Institutionen der Universität Bayreuth Lehrstuhl Theoretische Physik III
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 296. A
Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Wühr, J. ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Mixing of discrete and continuum excitations induced by nonperturbative Coulomb‐correlations.
In: Menéndez, José ; van de Walle, Chris G.
Physics of Semiconductors : 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27), Flagstaff, Arizona, 26 -30 July 2004. Vol. 2. -
Melville, New York
: American Institute of Physics (AIP),
. - S. 883-884
. - (AIP Conference Proceedings
; 772
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1994389
Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Krummheuer, B. ; Vagov, Alexei ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Pure dephasing in the linear and nonlinear optical response of quantum dots.
In: Long, A. R. ; Davies, J. H.
Physics of semiconductors 2002 : proceedings of the 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors held in Edinburgh, UK, 29 July - 2 August 2002. -
: Institute of Physics,
. - CD-ROM, R2.2
. - (Institute of Physics Conference Series
; 171
Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann ; Siantidis, K. ; Grosse, S. ; Koch, M. ; Feldmann, Jochen ; Stolz, Wolfgang:
Spatio-temporal dynamics of optical nonlinearities in semiconductor quantum wells.
In: Tsen, Kong-Thon
Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors III. -
Bellingham, WA
. - S. 68-78
. - (Proceedings of SPIE
; 3624
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.349282
Bozzio, Mathieu ; Vyvlecka, Michal ; Cosacchi, Michael ; Nawrath, Cornelius ; Seidelmann, Tim ; Loredo, Juan C. ; Portalupi, Simone L. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Michler, Peter ; Walther, Philip:
Enhancing quantum cryptography with quantum dot single-photon sources.
In: npj Quantum Information.
Bd. 8
- 104.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41534-022-00626-z
Brash, A. J. ; Martins, L. M. P. ; Barth, Andreas M. ; Liu, Feng ; Quilter, John H. ; Glässl, Martin ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Ramsay, A. J. ; Skolnick, Maurice S. ; Fox, A. M.:
Dynamic vibronic coupling in InGaAs quantum dots [Invited].
In: Journal of the Optical Society of America B.
Bd. 33
Heft 7
- S. C115-C122.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAB.33.00C115
Brash, A. J. ; Quilter, John H. ; Liu, Feng ; Glässl, Martin ; Barth, Andreas M. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Ramsay, Andrew J. ; Skolnick, Maurice S. ; Fox, A. Mark:
Phonon-Assisted Population Inversion of a Single Quantum Dot.
2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). -
Piscataway, NJ
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2015.FF1B.3
Bolton, S. R. ; Neukirch, U. ; Chemla, D. S. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Sham, L. J.:
Higher order exciton correlations from six-wave mixing.
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS 2000) : Technical Digest. Postconference Edition. -
Washington, DC
: Optical Society of America,
. - S. 175-176
. - (OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics
; 40
Diewald, Martin:
Chemisch getriebene Konvektion.
. - II, 113 S.
, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik)
Günther, Tobias ; Lienau, Christoph ; Elsaesser, Thomas ; Glanemann, Markus ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilman ; Eshlaghi, Soheyla ; Wieck, Andreas D.:
Ultrafast coherent spectroscopy of a single quantum dot.
In: Miller, R. J. Dwayne ; Murnane, Margaret M. ; Scherer, Norbert F. ; Weiner, Andrew M.
Ultrafast phenomena XIII. -
: Springer,
. - S. 345-349
. - (Springer Series in Chemical Physics
; 71
Grosse, S. ; Otremba, R. ; von Plessen, G. ; Koch, M. ; Feldmann, J. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann ; Rettig, R. ; Stolz, Wolfgang:
Excitonic quantum beating in space- and time-resolved pump and probe experiments.
In: Elsaesser, Thomas ; Fujimoto, J. G. ; Wiersma, D. A. ; Zinth, W.
Ultrafast Phenomena XI. -
: Springer,
. - S. 245-247
. - (Springer Series in Chemical Physics
; 63
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-72289-9_73
Hopfmann, C. ; Musiał, Anna ; Strauß, M. ; Barth, Andreas M. ; Glässl, Martin ; Vagov, Alexei ; Strauß, M. ; Schneider, C. ; Höfling, Sven ; Kamp, Martin ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Reitzenstein, S.:
Compensation of phonon-induced renormalization of vacuum Rabi splitting in large quantum dots : Towards temperature-stable strong coupling in the solid state with quantum dot-micropillars.
