Institutionen der Universität Bayreuth Professur Agrarökologie
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 81. A
Abdalla, Khatab ; Schierling, Larissa ; Sun, Yue ; Schuchardt, Max A. ; Jentsch, Anke ; Deola, Thomas ; Wolff, Peter ; Kiese, Ralf ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Pausch, Johanna ; Meyer, Nele:
Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration declines with climate warming in subalpine and alpine grassland soils.
In: Biogeochemistry.
Bd. 167
- S. 1453-1467.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007992
Athmann, Miriam ; Kautz, Timo ; Banfield, Callum C. ; Bauke, Sara ; Hoang, Duyen T. T. ; Pausch, Johanna ; Amelung, Wulf ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Köpke, Ulrich:
Six months of L. terrestris L. activity in root-formed biopores increases nutrient availability, microbial biomass and enzyme activity.
In: Applied Soil Ecology.
Bd. 120
- S. 135-142.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.08.015
Klink, Saskia ; Keller, Adrienne B. ; Wild, Andreas J. ; Baumert, Vera L. ; Gube, Matthias ; Lehndorff, Eva ; Meyer, Nele ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Phillips, Richard P. ; Pausch, Johanna:
Stable isotopes reveal that fungal residues contribute more to mineral-associated organic matter pools than plant residues.
In: Soil Biology & Biochemistry.
Bd. 168
- 108634.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2022.108634
Kramer, Susanne ; Marhan, Sven ; Ruess, Liliane ; Armbruster, Wolfgang ; Butenschoen, Olaf ; Haslwimmer, Heike ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Pausch, Johanna ; Scheunemann, Nicole ; Schoene, Jochen ; Schmalwasser, Andreas ; Totsche, Kai Uwe ; Walker, Frank ; Scheu, Stefan ; Kandeler, Ellen:
Carbon flow into microbial and fungal biomass as a basis to understand the belowground food web in an agroecosystem.
In: Pedobiologia.
Bd. 55
Heft 2
- S. 111-119.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedobi.2011.12.001
Nazari, Meisam ; Pausch, Johanna ; Bickel, Samuel ; Bilyera, Nataliya ; Rashtbari, Mehdi ; Razavi, Bahar S. ; Zamanian, Kazem ; Sharififar, Amin ; Shi, Lingling ; Dippold, Michaela A. ; Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen:
Keeping thinning-derived deadwood logs on forest floor improves soil organic carbon, microbial biomass, and enzyme activity in a temperate spruce forest.
In: European Journal of Forest Research.
Bd. 142
- S. 287-300.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-022-01522-z
Pausch, Johanna ; Hünninghaus, Maike ; Kramer, Susanne ; Scharroba, Anika ; Scheunemann, Nicole ; Butenschoen, Olaf ; Marhan, Sven ; Bonkowski, Michael ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Scheu, Stefan ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Ruess, Liliane:
Carbon budgets of top- and subsoil food webs in an arable system.
In: Pedobiologia.
Bd. 69
- S. 29-33.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedobi.2018.06.002
Pausch, Johanna ; Kramer, Susanne ; Scharroba, Anika ; Scheunemann, Nicole ; Butenschoen, Olaf ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Marhan, Sven ; Riederer, Michael ; Scheu, Stefan ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Ruess, Liliane:
Small but active - pool size does not matter for carbon incorporation in below-ground food webs.
In: Functional Ecology.
Bd. 30
Heft 3
- S. 479-489.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.12512
Steiner, Franziska A. ; Wild, Andreas J. ; Tyborski, Nicolas ; Tung, Shu‐Yin ; Koehler, Tina ; Buegger, Franz ; Carminati, Andrea ; Eder, Barbara ; Groth, Jennifer ; Hesse, Benjamin D. ; Pausch, Johanna ; Lüders, Tillmann ; Vahl, Wouter K. ; Wolfrum, Sebastian ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Vidal, Alix:
Rhizosheath drought responsiveness is variety‐specific and a key component of belowground plant adaptation.
In: New Phytologist.
Bd. 242
Heft 2
- S. 479-492.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19638
Stimmler, Peter ; Goeckede, Mathias ; Elberling, Bo ; Natali, Susan ; Kuhry, Peter ; Perron, Nia ; Lacroix, Fabrice ; Hugelius, Gustaf ; Sonnentag, Oliver ; Strauss, Jens ; Minions, Christina ; Sommer, Michael ; Schaller, Jörg:
Pan-Arctic soil element bioavailability estimations.
In: Earth System Science Data.
Bd. 15
Heft 3
- S. 1059-1075.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-1059-2023
Scheunemann, Nicole ; Pausch, Johanna ; Digel, Christoph ; Kramer, Susanne ; Scharroba, Anika ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Ruess, Liliane ; Butenschoen, Olaf ; Scheu, Stefan:
Incorporation of root C and fertilizer N into the food web of an arable field : Variations with functional group and energy channel.
In: Food Webs.
Bd. 9
- S. 39-45.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fooweb.2016.02.006
Wild, Andreas J. ; Steiner, Franziska A. ; Kiene, Marvin ; Tyborski, Nicolas ; Tung, Shu‐Yin ; Köhler, Tina ; Carminati, Andrea ; Eder, Barbara ; Groth, Jennifer ; Vahl, Wouter K. ; Wolfrum, Sebastian ; Lüders, Tillmann ; Laforsch, Christian ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Vidal, Alix ; Pausch, Johanna:
Unraveling root and rhizosphere traits in temperate maize landraces and modern cultivars : Implications for soil resource acquisition and drought adaptation.
In: Plant, Cell & Environment.
Bd. 47
Heft 7
- S. 2524-2539.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14898
Zhou, Jie ; Sun, Yue ; Blagodatskaya, Evgenia ; Berauer, Bernd ; Schuchardt, Max A. ; Holz, Maire ; Shi, Lingling ; Dannenmann, Michael ; Kiese, Ralf ; Jentsch, Anke ; Pausch, Johanna:
Response of microbial growth and enzyme activity to climate change in European mountain grasslands : A translocation study.
In: Catena.
Bd. 239
- 107956.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2024.107956
Zhou, Jie ; Gube, Matthias ; Holz, Maire ; Song, Bin ; Shan, Immo ; Shi, Lingling ; Kuzyakov, Yakov ; Dippold, Michaela A. ; Pausch, Johanna:
Ectomycorrhizal and non‐mycorrhizal rhizosphere fungi increase root‐derived C input to soil and modify enzyme activities : A ¹⁴C pulse labelling of Picea abies seedlings.
In: Plant, Cell & Environment.
Bd. 45
Heft 10
- S. 3122-3133.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14413
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