) Heft 1 . - S. 7969-7974.
ISSN 1474-6670

Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Seehafer, Martin ; Worthmann, Karl:
Analysis of Unconstrained Nonlinear MPC Schemes with Time Varying Control Horizon.
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Bd. 48 (2010) Heft 8 . - S. 4938-4962.
ISSN 1095-7138

Grüne, Lars ; von Lossow, Marcus ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl:
MPC : implications of a growth condition on exponentially controllable systems.
In: IFAC Proceedings Volumes. Bd. 43 (2010) Heft 14 . - S. 385-390.
ISSN 1474-6670

Grüne, Lars ; Nešić, Dragan ; Worthmann, Karl:
Digital redesign of nonlinear multi-input systems.
In: Oberwolfach Reports. Bd. 6 (2009) Heft 1 . - S. 619-622.
ISSN 1660-8941

Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl ; Nešić, Dragan:
Continuous-time controller redesign for digital implementation : A trajectory based approach.
In: Automatica. Bd. 44 (2008) Heft 1 . - S. 225-232.
ISSN 1873-2836

Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl ; Nešić, Dragan:
Redesign Techniques for Nonlinear Sampled-data Systems : (Entwurfstechniken für nichtlineare Abtastsysteme).
In: Automatisierungstechnik. Bd. 56 (2008) Heft 1 . - S. 38-48.
ISSN 2196-677X

Aufsatz in einem Buch

Braun, Philipp ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher ; Worthmann, Karl:
Model Predictive Control and Distributed Optimization in Smart Grid Applications.
In: Fathi, Michel ; Zio, Enrico ; Pardalos, Panos M. (Hrsg.): Handbook of Smart Energy Systems. - Cham : Springer , 2023 . - 25 S.
ISBN 978-3-030-72322-4

Sauerteig, Philipp ; Worthmann, Karl ; Chudej, Kurt:
Towards Model Predictive Control for Maintainig a Hard Infection Cap During an Outbreak of Dengue Fever.
In: Breitenecker, Felix ; Kemmetmüller, Wolfgang ; Körner, Andreas ; Kugi, Andreas ; Troch, Inge (Hrsg.): Discussion Contributions 10th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling. - Wien : Argesim Publisher , 2022 . - S. 99-100 . - (ARGESIM Report ; 17 )
ISBN 978-3-901608-95-7

Braun, Philipp ; Sauerteig, Philipp ; Worthmann, Karl:
Distributed Optimization Based Control on the Example of Microgrids.
In: Blondin, Maude Josée ; Pardalos, Panos M. ; Sanchis Sáez, Javier (Hrsg.): Computational Intelligence and Optimization Methods for Control Engineering. - Cham : Springer , 2019 . - S. 173-200 . - (Springer Optimization and its Applications ; 150 )
ISBN 978-3-030-25445-2

Braun, Philipp ; Faulwasser, Timm ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
Maximal Islanding Time For Microgrids via Distributed Predictive Control.
In: University of Minnesota (Hrsg.): 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems : July 12-15, 2016 (MTNS 2016, Proceedings). - Minneapolis, Minnesota , 2016 . - S. 652-659
ISBN 978-1-5323-1385-5

Braun, Philipp ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
Model predictive control of residential energy systems using energy storage and controllable loads.
In: Russo, Giovanni ; Capasso, Vincenzo ; Nicosia, Giuseppe ; Romano, Vittorio (Hrsg.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2014. - Heidelberg : Springer , 2016 . - S. 617-623 . - (Mathematics in Industry ; 22 )
ISBN 978-3-319-23413-7

Braun, Philipp ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
A real-time pricing scheme for residential energy systems using a market maker.
In: The Institution of Engineers Australia (Hrsg.): Proceedings of 2015 Australian Control Conference (AUCC). - Barton, Australia , 2015 . - S. 259-262
ISBN 978-1-4673-9552-6

Braun, Philipp ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
Predictive control of a smart grid : a distributed optimization algorithm with centralized performance properties.
In: Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE , 2015 . - S. 5593-5598

Worthmann, Karl ; Reble, Marcus ; Grüne, Lars ; Allgöwer, Frank:
Unconstrained nonlinear MPC : performance estimates for sampled-data systems with zero order hold.
In: Proceedingss of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE , 2015 . - S. 4971-4976

Worthmann, Karl ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Grüne, Lars ; Weller, Steven R.:
Distributed control of residential energy systems using a market maker.
In: Boje,Edward (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress : IFAC-PapersOnLine. - Cape Town, South Africa , 2014 . - S. 11641-11646
ISBN 978-3-902823-62-5

Grüne, Lars ; Allgöwer, Frank ; Findeisen, Rolf ; Fischer, Jörg ; Groß, Dominic ; Hanebeck, Uwe D. ; Kern, Benjamin ; Müller, Matthias A. ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Reble, Marcus ; Stursberg, Olaf ; Varutti, Paolo ; Worthmann, Karl:
Distributed and networked model predictive control.
In: Lunze, Jan (Hrsg.): Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems. - Cham : Springer , 2014 . - S. 111-167
ISBN 978-3-319-01130-1


Boccia, Andrea ; Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Stability and feasibility of state-constrained linear MPC without stabilizing terminal constraints.
In: MTNS 2014 : Proceedings on the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July 7-11, 2014, University of Groningen. - Groningen , 2014 . - S. 453-460
ISBN 978-90-367-6321-9