In: Physical Review B.
Bd. 92
Heft 24
- 245403.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.245403
Haase, B. ; Neukirch, U. ; Gutowski, Jürgen ; Nürnberger, J. ; Faschinger, W. ; Behringer, M. ; Hommel, D. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Bartels, G. ; Stahl, Arne:
Line shape of four-wave-mixing signals : dependence on sample geometry and excitation conditions.
In: Journal of Crystal Growth.
Bd. 214-215
- S. 856-861.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0248(00)00210-4
Haase, B. ; Neukirch, U. ; Gutowski, Jürgen ; Bartels, G. ; Stahl, Arne ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Nürnberger, J. ; Faschinger, W.:
Spectral signature of biexciton beats in four-wave-mixing experiments.
In: Gershoni, David
24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), Jerusalem, Israel August 2 - 7, 1998 : Proceedings. -
: World Scientific,
Karli, Yusuf ; Vajner, Daniel A. ; Kappe, Florian ; Hagen, Paul C. A. ; Hansen, Lena M. ; Schwarz, René ; Bracht, Thomas K. ; Schimpf, Christian ; Covre da Silva, Saimon F. ; Walther, Philip ; Rastelli, Armando ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Loredo, Juan C. ; Remesh, Vikas ; Heindel, Tobias ; Reiter, Doris E. ; Weihs, Gregor:
Controlling the photon number coherence of solid-state quantum light sources for quantum cryptography.
In: npj Quantum Information.
Bd. 10
- 17.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41534-024-00811-2
Kappe, Florian ; Karli, Yusuf ; Bracht, Thomas K. ; Covre da Silva, Saimon Filipe ; Seidelmann, Tim ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Rastelli, Armando ; Weihs, Gregor ; Reiter, Doris E. ; Remesh, Vikas:
Collective excitation of spatio-spectrally distinct quantum dots enabled by chirped pulses.
In: Materials for Quantum Technology.
Bd. 3
Heft 2
- 025006.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/2633-4356/acd7c1
Karli, Yusuf ; Kappe, Florian ; Remesh, Vikas ; Bracht, Thomas K. ; Münzberg, Julian ; Covre da Silva, Saimon ; Seidelmann, Tim ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Rastelli, Armando ; Reiter, Doris E. ; Weihs, Gregor:
SUPER Scheme in Action : Experimental Demonstration of Red-Detuned Excitation of a Quantum Emitter.
In: Nano Letters.
Bd. 22
Heft 16
- S. 6567-6572.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01783
Krügel, A. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann ; Vagov, Alexei:
Combined influence of Coulomb, exchange and phonon couplings on the line shape of quantum dot spectra.
In: Jantsch, Wolfgang ; Schäffler, Friedrich
Physics of Semiconductors, 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2006), Vienna, Austria, 24 -28 July 2006. Vol. 2. -
Melville, New York
: American Institute of Physics (AIP),
. - S. 989-990
. - (AIP Conference Proceedings
; 893
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2730227
Kuhn, Tilmann ; Krummheuer, B. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin:
Influence of surfaces on the pure dephasing of quantum dots.
In: Saraniti, Marco ; Ravaioli, U.
Nonequilibrium carrier dynamics in semiconductors : proceedings of the 14th international conference, July 25 - 29, 2005, Chicago, USA. -
: Springer,
. - S. 45-48
. - (Springer Proceedings in Physics
; 110
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-36588-4_11
Koch, M. ; Otremba, R. ; Grosse, S. ; von Plessen, G. ; Feldmann, J. ; Stolz, Wolfgang ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Coherent signatures in space- and time-resolved pump and probe experiments.
