Institutionen der Universität Bayreuth Ehemalige ProfessorInnen
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 102. A
Breusegem, Sophia Y. ; Houghton, Jack ; Romero-Bueno, Raquel ; Fragoso-Luna, Adrián ; Kentistou, Katherine A. ; Ong, Ken K. ; Janssen, Anne F. J. ; Bright, Nicholas A. ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Perry, John R. B. ; Askjaer, Peter ; Larrieu, Delphine:
A multiparametric anti-aging CRISPR screen uncovers a role for BAF in protein translation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.07.509469
Butscher, Simon ; Wang, Yunlong ; Müller, Jens ; Ziesemer, Katrin ; Villinger, Karoline ; Wahl, Deborah R. ; König, Laura M. ; Sproesser, Gudrun ; Renner, Britta ; Schupp, Harald T. ; Reiterer, Harald:
Lightweight Visual Data Analysis on Mobile Devices - Providing Self-Monitoring Feedback.
In: Cabitza, Federico ; Fogli, Daniela ; Giacomin, Massimiliano ; Locoro, Angela
Valuable visualization of healthcare information : from the quantified self data to conversations : VVH 2016; Proceedings of the Workshop on Valuable Visualization of Healthcare Information. -
: RWTH Aachen,
. - (CEUR Workshop Proceedings
; 1658
Caron, Matthieu ; Robert, Valerie J. ; Gely, Loic ; Adrait, Annie ; Pakulska, Victoria ; Couté, Yohann ; Chevalier, Manon ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Bedet, Cecile ; Palladino, Francesca:
SIN3 acts in distinct complexes to regulate the germline transcriptional program in C. elegans.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.03.07.531480
Casteels, Tamara ; Zhang, Yufeng ; Frogne, Thomas ; Sturtzel, Caterina ; Lardeau, Charles-Hugues ; Sen, Ilke ; Liu, Xiaocheng ; Hong, Shangyu ; Pauler, Florian M. ; Penz, Thomas ; Brandstetter, Marlene ; Barbieux, Charlotte ; Berishvili, Ekaterine ; Heuser, Thomas ; Bock, Christoph ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Meyer, Dirk ; Distel, Martin ; Hecksher-Sørensen, Jacob ; Li, Jin ; Kubicek, Stefan:
An inhibitor-mediated beta-cell dedifferentiation model reveals distinct roles for FoxO1 in glucagon repression and insulin maturation.
In: Molecular Metabolism.
Bd. 54
- 101329.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molmet.2021.101329
Giese, Helge ; König, Laura M. ; Tăut, Diana ; Ollila, Hanna ; Baban, Adriana ; Absetz, Pilvikki ; Schupp, Harald T. ; Renner, Britta:
Exploring the association between television advertising of healthy and unhealthy foods, self-control, and food intake in three European countries.
In: Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.
Bd. 7
Heft 1
- S. 41-62.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12036
Gregan, Juraj ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Pidoux, Alison L. ; Katou, Yuki ; Rumpf, Cornelia ; Schleiffer, Alexander ; Kearsey, Stephen E. ; Shirahige, Katsuhiko ; Allshire, Robin C. ; Nasmyth, Kim:
The kinetochore proteins Pcs1 and Mde4 and heterochromatin are required to prevent merotelic orientation.
In: Current Biology.
Bd. 17
Heft 14
- S. 1190-1200.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2007.06.044
Heimbucher, Thomas ; Liu, Zheng ; Bossard, Carine ; McCloskey, Richard ; Carrano, Andrea C. ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Tanasa, Bogdan ; Klammt, Christian ; Fonslow, Bryan R. ; Riera, Celine E. ; Lillemeier, Bjorn F. ; Kemphues, Kenneth ; Yates, John R. ; O’Shea, Clodagh ; Hunter, Tony ; Dillin, Andrew:
The deubiquitylase MATH-33 controls DAF-16 stability and function in metabolism and longevity.
In: Cell Metabolism.