Braun, Philipp ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl:
Predictive control algorithms : stability despite shortened optimization horizons.
In: Lambertini, Luca (Hrsg.): 15th 2012 IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization. - Rimini , 2013 . - S. 274-279
ISBN 978-3-902823-14-4

Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Seehafer, Martin ; Worthmann, Karl:
Analysis of unconstrained nonlinear MPC schemes with time varying control horizon.
In: 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Final Program and Book of Abstracts. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE , 2012 . - S. 2605-2610
ISBN 978-1-4673-2065-8

Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
A Distributed NMPC Scheme without Stabilizing Terminal Constraints.
In: Johansson, Rolf ; Rantzer, Anders (Hrsg.): Distributed Decision Making and Control. - London : Springer , 2012 . - S. 261-287 . - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences ; 417 )
ISBN 978-1-4471-2264-7

Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl:
Ensuring stability in networked systems with nonlinear MPC for continuous time systems.
In: 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Final Program and Book of Abstracts. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE , 2012 . - S. 14-19
ISBN 978-1-4673-2065-8

Worthmann, Karl:
Estimates of the Prediction Horizon Length in MPC : a Numerical Case Study.
In: 4th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference. - Red Hook, NY : Curran , 2012 . - S. 232-237
ISBN 978-1-62276-370-2

Worthmann, Karl:
Estimates on the prediction horizon length in model predictive control.
In: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Melbourne , 2012

Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Sampled-data redesign for nonlinear multi-input systems.
In: Ancona, Fabio ; Bressan, Alberto ; Cannarsa, Piermarco ; Clarke, Francis ; Wolenski, Peter R. (Hrsg.): Geometric Control And Nonsmooth Analysis : in honor of the 73rd birthday of H. Hermes and the 71st birthday of R. T. Rockafellar. - New Jersey, NJ : World Scientific , 2011 . - S. 206-227 . - (Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences ; 76 )
ISBN 978-981-277-606-8

Altmüller, Nils ; Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Instantaneous Control of the linear wave equation.
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2010. - Budapest , 2010 . - S. 1895-1899
ISBN 978-963-311-370-7

Grüne, Lars ; von Lossow, Marcus ; Worthmann, Karl:
NMPC Suboptimality Estimates for Sampled–Data Continuous Systems.
In: Diehl, Moritz ; Glineur, Francois ; Jarlebring, Elias ; Michiels, Wim (Hrsg.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. - Berlin : Springer , 2010 . - S. 329-338
ISBN 978-3-642-12597-3

Altmüller, Nils ; Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Performance of NMPC Schemes without Stabilizing Terminal Constraints.
In: Diehl, Moritz ; Glineur, Francois ; Jarlebring, Elias ; Michiels, Wim (Hrsg.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. - Berlin : Springer , 2010 . - S. 289-298
ISBN 978-3-642-12597-3

Altmüller, Nils ; Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Receding horizon optimal control for the wave equation.
In: 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE , 2010 . - S. 3427-3432
ISBN 978-1-4244-7745-6

Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl:
A networked unconstrained nonlinear MPC scheme.
In: Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE , 2009 . - S. 371-376
ISBN 978-3-9524173-9-3

Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl:
A prediction based control scheme for networked systems with delays and packet dropouts.
In: Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE , 2009 . - S. 537-542
ISBN 9781424438716

Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Nonlinear sampled-data redesign : analytical formulas and their practical implementation.
In: Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2008) : Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. - Blacksburg, VA, USA , 2008 . - CD-ROM, Paper 084.pdf, 6 S.

Grüne, Lars ; Nešić, Dragan ; Worthmann, Karl:
High order approximations by sampled-data feedback.
In: MTNS 2006 : Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Kyoto, Japan : Kyoto Univ. , 2006 . - S. 1780-1787


Sauerteig, Philipp ; Worthmann, Karl ; Chudej, Kurt:
Towards Model Predictive Control for Maintainig a Hard Infection Cap During an Outbreak of Dengue Fever.
Veranstaltung: Mathmod 2022 - 10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling , 26.-29.7.2022 , Wien, Österreich.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung , Vortrag )

Preprint, Postprint

Köhne, Frederik ; Philipp, Friedrich M. ; Schaller, Manuel ; Schiela, Anton ; Worthmann, Karl:
L∞-error bounds for approximations of the Koopman operator by kernel extended dynamic mode decomposition.
Ilmenau ; Bayreuth , 2024 . - 21 S.

Braun, Philipp ; Sauerteig, Philipp ; Worthmann, Karl:
Distributed optimization based control on the example of microgrids.
Newcastle, Australia ; Ilmenau, Germany , 2018 . - 28 S.

Vollständiges Zeitschriftenheft

25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022.
Hrsg.: Baumann, Michael Heinrich ; Grüne, Lars ; Jacob, Birgit ; Worthmann, Karl
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Bd. 55 (2022) Heft 30 . - 516 S.
ISSN 2405-8963


Worthmann, Karl:
Stability Analysis of Unconstrained Receding Horizon Control Schemes.
Bayreuth , 2011
( Dissertation, 2012 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

Master-, Magister-, Diplom- oder Zulassungsarbeit

Worthmann, Karl:
Digitale Implementierung kontinuierlicher Regler : Analyse und Optimierung.
Bayreuth , 2006
(Diplomarbeit, 2006 , Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)

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