In: Gershoni, David
24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), Jerusalem, Israel August 2 - 7, 1998 : Proceedings. -
: World Scientific,
Lehner, Barbara U. ; Seidelmann, Tim ; Undeutsch, Gabriel ; Schimpf, Christian ; Manna, Santanu ; Gawełczyk, Michał ; Covre da Silva, Saimon F. ; Yuan, Xueyong ; Stroj, Sandra ; Reiter, Doris E. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Rastelli, Armando:
Beyond the Four-Level Model : Dark and Hot States in Quantum Dots Degrade Photonic Entanglement.
In: Nano Letters.
Bd. 23
Heft 4
- S. 1409-1415.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04734
Lohmeyer, Henning ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Electron-phonon quantum kinetics beyond the second-order Born approximation.
In: Menéndez, José ; van de Walle, Chris G.
Physics of Semiconductors : 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27), Flagstaff, Arizona, 26 -30 July 2004. Vol. 2. -
Melville, New York
: American Institute of Physics (AIP),
. - S. 907-908
. - (AIP Conference Proceedings
; 772
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1994401
Machnikowski, Paweł ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann ; Jacak, L.:
Exploiting the non-Markovian nature of carrier-phonon dynamics : Multi-pulse control of decoherence in quantum dots.
In: Saraniti, Marco ; Ravaioli, U.
Nonequilibrium carrier dynamics in semiconductors : proceedings of the 14th international conference, July 25 - 29, 2005, Chicago, USA. -
: Springer,
. - S. 49-53
. - (Springer Proceedings in Physics
; 110
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-36588-4_12
Neukirch, U. ; Haase, B. ; Gutowski, Jürgen ; Bartels, G. ; Stahl, Arne ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Nürnberger, J. ; Faschinger, W.:
Transient polarization state of four-wave-mixing signals : identification of higher-order correlations.
Technical Digest : Summaries of Papers Presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. Postconference edition. -
Washington, DC
: Optical Society of America,
. - S. 223
. - (OSA Technical Digest Series
; 1999
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/QELS.1999.807569
Reiter, Doris ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Spatiotemporal dynamics of charge carriers in quantum dot‐wire systems following delocalized optical excitations.
In: Jantsch, Wolfgang ; Schäffler, Friedrich
Physics of Semiconductors, 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2006), Vienna, Austria, 24 -28 July 2006. Vol. 2. -
Melville, New York
: American Institute of Physics (AIP),
. - S. 1005-1006
. - (AIP Conference Proceedings
; 893
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2730235
Seidelmann, Tim ; Bracht, T. K. ; Lehner, B. U. ; Schimpf, C. ; Cosacchi, Michael ; Cygorek, M. ; Vagov, Alexei ; Rastelli, A. ; Reiter, D. E. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin:
Two-photon excitation with finite pulses unlocks pure dephasing-induced degradation of entangled photons emitted by quantum dots.
In: Physical Review B.
Bd. 107
Heft 23
- 235304.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.235304
Voss, Tobias ; Breunig, Hans Georg ; Rückmann, Ilja ; Gutowski, Jürgen ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Coherent control of the exciton-biexciton system demonstrated in four-wave-mixing
In: Menéndez, José ; van de Walle, Chris G.
Physics of Semiconductors : 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-27), Flagstaff, Arizona, 26 -30 July 2004. Vol. 2. -
Melville, New York
: American Institute of Physics (AIP),
. - S. 1242-1243
. - (AIP Conference Proceedings
; 772
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1994563
Voss, Tobias ; Breunig, Hans Georg ; Rückmann, Ilja ; Gutowski, Jürgen ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Kuhn, Tilmann:
Signatures of high-order Coulomb correlations in coherently controlled four- and six-wave-mixing experiments on a ZnSe quantum well.
In: Long, A. R. ; Davies, J. H.
Physics of semiconductors 2002 : proceedings of the 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors held in Edinburgh, UK, 29 July - 2 August 2002. -
: Institute of Physics,
. - CD-ROM, H92
. - (Institute of Physics Conference Series
; 171
Wolter, F. ; Haring Bolivar, P. ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Bartels, G. ; Roskos, H. G. ; Köhler, K. ; Stahl, Arne ; Kurz, H.:
Excitonic THz Emission From A Narrow Miniband Superlattice.
QELS '97 : summaries of papers presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. -
Washington, DC
: Optical Society of America,
. - S. 139-140
. - (OSA Technical Digest Series
; 1997, 12
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