Bd. 22
Heft 1
- S. 151-163.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2015.06.002
Kohrs, Friederike E. ; Auer, Susann ; Bannach-Brown, Alexandra ; Fiedler, Susann ; Haven, Tamarinde ; Heise, Verena ; Holman, Constance ; Azevedo, Flavio ; Bernard, René ; Bleier, Arnim ; Bössel, Nicole ; Cahill, Brian ; Castro, Leyla Jael ; Ehrenhofer, Adrian ; Eichel, Kristina ; Frank, Maximilian ; Frick, Claudia ; Friese, Malte ; Gärtner, Anne ; Gierend, Kerstin ; Grüning, David Joachim ; Hahn, Lena ; Hülsemann, Maren ; Ihle, Malika ; Illius, Sabrina ; König, Laura M. ; König, Matthias ; Kulke, Louisa ; Kutlin, Anton ; Lammers, Fritjof ; Mehler, David M. A. ; Miehl, Christoph ; Müller-Alcazar, Anett ; Neuendorf, Claudia ; Niemeyer, Helen ; Pargent, Florian ; Peikert, Aaron ; Pfeuffer, Christina U. ; Reinecke, Robert ; Röer, Jan Philipp ; Rohmann, Jessica L. ; Sánchez-Tójar, Alfredo ; Scherbaum, Stefan ; Sixtus, Elena ; Spitzer, Lisa ; Straßburger, Vera Maren ; Weber, Marcel ; Whitmire, Clarissa ; Zerna, Josephine ; Zorbek, Dilara ; Zumstein, Philipp ; Weissgerber, Tracey L.:
Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/kcvra
Kwasnicka, Dominika ; Keller, Jan ; Perski, Olga ; Potthoff, Sebastian ; ten Hoor, Gill A. ; Ainsworth, Ben ; Crutzen, Rik ; Dohle, Simone ; van Dongen, Anne ; Heino, Matti ; Henrich, Julia F. ; Knox, Liam ; König, Laura M. ; Maltinsky, Wendy ; McCallum, Claire ; Nalukwago, Judith ; Neter, Efrat ; Nurmi, Johanna ; Spitschan, Manuel ; van Beurden, Samantha B. ; van der Laan, L. Nynke ; Wunsch, Kathrin ; Levink, Jasper J. J. ; Sanderman, Robbert:
White Paper: Open Digital Health : accelerating transparent and scalable health promotion and treatment.
In: Health Psychology Review.
Bd. 16
Heft 4
- S. 475-491.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17437199.2022.2046482
Kosīte, Daina ; König, Laura M. ; De-Loyde, Katie ; Lee, Ilse ; Pechey, Emily ; Clarke, Natasha ; Maynard, Olivia ; Morris, Richard ; Munafò, Marcus ; Marteau, Theresa M. ; Hollands, Gareth J.:
Plate size and food consumption : a pre-registered experimental study in a general population sample.
In: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Bd. 16
- 75.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-019-0826-1
Lin, Xin-Xuan ; Sen, Ilke ; Janssens, Georges E. ; Zhou, Xin ; Fonslow, Bryan R. ; Edgar, Daniel ; Stroustrup, Nicholas ; Swoboda, Peter ; Yates, John R. ; Ruvkun, Gary ; Riedel, Christian G.:
DAF-16/FOXO and HLH-30/TFEB function as combinatorial transcription factors to promote stress resistance and longevity.
In: Nature Communications.
Bd. 9
Heft 1
- 4400.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-06624-0
Meron, Esther ; Thaysen, Maria ; Angeli, Suzanne ; Antebi, Adam ; Barzilai, Nir ; Baur, Joseph A. ; Bekker-Jensen, Simon ; Birkisdottir, Maria ; Bischof, Evelyne ; Brüning, Jens ; Brunet, Anne ; Buchwalter, Abigail ; Cabreiro, Filipe ; Cai, Shiqing ; Chen, Brian H. ; Ermolaeva, Maria ; Ewald, Collin Y. ; Ferrucci, Luigi ; Florian, Maria Carolina ; Fortney, Kristen ; Freund, Adam ; Georgievskaya, Anastasia ; Gladyshev, Vadim N. ; Glass, David ; Golato, Tyler ; Gorbunova, Vera ; Hoejimakers, Jan ; Houtkooper, Riekelt H. ; Jager, Sibylle ; Jaksch, Frank ; Janssens, Georges ; Jensen, Martin Borch ; Kaeberlein, Matt ; Karsenty, Gerard ; de Keizer, Peter ; Kennedy, Brian ; Kirkland, James L. ; Kjaer, Michael ; Kroemer, Guido ; Lee, Kai-Fu ; Lemaitre, Jean-Marc ; Liaskos, David ; Longo, Valter D. ; Lu, Yu-Xuan ; MacArthur, Michael R. ; Maier, Andrea B. ; Manakanatas, Christina ; Mitchell, Sarah J. ; Moskalev, Alexey ; Niedernhofer, Laura ; Ozerov, Ivan ; Partridge, Linda ; Passegué, Emmanuelle ; Petr, Michael A. ; Peyer, James ; Radenkovic, Dina ; Rando, Thomas A. ; Rattan, Suresh ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Rudolph, Lenhard ; Ai, Ruixue ; Serrano, Manuel ; Schumacher, Björn ; Sinclair, David A. ; Smith, Ryan ; Suh, Yousin ; Taub, Pam ; Trapp, Alexandre ; Trendelenburg, Anne-Ulrike ; Valenzano, Dario Riccardo ; Verburgh, Kris ; Verdin, Eric ; Vijg, Jan ; Westendorp, Rudi G. J. ; Zonari, Alessandra ; Bakula, Daniela ; Zhavoronkov, Alex ; Scheibye-Knudsen, Morten:
Meeting Report: Aging Research and Drug Discovery.
In: Aging.
Bd. 14
Heft 2
- S. 530-543.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.203859
Mkrtchyan, Garik V. ; Abdelmohsen, Kotb ; Andreux, Pénélope ; Bagdonaite, Ieva ; Barzilai, Nir ; Brunak, Søren ; Cabreiro, Filipe ; de Cabo, Rafael ; Campisi, Judith ; Cuervo, Ana Maria ; Demaria, Marco ; Ewald, Collin Y. ; Fang, Evandro Fei ; Faragher, Richard ; Ferrucci, Luigi ; Freund, Adam ; Silva-García, Carlos G. ; Georgievskaya, Anastasia ; Gladyshev, Vadim N. ; Glass, David J. ; Gorbunova, Vera ; de Grey, Aubrey ; He, Wei-Wu ; Hoeijmakers, Jan ; Hoffmann, Eva ; Horvath, Steve ; Houtkooper, Riekelt H. ; Jensen, Majken K. ; Jensen, Martin Borch ; Kane, Alice ; Kassem, Moustapha ; de Keizer, Peter ; Kennedy, Brian ; Karsenty, Gerard ; Lamming, Dudley W. ; Lee, Kai-Fu ; MacAulay, Nanna ; Mamoshina, Polina ; Mellon, Jim ; Molenaars, Marte ; Moskalev, Alexey ; Mund, Andreas ; Niedernhofer, Laura ; Osborne, Brenna ; Pak, Heidi H. ; Parkhitko, Andrey ; Raimundo, Nuno ; Rando, Thomas A. ; Rasmussen, Lene Juel ; Reis, Carolina ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Franco-Romero, Anais ; Schumacher, Björn ; Sinclair, David A. ; Suh, Yousin ; Taub, Pam R. ; Toiber, Debra ; Treebak, Jonas T. ; Valenzano, Dario Riccardo ; Verdin, Eric ; Vijg, Jan ; Young, Sergey ; Zhang, Lei ; Bakula, Daniela ; Zhavoronkov, Alex ; Scheibye-Knudsen, Morten:
ARDD 2020 : from aging mechanisms to interventions.
In: Aging.
Bd. 12
Heft 24
- S. 24484-24503.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.202454
Millan‐Ariño, Lluís ; Yuan, Zuo‐Fei ; Oomen, Marlies E. ; Brandenburg, Simone ; Chernobrovkin, Alexey ; Salignon, Jérôme ; Körner, Lioba ; Zubarev, Roman A. ; Garcia, Benjamin A. ; Riedel, Christian G.:
Histone Purification Combined with High‐Resolution Mass Spectrometry to Examine Histone Post‐Translational Modifications and Histone Variants in Caenorhabditis elegans.
In: Current Protocols in Protein Science.
Bd. 102
Heft 1
- e114.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cpps.114
Pownall, Madeleine ; Azevedo, Flavio ; König, Laura M. ; Slack, Hannah Rachael ; Evans, Thomas Rhys ; Flack, Zoe ; Grinschgl, Sandra ; Elsherif, Mahmoud Medhat ; Gilligan-Lee, Katie Anne ; Oliveira, Catia Margarida ; Gjoneska, Biljana ; Kanadadze, Tamara ; Button, Katherine Susan ; Ashcroft-Jones, Sarah ; Terry, Jenny ; Albayrak-Aydemir, Nihan ; Děchtěrenko, Filip ; Alzahawi, Shilaan ; Baker, Bradley James ; Pittelkow, Merle-Marie ; Riedl, Lydia ; Schmidt, Kathleen ; Pennington, Charlotte Rebecca ; Shaw, John J. ; Lüke, Timo ; Makel, Matthew C. ; Hartmann, Helena ; Zaneva, Mirela ; Walker, Daniel ; Verheyen, Steven ; Cox, Daniel ; Mattschey, Jennifer ; Gallagher-Mitchell, Thomas ; Branney, Peter ; Weisberg, Yanna J. ; Izydorczak, Kamil ; Al-Hoorie, Ali H. ; Creaven, Ann-Marie ; Stewart, Suzanne ; Krautter, Kai ; Matvienko-Sikar, Karen ; Westwood, Samuel James ; Arriaga, Patricia ; Liu, Meng ; Baum, Myriam A. ; Wingen, Tobias ; Ross, Robert M. ; O'Mahony, Aoife ; Bochynska, Agata ; Jamieson, Michelle K. ; Vel Tromp, Myrthe ; Yeung, Siu Kit ; Vasilev, Martin R. ; Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, Amélie ; Micheli, Leticia ; Konkol, Markus ; Moreau, David ; Bartlett, James Edward ; Brekelmans, Gwen ; Gkinopoulos, Theofilos ; Tyler, Samantha Lily ; Röer, Jan Philipp ; Ilchovska, Zlatomira ; Madan, Christopher R. ; Robertson, Olly May ; Iley, Bethan Joan ; Guay, Samuel ; Sladekova, Martina ; Sadhwani, Shanu:
The impact of open and reproducible scholarship on students' scientific literacy, engagement, and attitudes towards science : A review and synthesis of the evidence.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/9e526
Robert, Valerie J. ; Caron, Matthieu ; Gely, Loic ; Adrait, Annie ; Pakulska, Victoria ; Couté, Yohann ; Chevalier, Manon ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Bedet, Cecile ; Palladino, Francesca:
SIN-3 acts in distinct complexes to regulate the germline transcriptional program in Caenorhabditis elegans.
In: Development.
Bd. 150
Heft 21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.201755
Romero Bueno, Raquel ; Rojas, Marta ; Ayuso, Cristina ; Dobrzynska, Agnieszka ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Ward, Jordan D. ; Askjaer, Peter:
The role of Barrier to Autointegration Factor BAF-1 in chromatin organisation and premature ageing.
Veranstaltung: European Worm Meeting 2022
, 27.-30.07.2022
, Wien.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
Romero Bueno, Raquel ; Rojas, Marta ; Ayuso, Cristina ; Dobrzynska, Agnieszka ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Askjaer, Peter:
C. elegans as a Nestor Guillermo progeria syndrome model.
Veranstaltung: EMBL Conference: Chromatin and Epigenetics
, 17.-20.05.2021
, online.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
Romero Bueno, Raquel ; Gómez-Saldívar, Georgina ; Dobrzynska, Agnieszka ; Rojas, Marta ; Ayuso, Cristina ; Meister, Peter ; Riedel, Christian G. ; Askjaer, Peter:
The role of nuclear envelope proteins BAF-1 and MEL-28 in chromatin organisation.
Veranstaltung: European Worm Meeting
, 22.-23.06.2020
, online.
(Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung
Riedel, Christian G. ; Dowen, Robert H. ; Lourenco, Guinevere F. ; Kirienko, Natalia V. ; Heimbucher, Thomas ; West, Jason A. ; Bowman, Sarah K. ; Kingston, Robert E. ; Dillin, Andrew ; Asara, John M. ; Ruvkun, Gary:
DAF-16 employs the chromatin remodeller SWI/SNF to promote stress resistance and longevity.
In: Nature Cell Biology.
Bd. 15
Heft 5
- S. 491-501.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/ncb2720
Riedel, Christian G. ; Katis, Vittorio L. ; Katou, Yuki ; Mori, Saori ; Itoh, Takehiko ; Helmhart, Wolfgang ; Gálová, Marta ; Petronczki, Mark ; Gregan, Juraj ; Cetin, Bulent ; Mudrak, Ingrid ; Ogris, Egon ; Mechtler, Karl ; Pelletier, Laurence ; Buchholz, Frank ; Shirahige, Katsuhiko ; Nasmyth, Kim:
Protein phosphatase 2A protects centromeric sister chromatid cohesion during meiosis I.
In: Nature.
Bd. 441
Heft 7089
- S. 53-61.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nature04664
Sen, Ilke ; Zhou, Xin ; Chernobrovkin, Alexey ; Puerta-Cavanzo, Nataly ; Kanno, Takaharu ; Salignon, Jérôme ; Stoehr, Andrea ; Lin, Xin-Xuan ; Baskaner, Bora ; Brandenburg, Simone ; Björkegren, Camilla ; Zubarev, Roman A. ; Riedel, Christian G.:
DAF-16/FOXO requires Protein Phosphatase 4 to initiate transcription of stress resistance and longevity promoting genes.
In: Nature Communications.
Bd. 11
Heft 1
- 138.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-13931-7
Ziesemer, Katrin ; König, Laura M. ; Boushey, Carol Jo ; Villinger, Karoline ; Wahl, Deborah R. ; Butscher, Simon ; Müller, Jens ; Reiterer, Harald ; Schupp, Harald T. ; Renner, Britta:
Occurrence of and Reasons for "Missing Events" in Mobile Dietary Assessments : Results From Three Event-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment Studies.
In: JMIR mHealth and uHealth.
Bd. 8
Heft 10
- e15430.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2196/15430
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